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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. I had very little confidence in him coming into this season. He has proved me wrong on so many levels, and I'm thrilled about it! Even his disposal is getting better. Deserves to keep that facial hair
  2. Don't get me wrong, your ENTER is important if you know straight away what you want to do. But I got into a course with limited places, decided I hated it and dropped out. One year later, and I may not get into a nursing course, although my ENTER was almost 30 points higher than the required ENTER for year 12 students. You should always strive to achieve your best, but don't beat yourself up too much if you don't finish with 99.95. Even if you don't get into the course you want, there are always ways to work around it. Just enjoy year 12, because you will miss school when it's finished.
  3. I'm 19, having finished my VCE exams last year (don't listen to what they tell you, my high ENTER score means nothing these days). I decided to take a year off, and now I work in child-care and nanny on the side. I'm going to study nursing next year, well if I get in that is. Apart from my work and footy, my other real passions in life are shopping, reading and music. But I will happily give up all my shoes, books and my iPod if it means seeing a Melbourne premiership.
  4. Pre Season Training commences
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