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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. I thought I was the only one! It was a very formal letter, and it was addressed to me. I don't know how they got hold of my name. Needless to say I spat on it, tore it up and threw it in the bin. Ugh, I felt dirty for just having read it.
  2. You can't argue with that, but let's go back a few years... did you witness some of Carroll's work pre 2005? Like for example, that game in Geelong where Kent 'I'm a dud' Kingsley kicked 8 goals on him? It was the most deplorable performance by a defender I remember seeing. In fact, many thought he was gone at the start of 2005, and it wasn't until he became fit and got the opportunity to play a significant run of games, that he became the defender that he is today. Now compare that to Bell, he we know has struggled with OP for over a year now. He hasn't had the opportunity that Carroll has had over the last year, until the very end of 2006. And I would like you to name one game since Bell became free of his OP, where he was clearly beaten by his opponent. Honestly, I can't remember even one. He was great in both finals, as was Carroll, and he was better on Sunday. BTW, this is in no way me having a go at Carroll. I'm just trying to prove to you that given the same opportunity, Bell could be just as successful as Carroll (and he has better disposal too). Not every player makes an impact straight away. I think we forget how many years the club invested in the likes of Carroll, Robbo, Junior and even Bruce before they became decent players. It just does not happen over-night... unless you're a freak like Brock McLean, and he's obviously made us all very spoilt.
  3. Well what can I say other than... great minds! Glad I've got you to drive the Belly Bandwagon
  4. You don't like Bell, we get it. But you provide zero evidence to support you comments, especially the second one. Bell is playing as a defender, he is not meant to be a polished finisher in the mould of CJ. To compare one to the other is like comparing Robbo to Whelan. As far as his defensive game is concerned, he's proven late last year and on Sunday that he's more than capable of stopping good players. He did a superb job on Farmer in a final where Freo smashed us after half-time, and we both know how easy Farmer can kick a bag when the team is on a roll. For what its worth, I thought his drive out of the backline was good too. He made one mistake from memory, and given our desire to handball as much as possible, he was not alone that night. He has very nice disposal, aggression and speed. I don't know what else you'd want from a defender. And I don't know about you, but I rather my defenders defend first, and do fancy things with the ball second... unless you're a fan of the Wards and Bizzells of this world, in which case you're clearly not keen on seeing us make the top 4.
  5. At least Daniher acknowledged in the article that we went a little 'handball crazy'. But he also made it clear that we were concentrating on this particular tactic and obviously we executed it well, with 45 more handballs than kicks.
  6. You just had to go there, didn't you? Now we're sure to lose! <_<
  7. That is a very unfair comparison. Robbo puts himself in the contest everytime, and he did a couple of clever taps when he couldn't get the ball himself. When he is fit, he is our second best forward. I really can't understand how you can compare him to Yze, when he's stood up for us in finals and has won us a fair number of games in 2005 when everyone else went missing. Yes, 2005 was a while ago, but Robbo deserves to be given a second chance given the way he struggled with injuries last year.
  8. Of course I agree that Ward is out and CJ is in, but I'd hate to see CJ in the backline again. He is more suited to a wing/ forward role IMO. He's had some average games when given a defensive role, whereas last night he really shone when given permission to go get the ball. So in that regard, one is not a direct replacement for the other. However the point stand... bring on CJ!
  9. Apart from the easy missed shots, I disagree with most of that. He was up the ground a fair bit in the first half, and while he is no Davey with his pressure, I didn't think he let his man run off him willingly. He did go overboard with the speccies, but do you think it has something to do with testing the new 'in the back' rules? At least he wasn't penalised, which is good. I think it's unfair to expect him to suddenly become a ground level player. He isn't a small forward, although he is physically small. He'll always play like a giant, in that he leads and plays above his head as well, if not better than most of our tall forwards. He isn't a crumber, and to expect him to suddenly become one because other teams rely heavily on their running forwards, is unfair. Maybe I'm blinded by my support for him, although I'm the first to admit that he isn't the most hard-working forward out there. But I thought he looked very fit and very willing, and for a meaningless pre-season game that's all you can ask for. Notice I'm not criticising Yze for his lack of effort either... not that you could ever blame Robbo for not trying.
  10. Thought he played quite well after a poor season. There wasn't a lot of space up forward and he did keep his feet more so than last year. I know there is pressure on him to become more of a running type small forward, but I thought he did ok by pushing up the ground at times. Can't see where the disappointment is coming from. He was one of our better senior players.
  11. It wasn't rubbish, it just wasn't meant to work at TD! For god sake, last year everyone was going on and on about the tempo footy, and by the end of the year it became a very successful tactic. If Daniher does nothing, he has no 'plan B', but if he tries to implement new tactics they're rubbish? We still need to work on this new 'run and carry' style, and I agree that delivery into the forward line should be done by foot, but the plan worked nicely when coming out of the backline, and once we get our A team on the field it could prove to be a match-winning tactic on the bigger grounds where space is in abundance. I don't think you'll see us handballing into trouble on the MCG for example. This is a purely 'away' tactic as far as I can tell.
  12. I'm far from an Yze fan, but I didn't see anything last night that was out of the ordinary. Maybe I'm just used to seeing him avoid the contest and float in and out of the game as he pleases, because he didn't stand out as being below average. <_<
  13. Glad we're playing a quality team like Adelaide, where we can further practice our 'run and carry' game plan. I'd be interested to find out the ground dimensions up in Mt. Gambier if anyone has got them handy.
  14. Don't think we'll be saying goodbye to Junior just yet, at least I hope not. He was super impressive last night, considering he got no help in the middle. He is one of those rare players who gets better as they get older. The way he so selflessly throws himself at every contest is a real joy to watch (if only everyone was like that *cough* Yze). No, he isn't the best kick in the world, and he doesn't have Davey-like speed, but the sort of consistency and hunger that he gives us is priceless. I'm thrilled that he's finally been given a role in the leadership group, as he has a lot of positive traits to teach the boys. *End Junior Appriciation* :D
  15. Pretty harsh on Warnock. I didn't think he played that badly, given the way our midfield was getting belted and how fast the supply was coming in. Apart from Belly, all of our defenders were made to look ordinary I thought.
  16. Because it's pre-season and nobody could care less if we win or lose? The idea is to get used to this game plan, and we can only do that by implementing it as much as possible in practice games, which is what tonight was. Realistically, we wouldn't play this way at TD to begin with, but clearly we need all the practice we can get. Obviously when the real stuff starts, the players will be encouraged to take the best option. Some players still did that tonight, while others really stuck to the plan. I bet you that if TJ played tonight, he wouldn't bother handballing into trouble. I guess that's what you get when half your midfield is being replaced by the likes of Godfrey. When I looked over my shoulder and saw McLean, White, TJ, Moloney, Davey, Whelan etc... sitting behind me, it was very clear that we weren't going to win this contest. You can't even win a meaningless pre-season game these days if you're missing half your side.
  17. It was the 'run and carry' game-plan. It didn't work, but that was the reason behind it all. The idea was to run and release a player up ahead. But what really happened was that every player got the ball, remembered Daniher's instruction to 'handball' and proceeded to do so blindly. The result was handballing into danger. As I said, we need to quickly improve this game plan, or drop it. But remember that a lot of supporters were confused early in 2006 when we started to play 'tempo' footy, which was all the rage. We looked shocking doing it, but by the middle of the season it became a very useful tactic which we implemented very well. I still think that we need to stick with what we know best for the majority of the game. We're a kicking team, it's our strength and you should always play to your strengths. However, on bigger grounds like Subiaco, where you have a lot more space, this 'run and carry' just might prove to be a winner against the local teams.
  18. Whether it be 3 umpires, 9 or 17, they'll still make mistakes. The missed super-goal was clear evidence that a cricket-style third umpire would be far more useful than 9 umpires. At least the hands in the back rule wasn't over-umpired, which was great, but it kills me when an umpire on the other side of the ground runs in to give a call. Stay on your side and focus on what you can see, FFS! <_< :angry:
  19. The most exciting part of the evening was hearing the final siren and not having any injured players on the ground. It was obvious that we were not playing to win. The emphasis was on the 'run and carry', and Neale obviously wanted the players to implement a game-plan that involved a lot of handballs. What we've learnt from this experiment is that we are no good at the 'run and carry', at least not yet. We handballed for the sake of handballing, often straight into trouble. It cost us dearly, but better now than Round 1. We have 4 weeks to either vastly improve this game-plan, or drop it completely. Other things that we could learn from tonight: - PJ is no ruckman. He was very poor in the centre bounces. Jamar was good in the contests, but disappeared completely when the ruck-contest was not on. For such big guys, these two do a mean disappearance act. I wish they played Neaves. He is raw, but IMO he is the best ruck prospect we've got. - Jones is going to be McLean's best friend this year. He was doing beautifully in the first half in the clearances. Very impressed with his work, but he faded out in the second. Looks noticeably slimmer too. - CJ finally showed what a class act he is. His disposal is first rate, and he looked far more interested than in previous matches. The forward line/ wing suit him far more than the backline. - Bell was very good, and people who criticise him are just doing so because it's fashionable. He made one stupid mistake when he tried to take on 3 Hawks players, but he was excellent otherwise, and went mostly for the first option, so he's obviously learning. The rest of the backline was average. Rivers looked disinterested, especially late in the game, while I thought Warnock fought admirably but was outclassed by a very good Franklin. Carroll was Carroll. - Bizzell, Godfrey and Ward are still lacking. Ward is only getting a game because he can run fast. His infatuation with bombing the ball in whichever direction is a disaster. Godfrey still can't tag or kick. Bizzell did nothing to suggest that he deserves a spot in the backline. Of the veterans fighting for a spot, only Brown impressed me. He worked hard and his disposal was relatively good. - Speaking of disposal, Brad Green's footskills are back! Pity Bruce still enjoys kicking ugly floaters. For such a talented players, his kicking is pathetic. - Thought Bate and Dunn did very little, and Miller was not even noticable. I'm a fan, everyone knows that, but he needs to do a lot more that he did tonight. - Frawley looked ok. Stuffed up early but went again, which is good to see. Buckley has a bit of 'Davey' about the way he moves, so I'm keen to see him play in the real stuff. - One final word, a Melbourne forward line without Davey is an over-crowded mess, while a midfield minus McLean is sadly lacking. Lets hope we can keep these two boys nice and healthy (White, TJ, Whelan and Pickett would also really help our cause). I love that football is back. Pity that we have to wait a month before we see the real Melbourne play.
  20. I still can't find the final 24 for this afternoon. Surely the AFL site, if it wasn't such a mess, could lend itself to sorting out the final team.
  21. Thankfully 'The OC' finale provided a good distraction. Whenever I switched over, I was greeted by shocking graphics, amaturish commentry and god-awful football. I know I should be ashamed of myself for choosing an average teen-drama over footy, but it was an easy choice last night (Collingwood didn't help the cause either).
  22. Really happy about that. Dutchy has no match-up tomorrow, and with the current humidity, going in with 3 ruckmen is a good move. Anybody know the final 24?
  23. Could not disagree more. Firstly, CJ is an absolute certainty to play. Secondly, Hawthorn's team is as young and inexperienced as ours. If we lose by 7 goals I'll be very disappointed, especially at the Dome when flooding and 'negative' football is so easy to impliment. Not saying we'll win, but you're way off.
  24. Just 2 ruckman? Surprising. My guess to miss out: Ward Warnock Holland/Ferguson
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