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Posts posted by McQueen

  1. Cats by 28 pts.

    Norm Smith - Chappy

    First goal - Dawes

    Crowd - 100013

    Pies look home early in the third with a slender lead in very wet conditions. Chapman irons out Swan and kicks 3 goals before the final break. Cats coast home in driving hail. Collingwood fans very wet and [censored] off.

  2. I can't understand the bit about Moloney? One of the best clearance players in the AFL polled 19 brownlow votes and won our B&F. He is a gun player and will be in or best players for years to come. THe thing is Moloney's year would have been much better if guys like Davey and Green stepped up.

    Hopefully Davey can get back to his best. A lot of issues are mental ones. Can't handle a tag, sulks far to easy. Doesn't work hard enough and is generally scared. I really wish this coming year was the last of his contract. (not sure when but i do think he was given a nice 4 year deal) As it seems after he signed the big deal he has dropped off.

    SHould be on the trade table or involved to get GC under 17's.

    A bit harsh PJ.

    I have confidence that the rise of the club under the new management and coaching structure will see Flash return to his best. The bloke has been hassled without relent over the last couple of seasons and his team mates have not been switched on, skilled enough, structured enough nor tough enough to intervene.

    The hardest team to play in the afl will require players like Davey.

    • Like 1
  3. What's that saying, too many cooks spoil the broth? I'm happy that we've got Craig, but he's overseeing Neeld, Misson and Viney, in their roles in coaching, fitness and development. In a way I think it would have been better if we just made Neeld the boss and trusted him to delegate when applicable.

    You should get out of your 1950's time-warp.

    Club administration hasn't been that simple for decades.

    The lack of input from highly qualified people has been our biggest failure.

    • Like 1
  4. To those in the media and on here who rubbished Garry and said his short stint would achieve nothing, please take a moment to relect on the changes at the MFC recently. Not saying he takes all the credit but he clearly has had some major input.

    Yeah, Jeff! You dope.

  5. Keep your excitement under control!

    What if the" defining season" says we have actually over rated our players in the past and we are a bottom six side?

    No slashing of wrists now.

    Stay calm and wait and see how 2012 plays out.


    The 2012 season will be defined, in part, by who is up for it and who isn't. I'm forecasting quite a few departures at the end of next season.

  6. You have got me Sloonie.

    I have read the MFC announcement 4 times.

    Now I might be a little dense this afternoon.

    But I am struggling with the Structure.

    Not sure how it all fits together.

    Can anyone enlighten me?

    Have a gut feeling we will have more chiefs than indians in 2012.

    How much are all these guys costing?

    We must have tripled the FD spend from 2011.

    PS sloonie what happened to your avatar I have read your postings now?

    I think you're asking for too much detail from a quick press release old dee..

    Craig would not have bothered with this position had he not been able to see where he can influence and add substantial value to the Clubs efforts. It's not in his make-up.

  7. Very exciting time for the club.

    Stoked by this appointment. The level of management this footy club is going to be under will leave absolutley no room for passengers.

    2012 will be a defining season for the MFC. I cannot wait.

  8. Hi B59. Not sure why I replied to your post to add my piece, actually, I did it becuase I know how much you love it when I do. So here goes;

    I'm not as excited about most on here regarding the appointment of Neeld. That's not to say that I think he will fail, I am just going to reserve my judgement until I have seen how the players respond to his ways.

    My initial reaction was of disappointment, due to the fact that we didn't achieve what we originally set out to, that being able to get an experineced coach. We tried, but we missed out. I can't help but feel we have had to go to our "2nd best scenario".

    In reply to the OP, can this be the start of a new era for the MFC? Well, time will tell I guess. The Club still firmly believe that we can become the Team of the Decade, and even though they offered Neeld an initial 3 years, Schwab menioned that this appointment may in fact be a 7 to 10 year appointment. Obviously Neeld interviewed well.

    I'll leave your post B59 with this little link;


    This confirms why my judgement is reserved for the time being.

    Bailey, in this article bangs on about his 'Blue Sky' whereas Neeld's interviews are more about attitudes and behaviours.

    Apples and Oranges these two in interviews. I'm pretty confident playing styles and results will be just as much of a contrast.

  9. Just want to write this and see what people think...

    Brad Green has been a Melbourne player since 1999.

    He has played 241 games.

    He has won games off his own boot.

    He has ran with the flight of the ball and nearly killed himself more than once.

    He turned down more money and success at Collingwood so he could remain a loyal one club player.

    He has given everything that he possibly could of himself to the Melbourne Football Club.

    However he had 1 bad year as a captain in 2010.

    Brad Green may or may not be finished, next year will decide that.

    But the fact that supporters of the Melbourne Football Club sit in judgement and declare he shouldn't be offered a deal and maybe he should retire is a disgrace.

    So he wasn't a good captain... Wow then we should delist him.

    What if Trengove is a bad captain and we suck in '12? What if Frawley is a bad captain and we suck in '12?

    Just take the captaincy off Greeny, it isn't that hard and it is all the MFC need to do in regards to Green.... Just let him play care free again.

    Whether he stays or goes, is good or bad, he at the very least deserves the slightest bit of respect.

    Or do we want another James Mcdonald situation? Pay respect to the people who have come before and what they have done.

    I agree as well.

    The fact remains though that apart from the jumper grab at the Crows game, there's not been a whole lot of passion from Greeny of late. I appreciate that there was a lot going on behind the scenes that might have been distracting for him from playing well or being an effective Captain but some players of his age find it harder to come back from a mediocre season.

    Let's hope he can.

  10. Funny that. I've just been poking around twitter and came across a tweet by Marty Pask, retweeted by Damian Barrett saying that the AFL loving public voted Walkers as the best, but the AFL themselves overruled it. This disproves one of my reasons, but doesn't go much distance at all to disproving the others. Unfortunately the Filth do seem to have a bit of extra fortune with these sorts of things, just calling it as I see it.

    Well if that is true it's very disappointing but given the AFL's form of late, not surprising.

    Black and white@&$?!

  11. I reckon your right brendan. For me it was between Ricky or Walker. But I think we all know why Krakouer won it now, don't we??

    Collingwood player, fairytale comeback, public vote with the biggest supported club in the league. Need I go on?

    Collingwood player, fairytale comeback, public vote with the biggest supported club in the league. Need I go on?

    These things are always debatable. I thought it was pretty good grab.

    You need to build a bridge to get over the filth's supposed fortune in these things. We're better than that cobber.

  12. Understand what you are saying but I am ok with what Leading Teams do if it is restricted to a blind vote from the players for the 7 players they look to for leadership.

    The coach/FD then decides on a 5 man LG and a captain. Or captains.

    The players should have some input.

    That's how I would do it.

    I hope the Leading Teams program gets the flick too. I have a feeling Neeld will not support it after coming from Malthouse's stable.

    Massive change needed at the club and Leadership is top of the list. Why would you want to continue with something that has not worked?

    I'm all for empowering the playing group but our boys need be engaged before this can happen.

  13. Let the players decide. After all, I think they are the best people to judge who has the best leadership qualities.

    Also who they have their faith in. You will find this will be a player they would put their bodies on the line for.

    You're kidding, right?

    The team at the moment would not know if a leadership quality came up from behind and bit them on the bum.

  14. Said it before in other threads.

    I, IMHO, believe JT is the type that can be moulded into a fine, young, and strong Captain and leader of the team.

    However, from listening to Neelds interview and how he will be able to judge players from their actions in regards to his 'non negotiables', I'm pretty sure the Coach will choose wisely for us.

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