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Everything posted by Olgreybeard49

  1. I think you can get Kayo Standard (1 screen) FOR $25
  2. Thought I might join the chat. McAdam is highly skilled, with evasive tricks and a good footy IQ. Marks as if he were taller, like Fritta. He's done the work and I look forward to his first game, where he kicks 3 and dishes off a couple. Have prescribed vitamins to avoid further injury / illness and a small dose off apotropaic magic to ward of negative DL comments. He'll be fine.
  3. To jump the paywall: https://www.removepaywall.com/search?url=https://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/jack-viney-opens-up-on-turbulent-2024-how-dees-get-back-to-the-top-in-2025/news-story/d8efb21b0b10aaea79d2883c9b146232#google_vignette
  4. A bloke called John Nicholls went OK at 189. Strength, positioning and mongrel, (lots of), made up for lack of height.
  5. Max joked once that Russian wouldn't let him win a tap for the first 6 years.
  6. Too short for a back-up ruck? Nah. John Nicholls was 189cm but won out through strength, jostling, positioning and the occasional mongrel act. Different era? Sure, but those tactics still work to negate a superior ruck.
  7. No. I thought you made a balanced comment, which is why I quoted it. The "this one" was my off topic post. Apologies for any unintended angst.
  8. I reckon there's a PHD waiting for someone to research how far into a social media thread before there is an ad hominem, snark or off topic post (like this one). Sorta like Godwin's law. Plenty of examples here to start.
  9. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
  10. FREE TICKET. I still have no idea how this happens but, in addition to my normal reserved seats memberships, I have a spare general admission ticket. First DLander to DM me is welcome to it. I suspect something to do with my Kayo membership.
  11. And I have no idea how I did!! After my annual tussle with Ticketek and the Melbourne app it just appeared.
  12. Oh, look at that. As a byproduct of renewing Kayo through the club, I seem to have received a GA ticket in addition to our normal memberships. Clearly the old bloke had no idea what he was doing. DM me if you can use a Gen Admission tkt. for Sunday. I suspect this will recur for all home games.
  13. To those who hold sway with the cheer squad, @WalkingCivilWar maybe, the banner for first game should simply say Gus. Everyone will know the courage, commitment, and collegiality it means. Bit worried someone will stretch the alliteration to add concussion, so just don't.
  14. Totally ignoble - when I came to the big smoke and the kids at primary school wanted to know who I barracked for, I abandoned the Devenish Redlegs and picked the team on top of the ladder (in the 50's). Stuck with Dees since through thick and, mainly, thin.
  15. Last minute but 2 tkts available for d'lander - level 4 Olympic Q50 row B. DM me with email or mobile. F.o.c. but maybe a charity donation if the budget allows.
  16. Trivia facts (I used to work in Yea): 1. The golf course had a tournament rule 'balls taken by magpies may be replaced without penalty' I don't golf so maybe that's normal; has stuck in my brain for 50 years. 2. In the same week that I lodged a drought relief application, the town was flooded. Canoes in the main street etc. Thanks for the training reports, folks.
  17. I wonder why they bother naming players in positions. Over the last few games I have seen different positions on AFL vs MFC website one week and magnets that changed position pre-game pretty much every week. My conclusion is that the likelihood of the team actually lining up as published is down to zero and falling.
  18. Statistically that gives you a 3.7% chance. Should work as well as anything you might utilise, employ or otherwise endeavour to apply :)
  19. The answer is zero. What the coaches value is defensive pressure and goal assists. Last week when a journalist asked Goody about Kossie returning to form, Goody said 'He hasn't been down in the things we value. 6 possessions and 8 tackles prior week." Not to mention the push that created the path for Petracca's goal. Toby will be fine if he sticks to what I am happy to say is now the Melbourne way.
  20. Much as I loved watching Cam play we can do without a return of the Camikaze handball thanks.
  21. Predominantly for the purpose of procrastinating from the project I should be progressing I'll add my prognostication: I'd love to see Majak selected to reward the work to recover from the deep dark place but, given the selection committee's history, I'm with the consensus: Out: Smith and the Covid trio In: Lever, Viney, Bedford, TMac and toss a coin for the sub. Out of excuses, back to work.
  22. Well, this is more interesting than the normal ins and outs thread, in a worrying sort of way.
  23. Does anyone have the definitive list of 3 players / 1 abode? Given Jackson confirmed and that instagram post I guess Bedford is a monty which leaves one young best 22.
  24. Good point although I think the mantra was slightly more nuanced. I recall Bernie Vince and others yelling '3 seconds' at training indicating that was the time the player had to receive, decide and dispose.
  25. Tomlinson sat out the second half at Casey. Late change?
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