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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. You don't get a premiership tattoo if you're planning on leaving. Jacko said he is happy, his parents are said to maybe look at moving to Victoria, he just won a flag at 20 years old. Why the hell would he leave?
  2. I can finally look back on these old videos when our team was so full of terrible players (Davey was a star!), and not feel bad because we won a premiership. Jurrah was so good and Fritta does move very similarly. He is so light on his feet but he never goes to ground.
  3. When Nibbler kicked the goal in the last I dropped to the floor and I cried. Then post game when Gawny said “after 57 years of pain it’s coming home” I started again.
  4. My mother in law is a mad Hawks fan, but loves Gawn. She’s been organizing Christmas presents already because she’s insane, and I have been informed that the giant 1m serving board is on its way from Santa. The woman understands that the only thing better than one Melbourne premiership cheese platter, is two.
  5. Will be live for fully vaccinated. Perhaps for everyone if we reach 90% fully vaxxed by next March.
  6. I wish he would fan boy his nephew more. Gus was so good and I wanted him to get emotional about it, but of course he’s a useless [censored]. When Gus lines up and BT is complaining he needs to watch the goals and Brayshaw just goes “big kick” or something. Like Jesus guys this is commentary by 5 year olds.
  7. Has to be “it’s coming home” that is absolutely the highlight of the post game celebrations. I do like the idea of having a “wtf just happened” section of the DVD that is just facial expressions of Dogs players after we kick 3 in 47 seconds.
  8. Re: merch supply. Keep in mind there are a lot of issues going on in China that most people who don’t work in product development like me wouldn’t know about. Basically as soon as they get one Covid case they shut the city down. And I mean lock people in their houses. There was a big shut down of a big port in China a few weeks ago when a worker tested positive, that is still delaying containers arriving into Australia. And since the relationship between China and Australia has gone down the toilet, a lot of suppliers have upped their prices. Production is also slower as Australia is no longer a priority growth market. Combine all that with the minuscule levels of stock the club is ordering (big scheme of things you got Kmart ordering 500,000 navy T-shirts and MFC ordering 5,000), and they’re always going to be up against it in terms of costs and turnaround times.
  9. It has always been my dream to barrack for a hated club, that everyone says “I’ve had enough of watching them win” about.
  10. Hopefully when we get to have the celebration at the MCG later this year they’ll set up a tent with more merch. Perfect chance to sell posters, flags, hats and tees and get them signed. The money we’ve already made from merch proves we can be a very powerful club if we just keep succeeding on field.
  11. I have to say that the myth of being a small club is so wrong. We have 25,000 MCC members who barrack for Melbourne and don’t buy the dual membership. Add that to the 53,000 members we had signed up this year, in a season we all knew would be highly interrupted by [censored] Covid, and you’re looking at close to 80,000 members. I think we are every chance to smash 70,000 members next season if all goes to plan with Covid and restrictions lifting. But also yes, many Melbourne supporters are cashed up and waited their whole lives to blow cash on useless premiership junk.
  12. I will forever be gutted that this was in Perth. I really hope we can do it again next year at the G and we can enjoy the party. While I’m 800 years too old to celebrate for 48 hours straight, the adrenaline of winning a flag will surely see me thru for a solid 2 to 3 hours.
  13. He was magic. His brutality when tackling was so good. I agree with you that vintage 2018 Nev in the side now would mean that literally nobody scores a goal against us from an inside 50 kick. Underrated by the entire footy world, but true Dees fans know what a star he was.
  14. Absolutely and deserves a lot of credit. He was a big part of the rebuild and the list we have today.
  15. We need more @Chook in Perthbut I know he's just happy celebrating a win, and is probably out drinking with the big wigs.
  16. It says specifically they want membership number not the barcode. Which makes sense as a lot of us gave our barcodes away to people in WA.
  17. Sad news. He is brilliant and I wish him and his family all the best. Hopefully we've drained all that magic juice out of his brain the last two years and are now well set up to continue with the program he set up.
  18. Any idea how to find a photo or the number of your digital membership? I don't have a physical card.
  19. And that's before the cheese boards were available. You all laughed at me but they said OTC yesterday they've sold over 400 of those bad boys! Combining cheese and a flag is genius. Hard to find two things in life that taste better.
  20. Coin toss skills from Gawny 11 out of 10
  21. 5 of the last 6 premierships have been won by clubs presided over by women. It could be a coincidence, or it could be that it's time to bring in more women into administrative roles at football clubs.
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