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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. No I did not. I never tipped against us in 2003 either (and still won the tipping competition at school!). You see why I need therapy? <_<
  2. Or Jeff White playing with socks full of blood.... or Miller and Bell playing with OP.... or Robbo playing with a bad knee and a bad shoulder... Maybe the broken toe is affecting TJ's ability to run, or kick, but it shouldn't affect his attitude or desire to be there. The main issue with him at the moment, is that he looks disinterested. Don't think that's a symptom of having a broken toe (and I should know, having broken my toes about 3 times ) Brad Green played with a foot injury the whole of last year, and while his kicking was affected by it, his hunger for the ball wasn't. That's why he's in the leadership group.
  3. This is the first time in my life that I have tipped against Melbourne. I'll need therapy after this season is over!
  4. Should Robbo have returned to the field on Monday? According to MMM, his knee swelled up straight away and they still brought him back on, only for him to hurt it further. Now he's going in for surgery. Maybe it had no impact, maybe it did. Bottom line is, it was a risk not worth taking... not at Round 2.
  5. Exactly! And Finks, if Newton is still mentally fragile after 3 years in the system, don't you think it's time we make him grow a set? Do we want another Smith on our list (different circumstances, but same waste of time)? I'm all for nursing the kids through, especially if overworking them will damage their bodies, but he's been in the system for 3 years and the other two bottom-aged players drafted in the same year have come along just fine. At some stage, we need to bite the bullet, and given that our 2 best forwards are out injuries, you'd think this would be the time. If Petterd, who's been at the club for 5 minutes is ready ahead of Newton, that's a bad reflection on Juice, and not a necessarily justified one. BTW, if another midfielder goes down, I'm hoping Buckley will be the first inclusion.
  6. Exactly. 'Melbourne Supporting for Dummies', Chapter 1- Get a sense of humour <_<
  7. Robbo going into surgery to have the knee looked at. Said on the Footy Show he's hoping for 6 weeks, but could be up to 10. Crap! :angry:
  8. Clearly he is, which takes some heat off the selectors. Something needs to be done about his OP, which I assume is the ongoing issue. If I remember correctly, Stephen Powell had an operation to fix the injury. He was out for a year, but at least it solved the problem once and for all. He's only 20, this needs to be fixed! P.S.- my 50 grand is looking mighty good right now, Y_M!
  9. BRING BACK 426! :angry: :D
  10. I have nothing against Bizzell as a player, I just don't see the point in playing an ordinary footballer (yes, ordinary, especially since he's lost a yard of pace in the last couple of years) who won't be at Melbourne next year. He was a good, loose defender 3 seasons ago. Then along came a much better footballer in Rivers and took his spot. These things happen, that's the nature of football. Given that Rivers is out this week, I can see the logic behind Bizzell's inclusion, I'm just not excited by it. Still, they gave him a 3 year deal so they have to justify is somehow.
  11. Yep, especially if he lines up at FF alongside PJ and Ferguson. Exciting stuff!
  12. I just picked the first 3 ordinary players that came to my head. If you're really that upset about it, I can edit his name and put in Ward or BRUCE or.... Please don't make me list anymore, it's depressing enough as it is.
  13. Amen to everything you just said!!! I'm a "play the kids" junkie, I admit it, but FFS there has never been a better time to take a chance. We're 0-2, we've got a massive injury list, our depth is extremely ordinary and we're coming up against a good side. I don't blame any Melbourne supporter who doesn't feel like wasting their Sunday watching Brown, Godfrey and Bizzell kicking hospital passes to Geelong's defenders.
  14. I advocate we fake an outbreak of mad-cow disease at the club, forcing the AFL to suspend any Melbourne matches for 5-6 weeks (depending on the length of McLean's, Neita's, Robbo's and Rivers' injuries) But if we must line up on Sunday, I hope we don't play someone who can't take an overhead mark at FF. I have nothing against PJ, I just think it should be a requirement that a forward can take a mark. I'd rather Jamar at FF. At least he might be able to take Scarlett down behind the play or something. Our best option IMO is to line up with a smaller forward line, and trying to beat the Geelong defenders on the lead. That means Davey, Yze and CJ closer to goal, with Miller and Bruce leading out. None of this will matter if we lose the clearances though, because a backline of Ward, Bizzell and Ferguson is likely to implode more often than a nuclear plant.
  15. *Goes in search of a gun* Wheatley at CHB. Gold! Please Daniher, please play Petterd and give me a reason to actually want to watch the game. Edit: there must be an echo in here because where's Sylvia?
  16. Negative 7. May rise to 3 if Daniher decides to debut some kids this week. Edit: after seeing the side that will line up on Sunday, negative 157
  17. Is it true that our backline and forward line coaches swapped positions over summer? As for Paul Williams, the man may have been a good player, but he isn't the Wizard of Oz. He can't give hearts or brains to those who haven't got them.
  18. Given relative age and time left in the game, as well as attitude and application, I'd have Arma (and I'm not even a fan). Davey is another story altogether, besides, he's a midfielder apperantly
  19. It wouldn't have killed him to quote some of the more intelligent life-forms who post here
  20. I think the batteries need replacing... in more ways than one!
  21. I think you may be onto something, but it's not necessarily related to Daniher's love of midfielders, but more his desperation for them. Bruce is a utility, and IMO Daniher did the right thing by making him jack of all trades, because to be honest, he was never a master of any. Green's move to the midfield came about when we had a surplus of forwards, and not enough midfielders. As I said, I'm not convinced Green is a midfielder. He doesn't have the necessary instincts if you like, in that he often gets lost in the action and finds himself drifting and floating along the boundary line. As for Davey, clearly desperation on Daniher's behalf to inject more speed into the midfield. What Daniher doesn't seem to understand, is that Davey's speed is useless in the midfield, where he is too easily blocked and pushed away from the contest. Yes, Davey is badly out of form, but by trying to make him something he's not, we're only exasperating the problem.
  22. I've become a big fan of Greeny following his complete turn around last year. I admire that way he's gone about changing his game. The issue I have, is that I still don't believe him to be a natural midfielder. IMO he is better suited to a back/forward flanker role, where he can push into the middle. The last two games he's had very little influence on the match, and that has always been his problem. He finishes games with 25 disposals, but a lot of the time his impact doesn't match the stat sheet. With the injuries to Robbo and Neita, I'd love to see Greeny back in the forward line.
  23. Everyone here is missing the point. You can criticise whoever you like, even our captain. As far as I'm concerned, it's not who you criticise, but how you do it. Be mindful of that fact that a lot of people are reading your opinions and it is unacceptable to get personal, be it with players, coaches or fellow posters. Basically all we want is for you to think before your post. As I said, nothing wrong with criticising our captain (maybe there is, but everyone is entitled to their opinion), the reason the thread was locked was because the responses were abusive and pointless.
  24. If they can't swim, we'll give them floaties, if they sink, we don't want them! If Newton gets smashed by Scarlett, he'll get up and he'll learn. We can't protect these kids forever, and to be fair he has been in the system for a few years already. At some stage we need to bite the bullet and give them a go. Never has there been a more desperate need for a tall forward to stand up and deliver. Newton is our future, and it seems the future is now.
  25. So rated in fact, that they traded him. At best Bizzell plays FF, and kicks a couple. At worse, he does absolutely nothing and his player runs off him all day creating more headaches for us. Bottom line is, this is most likely Bizzell's last season. He never was and never will be a FF, and playing him there will be like wallpapering a cracked wall. It won't help us in the long term, and it probably won't help us in the short term either. On the other hand, we can let someone like Newton or Dunn play at FF for the next 4 weeks. They may not dominate, hell they may be completely useless, but at least we'll know. Either we'll unearth a long-term option, or we'll find out if these guys can cut it at senior level. Neita is not going to be around forever, neither is Robbo, or especially Bizzell. We're in a [censored] situation, and we can either be brave and make bold moves and gain something, or we can continue to fill gaps with players who are never going to get us anywhere. Not making the most of this situation would be absolutely criminal, and a further blow to the team.
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