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Posts posted by McQueen

  1. From what I've heard, the trip gave Scully an insight as to the team dynamics -- relationships within the team, player personalities etc. -- and this has fueled speculation that he returned home after feeling, erm, out of place on the trip. Maybe he clashed with certain players, or perhaps didn't see certain leaders directions as especially beneficial for the team.

    Each to their own.

    A 19 year old after one season with an AFL club has an educated opinion on team dynamics. :blink:

    Beamer might've given him a crash course.

  2. I wonder if the Lyon's have chewed the fat over anything in particular today?

    Ross Lyon strikes me as the sort of bloke that can move on fairly quickly. Realistically, how long would it take for an announcement if he was to accept?

  3. Well at the end of the day and in the light of that same day I think all things are revealed in the fulness of time. We ought to realise things are always darkest before the dawn but thankfully that light at the end of the tunnel will illuminate all.Well every dog has its day and I feel every Demonlander entitled to a say even if that say is to say a tad too cliche !!

    Ban cliches....Just off the top of my head, I think it's over your head. I mean you'd loose your head if it wasn't attached. Go runnin' 'round like a chicken with its head cut off. I need your opinon like I need a hole in the head and if I had eyes in the back of my head I'd say two heads are better than one, but in your case I think you're in over your head. It's all in your head. You got your head in the clouds. Regardless, don't bury your head in the sand.

    Anyhow my head id swimming.:wacko:

    Love your work.

  4. It would want to be someone who warms the cockles of the faithful because if we lose our no.1 draft pick and name an uninspiring coach within the space of 10 days membership will drop 30% heading into '012.

    I'm hearing you there RR.

  5. I should add by way of clarification that I don't know either way which way the decision will fall but I think it's time for all AFL supporters to combat the AFL's stand over tactics.

    I have no issue with a new franchise but the rules giving them clear unfettered access to recruit 20 and 21 year olds like Davis, Ward and possibly Scully is an attack on the integrity of the game.

    A lot of this is just plain old bad timing. To deal in hypotheticals a little, which is quite reasonable on this site:

    • If we were in a stronger postion for the last 5 years, we wouldn't be having this conversation or caring much about it
    • How frequently will new franchises be added to the AFL in the future? Too bad GC and GWS fell right in the middle of us being really bad and
    • We did in fact get TS and JT out of that draft so while it's going to be disappointing, we still have done very well.
      Build that bridge people.

  6. I still think our best chance is Ross Lyon. He's being too coy for there not be anything in the rumour mongering.

    The more I listen to him speak and in general the way he conducts himself is far more professional than Malthouse.

    But I agree, if we can't land one of these fish then the process of hiring an assitant will be a whole lot more hectic for GL and his selection team. Whether they've contingency planned for that scenario is another thing. I would've hoped they did.

  7. It's fair to say that a lot of water had passed under the bridge since the offer from GWS was first put to Tom - most notably the sacking of the Coach and more recently the signing of some key players.

    All this will be adding to the delay in the decision (even though I guess Ward has had similar outcomes at the Dogs) and I believe it must be playing a big part in Tom's analysis of not only the status quo, but also looking ahead into that 5 years of potential GWS shambles.

    He's a smart kid, no doubting that, and I really would not be surprised if a large weighting of the decision was based on who the Coach will be - whether that's announced before Tom's decision or after.

  8. Just a quick question - What if Tom decides to stay (and thsts a big if IMO) how will he be treated by the supporters?

    Based on some of the comments on this site it seems there are quiet a few who now dislike him because of the process he has gone through to make up his mind.

    Just curious.

    I couldn't care less about the process or charade, whatever you want to call it.

    The fact is this:

    If Tom stays and has a break out year free of injury, all would be forgotten. If it's another mediocre year with a few niggling injuries then there will be plenty of knockers lining up.

  9. Even if he does GO, he will be back playing in Vic soon enough after the failed enterprise that will be GWS.

    I honestly can't see this outfit getting a following strong enough to support a long term. Anyway, don't want to get off track. :mellow:

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