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Demon Dynasty

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Posts posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. This sign idea is cringeworthy and defeatist.

    We as supporters would look pathetic and desperate, and be a mockery in the eyes of opposition supporters.



    Just don't go there....ughhh.

    Bit like the flag being raised before the game. Rather hear us start playing "Thunder", "Highway to Hell" or "Hells Bells" before the bounce. Get the crowd into it, the boys fired up a little (maybe lol) and toughen this club up a little pre-match!

    I also want the original "Fable Singers" version of our song to be played. The present one sucks IMO. We've gone soft and south ever since it's release lol!

  2. I think Warnock's form has been pretty good. He was ordinary by foot last week but apart from that he has been playing his role. I can't see him being left out.

    Lol. You must've been watching through rose coloured 'Warnock' glasses WA. He was embarrassing last week and also against North and that's just 2 recent ones that come to memory. There's been plenty of others over the last few years.

    He has size and can take an uncontested mark, but that's about it. Terrible reader of the ball coming in high, poor body work often interfering with other fellow players in better position in the marking/spoiling contest and often spoiling their efforts when out of position, drops simple chest marks under no pressure resulting in turnover goals. And once the ball hits the ground it's 'chook without a head' time.

    Why would we want to continue giving senior game time to a player with these traits? This is the type of player that the MFC continues to have faith in year after year, whilst seemingly being unwilling to make the tough call and try potentially better alternatives, leaving other prospects to rot in the Magoos (unless we have a deft of injuries like we do now and we're forced to select alternatives outside of the regular favorites). While the somewhat more experienced but in the main, under-performing player, continues to rack up game after game, without actually being deserving, earning it or improving on past performance. Just maintaining his 'status quo'. No better, no worse, so lets just keep playing him and eventually, with enough experience, he should somehow improve and provide value!?? Not saying Warnock can't improve. I hope he can for his and our sake. But let him do a little time in the Magoos and work on it, before taking another look sometime down the track when he appears as if he's improved on aspects of his game. Same applies to anyone else IMO.

    If a player is showing something, gradually improving week to week or month to month (whatever the timeline is for assessment) and deserving of his place then fine. Let them continue and develop their game & gather experience.

    IMHO this 'easy going/she'll be right' attitude is one of the key reasons as to why the MFC often under performs, never quite taking the next step in our overall improvement/development into an "A" level AFL team. Always end up being 'B' grade team wise (at best) or when we bottom out we really bottom out....going from 'B' at best down to a 'C' or even worse. Then we tank and try to find alternative prospects with some early draft picks. Then the same approach/attitude/cycle continues. And then we supporters are left year after year saying...."why can't we find/develop enough players into an elite team...why are we always languishing as a mid rung team or worse year after year, decade after decade?"

    Warnock has 7 extra kilos and in his favour at this stage and 54 games advantage. Both the same height so no disadvantage there. Need to test other options at this point. Even if McDonald has 3 - 5 clangers, that's about par for Warnock as well. However, we at least get to see where McDonald is at and what he may have to offer as a a medium to long term prospect at this level. And yes, i realise it will take a lot more than 1 game to assess that.

  3. That was the curse-of-'65 stepping in to prevent a return to the Promised Land. I know we had a stack of injuries but my lord we were good in that latter part of '87. We would've given the Grand Final a shake.

    It all seems so far off now.

    Not the dreaded Smithy sacking curse you mean lol! I sometimes wonder how/why our injury probs arise year after year, yet some other clubs run the whole season almost injury free, sometimes helping them win the big one eg., The Filth last year. Hawks in 2008 etc.

    Bro is longer in the tooth than i Demon wise and he swears there's something there "curse" wise too.

    Is there someone around who can come down and conduct an anti-curse ceremony lol?:rolleyes:

  4. Honestly, I think the next couple of weeks are the best opportunity this season to blood some kids. They are games that are all but lost anyway, our injury list is almost as long as our list of available players, so why not admit that they are long shots, throw in some kiddies while we do a little mid-season rehab/patch up on some of the senior players, and let them take the game on. At worst we loose badly, and sorry to say we're already doing that. At best we uncover some serious talent and give a big scare to a couple of good sides.

    I think you may have got Rhino'd up there Ralphius!

    But you never know. You might be on to something.

    Maybe this is our Annus Horribilus. Lucifer has strange ways of doing things. He just might be saying to us... "time to Delve real DEEEP fellas!"

    In the process we just might uncover the 1 or 2 future superstars from the Magoos who will lead us to premiership glory!! :blink:


    Awaiting the launch of 'The Hurricane'

  5. The best way to make people stop saying you're soft is to harden the f*&k up! Being offended doesn't help.

    No reason why we can't harden up and defend ourselves publicly at the same time.

    Agreed though. Gotta walk the walk and back it up when it counts with hard nosed never say die efforts on Friday night and from here on! Win, lose or draw.

  6. Forget Stynes and Buckenara, it's Eishold, Yeates and Campbell who should be burned at the stake ;)

    I wouldn't lump Yeater in there Grape. I was directly behind our goals (smack bang in the middle) in the last quarter when he took that shot on the run.

    I swear that ball was shooting straight towards me when he first launched it and up to about half way towards goal. I was even thinking at the time that i could have a go at marking it or that i might have to protect the war office! Suffice to say in that split second i'd already marked it down as a goal (and almost the sealer!). It swung away in the last 15 meters, almost as if an invisible hand was pushing it to the left of the goal posts and didn't want for it to go through (left from my perspective).

    I can still remember looking at my other half at the time in bewilderment thinking "WTF!??".

    There's a whole lot of things that lead to these close finishes. Another for example.... there was a very obvious throw about 20 meters in front of the Hawks goals in the first quarter and they scored a goal. I'm not mentioning the player here out of respect.

    On the day, yeah there was Eishold, Campbell, Stynes and the throw etc. But the kick on goal by Yeater was the moment for me that always sticks and i always think "what if?"...and "why/how didn't that shot go through?"

    If you trailed through the replay i'm sure you'd find plenty of others.

    But those boys did us proud during that finals series, including Yeater, and shouldn't be remembered for the "odd" things that didn't work out in our favour in the heat of battle.

    I prefer to see them all as Swooper's heroes and heroes of our club, given what we were up against, where we'd come from and the great efforts they'd made to get us (and Robbie!) within one kick of a GF...after the siren. They truly played for each other and gave their all for the Red & the Blue!


    Mighty Demons Forever

  7. Bailey has come out on Fox Footy (press conference just now) and defended the sledge on our players by Carlton and has also refuted the cheat comment from Malthouse.

    He rejected Ratten's comments earlier this morning that the comments were more to do with how Carlton were approaching the game after half time.

    Good stuff Deano!

    Finally we're speaking up and making a stand.....let's hope we can follow this up on the field going forward!

  8. Obviously you are from the external locus of control. I however, am from the other school of thought which says that I control my own destiny, no one other than myself can choose which path I willingly go down. I thinks its damning that professional footballers require an external voice to motivate them to achieve success.

    Bailey hasn't helped his own cause, selecting Brad Green as captain was a big mistake. The captain is the conduit between the players and the coach, this is where the message is being lost.


    I have a feeling BOTH of them maybe losing the message, whatever it is, on the rest of the playing group.

    If you haven't already, i suggest watching Chip's after match post-mortem (under "Demon TV" on our site) and decide for yourself. He may or may not be a good barometer but his body language/comments, particularly at the 1.00 minute mark, are pretty telling IMO.

    I know things are always at there most grim straight after a loss. But i have to say i'm now very concerned about the effects this season is having right now on many within the playing group and how it may pan out at the end of the season trade wise.

    Hopefully my worst fears won't be realised... eg., Scully, Chiper & others exiting stage left! :huh:

  9. "Soft" implies we are scared to go in for the hard ball. Certainly we have a few "outside" players - Bennell, Jurrah, Morton, to name three of the most cited examples - who appear reluctant to charge into a contest, but I think our weakness is just that, weakness. We are small/light/undersized, call it what you will. Until we have a side that can match it physically with the other good sides, who are mostly full of strong, big-bodied players, we will struggle. Then the players, including the perceived soft players, need to be taught to stick a tackle. Will that come with development? How much of it is down to the game plan having players in the wrong position? How much is is down to the footy department concentrating on game-plan at the expense of personal physical development?

    One thing was obvious to me: against North & Carlton we had a go, but did not have the grunt to win the ball our way. No matter how hard we tackled the ball still managed to squirt out to the opposition's advantage.

    Nevertheless, at the moment we have too many "outside" players and not enough "inside" players. We are unbalanced. But surely the footy department knows that and it trying to do something about it.

    Great thread Tony

    For example, after the 23-25 minute mark of first quarter in the game against North this is exactly one of the key areas we fell down in. Yep there were many issues other than this in the last few minutes of that 1st quarter and after quarter time, including poor strategies/moves by Bailey in the last 5 minutes of the 1st, but to me this is a stand out and not just this game.

    Our inability across the ground to lay tackles and make them stick, in particular within our forward 50, continues to cost us dearly. Along with general accountability/grunt/size and HEIGHT! Even with our entire list on the park, i still see this as an issue, in particular with our forward 50 stocks.

    Can't see it changing for the remainder of this year or even 2012, subject to some amazing trade pick ups/deals.

  10. This has to be one of THE funniest posts i've read on here. unfortunately at the expense of our Club.....again.

    Sadly we've not only become a laughing stock with many opposition supporters, but amongst our own now. Not a new thing though. I recall plenty of laughs in our regular supporter group (including Bro) in the 70's/80,s and in particular 1996/97. If anyone recalls some of the performances in 96/97 believe me when i say, they made some of the recent losses look impressive!

    Have to laugh though or we'll all go insane eh.

    Belze some of your work up there, Especially the pics of the headless chook & finger in dyke...absolute GOLD mate!

    All we need now is for Mark "Jacko" Jackson and Crackers Keenan to make a comeback!


  11. creating a nest of sheparding players, i like it.......the Nest

    I like this as one possible counter method as well. However, one possible problem i see arising is the 5 meter rule where you can't block/shepherd outside of this zone or it could be considered as "charging". Team mates would have to be so precise in their judgment with it, in the end i think the umps would have a field day. Worth looking into though.

    One method i believe i've seen the Cats using for some time, but i think it's even more fine tuned now under Scott! (i'm sure the better teams are using it and have in the past for quite a while)...

    On taking possession, they wait until the very last second before passing (mostly by hand) to their next option. For want of a better word i'll refer to it as "The Release". Being the Cats, that next option isn't always free of an opponent and in more advantageous (get out) space either. They have faith for obvious reasons.

    But by waiting till that last split second and keeping their arms free of the tackler, they create the time/space needed (sometimes) for the next player, hopefully freeing them up a little more from their direct opponent/s, allowing them to transition out of defense more effectively, allowing the receiver to then pass by foot for speed/distance/or even scoring if within range.

    I realise the Cats aren't alone here and this "release" method isn't new by any means, but the point i'm making is that i feel they've taken it to another level in terms of how well they're timing is (albeit we're talking marginal percentages but ...every percent helps i would think).

    Add to this their willingness/ability to take the tackle if they believe it's a better option, rather than just passing off (or coughing it up as the expression goes) to a 50/50 or potentially to the advantage of an opponent. This is where i see a big hole across many of our playing group atm (not all but many). Just not willing or able to take enough tackles and wear them in tight contested play forcing the next stoppage, provided they haven't had serious prior opportunity of course.

    There are times when our preferred method/system to beat the press is going to fall down given the myriad of circumstances that arise during a game. Having this "release" method in close contested footy is a necessity and a critical fall back IMO. Including the ability/willingness to "take the tackle" and force that next stoppage when the situation requires (or you're just beaten/overwhelmed in the contest)!

    Mature bods, experience, raw talent and execution skills play a big factor obviously.

    We could do worse than learn from our feline foes! Certainly are purrrring right now!!

  12. How about....

    We add some big marking forwards into the mix? Like real ones i mean that can hold down key positions week after week and perform (ie., not Juice/Petterd lol), take big pack marks (any contested marks will do at this point!) AND kick more goals more often compared to the last 3 years and 9 rounds! The ball goes straight back to The Big Russian & Beamer partnership straight after this...avoiding the press!

    ~ Presto! Press problem eliminated + more goals = potentially more wins = developing a winning culture = more memberships/bigger crowds/more sponsors/higher sponsor $/more broadcast time/ = more $ for the FD/facilities/Coaching/Training staff & trade options and maybe, just maybe....a crack at the big one in 3 - 5 years! :)

    If only we had those forwards :huh: .....and if only it were that simple.

    Time to think "trade" peeps!!!

  13. All AFL teams with an average across the list of how many games each player has played, if you wouldn't mind. Thanks Rusty

    Ok. Well unfortunately at this point i aint got the time to compile every team average. Best i can do is supply you the spreadsheet i use for comparing who we're up against week to week (2 team stats much quicker obviously).

    I have data for 4 teams included so far. But it'll need updating if you want it to be accurate and to include all other teams obviously. Of course as each week passes and with ins/outs the data becomes dated.

    Now my problem is i have no idea how to get this to you on here. So if you could supply an email address then i'll forward to you mate? (Unless one of the mods or someone can explain how i can pin it onto a thread here pls?)

    Here's the link to the site i use for updating the data which may help assist once you get my spreadsheet......




  14. I didn't see Scully after 3/4 time, think he may have been rested in the last. Could possibly come back in but will take a couple of weeks to get full fitness and touch. Up to the footy dept to decide if an underdone Scully is better than other options. Personally I'd like to see him play, maybe sub him off at 3/4 time if we still have the option.

    Gawn may not look it but he's very strong imo. Held his ground well at boundary throw ins and around the ground ball ups against Hudson. His body work was excellent and I thought he won the ruck duel although Hudson was good around the ground. Some sublime tap work to hit Scully on the [censored] at full pace on several occasions was the most exciting thing for me today. Is this the first time these two have played together or did they team up as juniors. Just curious because they seem to work very well together already. They'll be an awesome combo down the track. Gawns skills and coordination are miles ahead of Spencer.

    Howe was excellent today. He's runs, chases, takes a good grab and hits the scoreboard. Thought he might be a flashy type from his youtube vids after he was drafted but he worked hard all day and was one of Caseys better players. Blease played well, took the game on at every opportunity and seems to be moving freely. Beautiful chase down of Djerrkura in the third and some blistering runs, the kid is very quick. His kicking was off early but improved as the game went on. I don't know if 3 debutantes is too much in 1 week but I'd much rather lose getting games into Gawn, Howe and Blease than Bate, Newton or Macdonald.

    Tom McDonald could surprise for a game before long. I'd prefer him to Warnock to be honest. His hands are excellent and he looked pretty composed under pressure at VFL level anyway. Solid kick, looks a player imo. Davis was good too. For a kid with a limited preperation he competed hard and did some really good things.

    Great work furious, thank you

    No better time than now re Gawn, the Hurricane Howe, Blease and Tom McDonald. Nothing to lose.

    Personally i think Petterd out (for Hurricane) instead of Newton. Newton doesn't offer much more but at least he presents on the lead (at times), can hit/split a pack (on rare occasions) and he does chase and tackle (at times lol). At least Juice gives some value rather than none (Petterd).

    Maybe the Hurricane as Sub for Newton seeing as it appears Newton hasn't the tank for a full game. Half a game each maybe. And no, for those Juice haters i don't see him as a long term viable option either. Just a stop gap. Very little else on offer forward wise atm sadly. Go the Hurricane!

    Bate, Warnock and Nicholson the other outs. Alternatively if the FD deems Nicholson deserves another go at it and some consistency then leave in for the next few weeks until we've seen a little more and he has a chance to get a feel for the speed/pace/intensity of AFL standard. Good time to take a good look at some of our 2nd/3rd stringers and rookies while the chips are down and see what they can offer us for our future.

    I note that the Swans have had 5 first gamers this year and have won all 5 games upon their inclusion. Stocks aren't as low as ours across the lines but just thought it worth noting. There is some hope once we start to get our regular more experienced seniors back. Unfortunately that's 3 - 4 weeks away before we'll see much of an impact.

    Even then i think we're so far off AFL level (intensity/skill/game plan wise) i fear it will take a miracle to salvage much from this year (other than testing/trying out our rookies etc) from here.

  15. I know we're probably second-lowest on this list (possibly third) but anyway...

    Does anyone have the average experience (ie average number of games each player has played) of each team stat running around? Just trying to work something out.

    You after every AFL team's stats Striker or just the Demons? Or teams playing tonight? Can supply Demons & Blues spreadsheet showing this for tonight if you need.

    Alternatively i posted a summary of some of it on The People Speak - Game Preview Post by Demonland yesterday (Demons Blues) if that helps. Happy to supply spreadsheet if you want but not sure if that's what you're lookin for....cheers

  16. Team goals consists of more than places to finish on the ladder.

    Thanks for the inside tip RR. Wouldn't have known this otherwise :rolleyes:

    And given the statements made by the Club over the past few months and the actions of Stynes and co., your assumption that that its alright to finish as low as 16th and there is no real or perceived pressure to perform each week is pure fantasy at best.

    And Carlton is at least 2 to 3 years ahead of MFC on the cycle, they have spent big on Judd, Warnock and mysteriously McLean in the past few years to drive Gibbs, Murphy and co. They have performed poorly in finals football in the past 2 years and have lost both finals first up. Its no illusion that one of there goals is to win a final. Its not rocket science. MFC had the same challenge in 2006 after 2004-2005.

    I'm just saying there's nothing public from the club goal wise re what their expectations are for the FD/Bailey in terms of goals they're expecting to achieve this year. Yes i'm sure there's more to it than ladder position. And sure, none of this aspect as to where the Blues are at publicly and goal wise is rocket science. Never claimed it was. Nor an illusion lol. Heyy Rocky, watch me pull this rabbit outta the hat! ~ Visions of Jeannie popping out of the bottle.....Swiiiiisshhh! Ahhh.....dreamy. Oops, i digress a little. Your fault RR.

    And yes i'm sure the club has set the FD/Bailey certain goals for this year that they would probably prefer not to disclose publicly. Just that the Blues have been very definite on this in a public sense and it appears (at this point) to be on track.

    Should you have something from a past news conference or an official statement from the Club or Stynes that you'd like to share with me i'd be more than pleased for you to post it (or the link here) and educate me. I don't propose to know the inner workings of the club and some of what i say is a little off the cuff and flippant at times. I guess what i'm alluding to is Carlton appear to be a little more "on track" and "driven" at this point of time in comparison.

    Regardless i don't think it's the major "Key" that will impact on how the teams might perform tonight. Just saw it as one part of many.

    I'm certainly not saying (nor did i say) where i thought we were at as a club overall in comparison "development" wise in both these club's cycles. So i'm not sure where you're coming from with that point. A good point nonetheless.

    Over to you RR....


  17. Thanks RN you have covered it for very well.

    Could not disgree with one thing you have written

    Cheers O.D.

    Hopefully a little more upbeat in coming weeks with some regulars due back.

    Fingers crossed

  18. Am I the only one here that has a strangely good feeling about tomorrow night?

    Maybe it's just cos I'm going with all my Carlton-supporting friends and am going to shout them all down...

    I like your optimism but....

    The way i see it, we would need at least 5 of our 12 rookies putting in a blinder and beating their opponents hands down to offset the extra experience of the Blues at their top end, plus the rest of our boys having a 50/50 result (at least) with their opponents for us to pull this one out....

    Nothing's impossible. Hec we won a night flag against the Bombers in 87 with half regulars and half 2nd stringers. But this aint for a flag and i don't think any of the current players were playing back then. Oh, and Swooper was the coach and well, anything was possible! :wub:

    Not wishing to dampen your enthusiasm but I had one of those 'good feelings' against the Roos a few weeks back..... :mellow:

    Maybe Juice will pull one out of the fire and bag 8 (was gonna say 10 but lets be conservative eh) with Nicholson kicking a goal after the siren for the win!!

  19. Melbourne vs Carlton Round 10, 2011 - Experience Stats

    Average games played by Team

    Demons - 59

    Blues - 91

    Average games played by category


    Demons - 23 / 12 (average games / number of players)

    Blues - 24 / 7


    Demons - 72 / 5

    Blues - 71 / 4


    Demons - 134 / 5

    Blues - 140 / 11

    If you would like me to include something else for comparison purposes pls let me know and I'll try (time and ease of access/inclusion allowing)



  20. HOWE fellow deminions

    I'm trying to look for the positives however.....

    1. Carlton are on track and are clearly on a mission with a clearly defined gaol (ie., to make the finals and win at least one final this year). We have no team goal in terms of where we'd like to finish that i am aware of, at least none that's been made public anyway. This suggests to me that it's ok (for this year at least) if we finish anywhere other than wooden spooners (again) i guess.

    Hence, no real or perceived pressure (internally) to perform consistently week to week other than self motivation. Which is no excuse i realise, and if the players were made of the right stuff this shouldn't matter etc etc...yeh....i hear ya! Keep your knickers/jocks on peeps! :lol:

    2. Blues lost by 1 kick to one of THE premium teams last week in the Cats. It was said by a few within that team that Carlton produced the most intense "at the ball" contest they had been up against so far this year. This will be hard to counter IF Carlton brings it. I can't see them not bringing it.

    3. We've been rocked by ommissions and injuries. And no i'm not counting Davey here as an additional injury. Should've been dropped regardless, but we'll never know now whether Bailey & FD would've had enough gonads to do so unfortunately. As much as i hope the young boys can pull something out of the fire, i think having 12-13 effective rookies in the team (maybe more after the teams are announced) and approx only 4 experienced players (100+ games), will result in a severe under weighting of experience when the going gets tough and strong leadership/bodies/contests etc are required.

    4. Our form is patchy and inconsistent (at best) both from week to week, and from one quarter to the next.

    5. If we haven't managed to (rusty!) nail the forward press by now, or counter the opposition's forward press (on a consistent basis) i fail to see how 1 week's extra training will make enough of a difference against the Blues. Might be able to improve on it somewhat in such a short time against lesser lights such as GWS or Port....maybe.

    6. Bailey has still only beaten 2 Vic clubs on 3 occasions since his appointment and that was during a period when both of those clubs were at a very low ebb. Carlton is not on a low ebb.

    7. At this point we struggle up forward and deeeesperately lack a power FF and/or CHF. In addition we have no "in-form" goal kicker/s that i can see kicking a match winning score to beat the blues, either individually or collectively.

    Good luck to all the boys and especially Nicholson on his debut

    We sure as hell are gonna need every ounce we can get.

    Blues by 8 to 10 goals



    Mighty Demons Forever!

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