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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. I agree Doreen. There's nothing like Chanel 7's ability to add value to any game day commentary
  2. Too easy inside our 50. Rebound came out without much pressure. Howe needs to learn to play in front late in a game when the legs (and hence the leaping ability) are pretty much gone.
  3. That was the most pleasing bit of play all day IMO. Everyone chased and never gave up, put the pressure on, turned it over, LOOKED INSIDE and kicked/disposed accurately, Shepard!!!!! And waddya know!!!! A running goal through the middle of the ground!!!!
  4. Great goal Sylvia. Pressure act from Viney (and or someone else! lol) on the wing for the turnover
  5. MFC must get Lingy in to coach the mid field.....or failing that...Simon Black
  6. McKenzie looks back inside (boundary) when the obvious handball was back to Jones......common play by MFC players. Happened last week as well. Don't handball to a player running forward, we might actually create some run and carry! Neeld training special????
  7. And why didn't these dud chanell 7 commentators pick up on it???
  8. How does Neeld and the FD actually judge half of these player's performance when they're in 1 week, out 2, in 1 week, out 3 etc.... not just Nicho but other fringe players as well. They never get a chance to settle or learn their roles and other's roles in the team
  9. Without doubt. This is a big win and confidence booster for Dunnand the team as a whole. That's assuming he doesn't get dropped for next week's game!
  10. Not his fault Hogan. Neeld's for continuing to play him when he's clearly not up to this level atm. Blind freddy could see that last week when he got trounced by Beamer. But again, why the f#$k was he on Beamer in the first place? McKenzie or Jones every day. Not good for Trengove's confidence to get towelled by a former team mate. Should never have had the captaincy either. Just let him play & develop.
  11. Imagine if the game was in the balance with 2 minutes to go in the last and he pays that free kick and a 50 against the Tapp for just being harder at it and getting his body into a better posi. Disgraceful decision and one which could turn a game for a team.
  12. Great hit from the Tapster!!! Knock em senseless son. Usual over reaction by an ump who doesn't understand the nature of the game.. What the hell is this game turning into if that bump is free kicked and reported!
  13. KENT on the RUN!!!!! GO SON!!!! Gonna be a beuty!
  14. It needs to be highlighted Condemned as it's a major fail of Neeld/ & the FD and we continue to make them year after year. Leaving the mid field under stocked when it's probably the most important area of the game is unforgiveable if you have the chance not to leave it under stocked. When we stop making dumb ass decisions....then i'll happily shut up. P.S. If you don't drink watching this present team i worry for you. Please consider doing so....you might find it'll ease the pain a little
  15. P.S. The bigger worry Robbie is McDonald who's had 6 times as many games as Terlich but shows no signs of improvement in disposal.
  16. That's BS Condemned. We have no chance of drafting Buddy but Magner could and should be in this team. Your comparison doesn't even make sense. Keep drinking and you might
  17. Give him time mate. He'll come good with his disposal given enough time and faith i reckon. Only played a few at this level.
  18. Gee, i wonder who'd have a better chance of sticking that tackle.... Bail or Magner???
  19. 3rd Quarter is still the premiership quarter in many cases. Can Neeld fire them up enough to meet what's coming!!! ???? Lets hope so
  20. Spot on Colin. It's quality possessions and smart use of the football, creating space, body work, pressure acts, desperation (a la Howe's effort on the wing half way through that 2nd quarter) etc that count towards staying in games or winning them in most cases. Sometime it's just all out attack and class too as we are seeing from the Blues today but they also pressure and close down on their opponent pretty quickly once we gain possession. Unlike the Tiges, The Blues do have some defensive qualities, both have a pretty poor defensive 6 though.
  21. Cant be critical of the EFFORT so far. Must do this for 2 more quarters. Be a good test to see how committed this group is. Things could be a little different on the scoreboard today if we had a KF in and had of taken our chances in front (usual story). Doing better in the ruck contests with out the big Russian. Sorry mate but you're 3rd stringer IMO from here. Gawn and Spencer offer a better contest and both more mobile and get to the contest more often. Not expecting Spence to be able to keep up in 2nd half though given it's his first AFL game for a long time. Viney has given us something. Frawley and Garland doing well down back. Jones boy has been everywhere and Sylvia/Dunn/Tapscott have added a bit of grunt around the ball/i50 All we need to do is knock Garllett and Yarran out and we're in with a slim chance
  22. Since when is 10 meters 15? Didn't deserve a goal
  23. We MUST take more calculated risks when coming off half back and look INSIDE as our first option!!!! You have to do this as a change up from around the boundary all the time. Keeps the opposition guessing and shorter route/less hard work for goals. Boundary hugging is low risk but is NOT going to win you many games of footy if used too often vs going through the corridor.
  24. Trengove isn't AFL standard at this point. Needs time in the Magoos to find some form and confidence. But we can't as he's a Captain. Maybe we should play him on Beamer again next time and see if he can find some form on Brent like Neeld tried last week.
  25. Exactly. I've said what i've wanted to say about that decision. I wonder what Neeld would say. Love someone to ask him at some point.
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