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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. Has officially retired. Thank you Jonesy for being a shining light in a truly dark time for our club. Your contributing to our team will never be matched.
  2. I hope it’s Oliver because if he wins it I think we win it too. Trac obviously a big chance if he kicks a few goals. On the Dogs end I would go McRae or Bont.
  3. Gus is settled in Victoria. He has a long term girlfriend and he loves the club and is part of the leadership group. Also he is not allowed to leave or retire until he gets Eddy Langdon on the podcast.
  4. It’s gonna be one boring events. Two clubs with 75 people each who can’t drink and can’t mingle. Fun times. Brownlows are boring at the best of times. This will be a total hoot. Just hope Clarry is in the mix late to keep it exciting.
  5. I have a $150 bottle of sparkling. I got it at work a long time ago. It was an “award” for achieving budget. I hated that job with a passion and it nearly destroyed my soul (insane hours and horrible bully management). I kept that bottle all these years (7), and vowed to myself that I’ll only drink it when I have something really meaningful to celebrate…. It was meant to be my wedding but I left it at home 🤦‍♀️😂 It’s been chilling in the bar fridge for the last month with a note that says “if you drink this before Melbourne wins a flag you’re dead”
  6. I think she’s disappointed for him, and rightly so. She knows better than anyone the hell he went through with the club. She knows all the clubs he knocked back over the years, all the heartache and humiliation. I’m sure it was her dream to watch him win a flag, as much as it was his. They’ve been together since high school and she is as much a part of his career as anyone. I would feel exactly the same in her situation and it absolutely sucks that Covid has meant Jonesy had to make these sacrifices. But I’m sure he leaves with no regrets and knowing he left no stone unturned. The club I am sure will make him feel part of the success if we win next week, and I have no doubt if Max gets up on the stage to give a victory speech that Jonesy will get a very big shout out. As I said before, he is as much a part of this success as anyone.
  7. Exactly right, and that is a big difference. You can absolutely hold a player to their contract, but you can do SFA if a player is out of contract and wants to go. Freo can play hardball, and Cerra can just walk and put a massive price on his head and end up at bloody Norf. Who the hell wins out of that scenario? Definitely not Freo.
  8. I am really sorry to hear that, it sounds like a truly awful situation. Carer and compassion exemptions exist for this exact reason. While I know you feel it may be the wrong thing to do, our emotional and mental well being is also very important. I would absolutely not begrudge you or anyone else, even if they did spread Covid accidently, if they went to see their family in those circumstances. I wish you and your family all the best, and I hope as you say we all get to experience the joy of watching Melbourne win a flag, whether it be with or without them nearby.
  9. Nathan and Jerri had their twins on Sunday. Jonesy just made it back on time for the birth. Sounds like it was the right call and hopefully he gets to sit back and watch a Melbourne flag with his family next Saturday, knowing how instrumental he has been to this club from the day he step foot in the door. We would not be where we are today without him. He was driving standards long before anyone else. Wishing him and his family only the best!
  10. This is your daily reminder that we have in fact made the grand final. It was not a weird dream you had after too much drinking. Stay calm, keep positive, and remember there are only 11 sleeps to go!
  11. I agree with this. We’ve achieved incredible things this season. More than I think anyone expected. We are just hitting our prime now and I think we have a few very good years left in us. Losing would of course be devastating and a huge opportunity missed, but I also think that we need to appreciate how far we have come as a club and a team and how much more we have left in us. The ride is just beginning. If this year doesn’t end in the ultimate success, we take the hunger into next year and make sure we go one better. Having said all that, we better win!!!
  12. Go on, give your work a plug. Maybe I’ll get in on the grazing box action. Hopefully it’s just cheese and wine 😂
  13. Yep. Just a shame when someone has all the attributes to be more than just a regulation role player, and chooses not to do that. Football seems like a really difficult career choice to make, only to then phone in it. A lot of effort if there’s no reward. But I guess we’ve all taken jobs at crappy places because the money was great.
  14. I don’t disagree with you, but you also don’t know everyone’s circumstances. I help my dad every few weeks with errands and other essentials as my mum doesn’t drive and he’s had multiple blood transfusions recently so is prone to dizziness. I’m also an only child. We’ve both had one dose. I get tested every time before I go see him so I know I’m negative. I will be bringing him and my mum over to my place to watch the grand final as the game will finish after curfew and we have a spare room for them to stay. We will all get tested beforehand. I feel 0 guilt for it. I have done the right thing for 18 months. But I’ll be damned if I miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity to watch the grand final with my dad. This might never come around again in his lifetime. Or mine even. If that upsets you, I’m really sorry and I understand. The last 2 years have been awful and hard and debilitating and downright draining. Melbourne has given us the one piece of hope and happiness to hold onto this year and I don’t want to waste it, and frankly I can’t blame anyone else who feels the same. We are human. We can only take so much before our tank runs dry. Mine has well and truly run dry.
  15. I feel like Jimmy is watching and has possessed Gawn’s body after that 5 goal effort on Friday. It’s the most logical explanation for what I witnessed.
  16. If I’m not drunk by midday, I’ve played the day out very badly.
  17. For those who live in Perth, how accurate is your weather forecast 12 days out? Because in Melbourne the weather forecast 12 hours out is wrong 98% of the time.
  18. This is some SERIOUS dedication. I love it.
  19. Great news that our allocation has sold out. I assume the Dogs allocation will also sell out, unless less Melbourne based Dogs fans are willing to pass on their barcodes. I hope the rest of the tickets are sold to people who are coming to back us! I fully understand that the Dogs are not as hated as Geelong, but I still would hope we would be the sentimental favourites!
  20. Yeah look if they gave us a 57% discount if we break our 57 year premiership drought I will go buy a wheel or a keychain with all the money at my disposal.
  21. Same. I hope we get seriously presented on the day and outnumber the Dogs fans.
  22. On a per capita of Jaguar drivers in Melbourne I would say 99% are Melbourne fans 😂
  23. I am thrilled for our WA fans who get to go. But also…
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