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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Now - finally some sense from DC.
  2. Put quite simply- there is a dept of immigration .There is no dept of homosexuality .Ot is illegal to discriminate against homosexuals already. The problem for DIAC is that every mp / senator can write a letter to excuse/ assist an immigrant . Gay rights are established and indisputable .The problem you raise of representation is the huge flaw in Democracy and yet to be solved.
  3. It will only take one person to break the glass door,,i mean, ceiling.And then the rest will follow through and dominate.
  4. Barry Hall is a giant sissy who would not know how to fight his way out of a paper bag. He is an ugly MF with no brain and no balls (God I love being a tough anonymous keyboard warrior).
  5. Yes we are the worst at this. Prior to Nietz , the Tulip was the games holder on 272 ,which is low. Jones will probably crack the 350 Inshallah.
  6. No the Immigration issue is very much something all Australians are entitled to have an opinion on. One of the primary pre-requisites of a sovereign state is that it issues it's own visas and passports. In a town like Melbourne,which has grown 48% in 10 years I wished more people did have an opinion on it. It's central to the housing crisis and the stagnation of our wages. Aborigines are not a minority issue because they are first and foremost Australians. My issue is with the Left and their constant pandering to minorities-who they don't respect as people-only as votes. One day you might see a pattern and realise there is an orchestrated campaign, using violence protest as a back up ,to create civil war in this nation for no good reason.There is an endemic problem in our Unis and Media ,who are now trying to control speech itself. there was a time when homosexuals went about being excellent citizens, winning awards, writing world class novels, ballets etc. Now they are political activists-revolting.
  7. yes and I'm aware that marriage begun as a way to keep wealth within the upper classes but was soon copied by the masses. I'm not actually against it-just the way the YES vote has been prosecuted and agitpropped to death.
  8. Mo and her partner were spectacular on the carpet I must say.
  9. [censored] with language as much as you like-it's a minority issue.Another one that dominates our Parliament and media.
  10. Hi Angela Merkel-the Stasi trained mother of "global warming" .Congrats on the re-birth of the Ultra right wing!!
  11. I'm an atheist but I see the constant attacks on Christianity for what they are-another attack on conservative Australians from a main stream media frothing at the mouth to [censored] the whole country up so we can all march under the red star, the hammer and sickle, or a Che Guevara poster. I'm a Libertarian and a patriot-I don't shyte in the tent when I don't like something the country is doing.
  12. The norm IS the majority-statistically speaking.
  13. i didn't look up the definition but it is "not the norm" clearly.i am left handed ,but I have many gay friends as well.it doesn't worry me if people are [censored].That is not the issue as I keep repeating here.The issue is to do with the constant push to destroy religious rites while we support and include other cultures like China and the Islamic world .nor am I religious btw.FWIW the issue itself does not bother me either but the way the YES vote has been campaigned is another "awareness raising" political appeal in what is a personal choice for the nation.
  14. They are abnormal because they deviate from the norm-which is heterosexuality.It's a fairly simple concept.
  15. But Watts is gone and now Who's on first.
  16. Hope they get an absolute skinful,shag themselves silly and come back ready for the pre-season.
  17. Port down the Gin bottle picket-you're depressing everybody with the shoulda, coulda ,wouldas,
  18. i've been following this club long enough to know that we dress JW up in skimpy clothes and put him on the street corner every year,without fail. Does anyone consider it possible that we are playing a game of poker here. We need to know what the other clubs want, and who they will off load. After QB-he is a keeper .
  19. Marriage itself is not going to normalise homosexuality.Nothing ever will.It's a deviation from the norm ,though one we all consider "normal" in Western culture.Nothing will stop the suicides of children in the bush who realise they are same sex attracted.No grand social engineering or public information campaign will stop homophobes and homophobes themselves are fairly pitiful, often self-hating gays. I'm against politics entering the personal sphere-the rights they seek already exist.This is a political football and nothing more-the shrill cries from both sides of the debate are a battle for moral high ground-look at your Facebook and see how many people want to show their all-inclusive hearts off.I see it for what it is-a grab for money using an oppression that does not exist .It's an attack on traditional families and religion, pushed by inner -urban yuppies .
  20. Of greater concern to me is male pattern baldness.I've lobbied international leaders to contribute to a fund that i will administer, in order to address this serious issue. I estimate billions will be needed ,and i will not rest until this problem is acknowledged globally.
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