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Queanbeyan Demon

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Everything posted by Queanbeyan Demon

  1. Update 18 Set shot drill. Kicking from 30 to 50 metres out. Max not in drill. Everyone else is.
  2. Update 17 4 drill running inside the centre square - 50 metre sprints at 80 percent. Bergo running this drill. Max and Jackson didn't participate.
  3. Update 16 Match sim finished Set shots at goal drill - start at 50 metres and run into 35 metres.
  4. Update 15 Still match sim . . . about 20 mins in. Viney kicked a nice goal.
  5. Update 13 Another match sim commencing. Kossi goal. 35 out 55 degree angle Max in forward line, Jackson in ruck against Majak.
  6. Update 12 Training been going for just over an hour. Woowee recons no changes. May and Smith continuing to do 50 metre run-throughs at around 50 percent with a short break in between.
  7. Update 11 Match sim finished. Only about 25 mins. Doing kick to kick and hand pass drills now.
  8. Update 10 Woowee def outside the cyclone fence checking out training as well.
  9. Update 9 Smith doing 80 metre run-throughs at 90 percent. May jogging, no tape on leg. May just completed 20 metre run at 70 percent.
  10. Update 8 Mitch Brown out marks Lever and kicks a behind from 45/45. Smith and May running the boundary only at this stage. Petty outplaying Weed easily. No heavy tackling or bumping.
  11. Update 7 Tackling, but not fierce. Smith and May are not participating in match sim.
  12. Update 6 Match simulation drill just about to commence. Set up like an actual game.
  13. Update 5 Close in pack drill. Contact. Going 100 percent. Rehab group not participating. Lite raining falling. Lights on.
  14. Update 4 My contact is outside the cyclone fense. So has a obstructed view. Appears Goody is not at training. Appears Williams is taking training.
  15. Update 3 Training is at Lathlaine Park (Eagles headquarters) Not match simulation . . . no contact drills and they are about 30 minutes into the session. More to come.
  16. Update 2 Brayshaw appeared to have corky at yesterday's lite training. Training well today though. May, Smith and Tomlinson going around 80 percent.
  17. I have a mate at the ground now: First drill was circuit work (goal square to CHF to centre and back). May did not participate Rehab group consists of May, Smith and Tomlinson. They are doing lite drills Now a kick to kick from CHF to CHB. May is participating along with Smith and Tomlineson. More to come.
  18. Botton six players can have a remarkable effect on a grand final. And ours are much superior to theirs.
  21. I would be putting in a call to Raymond Reddington.
  22. Bit rich for Triple Chins and Ross 'Duplicitous' Lyon giving advise on how to win grand finals.
  23. Age and games played doesn't necessarily mean leadership, or experience for that matter. Exactly what a developing club doesn't need. Hope he ends up at the Filth then!
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