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Everything posted by brendan

  1. My god how hot was that 2 minutes I hope our boys are watching
  2. Holly [censored] I’m starting to get pumped for this, I reakon when we kick our 1st goal it will be deafening you will hear 12 years of absolute release come out of our supporters
  3. Good changes, but geez you gotta feel for JKH He hasn’t done a lot wrong, hope he keeps his chin up and supports the boys and hopefully he gets another chance or a flag with Casey
  4. That was the last final I ever attended, Friday will be the next 1, still not sure how the crows won that year we smashed them, and would have done so again if we got over north
  5. Is it too much to ask for the game to be over at half time with a healthy lead, can’t wait for this just need to plan my trip will try and get in early will be people everywhere
  6. Nope mine is geelong hawthorn collingwood essendon the rest I don’t give any thoughts about, don’t hate the tigers yet but some of there supporters are doing there best to sway me, and Carlton are just not relevant enough to be put on any list
  7. Didn’t really care much about Geelong never really hated them till this year, they are now my most hated club I can’t stand the arrogant supporters Dangerfield and selwood are cheats and need the umpires for them to play well ablett is just a sook, can’t touch him without him sooking to the umps, I hope viney buries him into the turf. guthrie for mouthing off at gawn when he missed just screams I’m a [censored] chris scott is just a sook hawkins a [censored] the list goes on and I can’t wait till they bottom out, without selwood and danger they are nothing, if we beat them next Friday I will be the happiest bloke in Australia
  8. Rate the top 6 from both sides going into our game 1.dangerfield 2.gawn 3.oliver 4.selwood 5.mcdonald 6.hawkins Am I being biased? this is why harmes on danger could be our most important matchup, and stopping Hawkins from kicking a bag
  9. Shane Edwards wtf, and what’s up with Grundy was talking like he had just had a session with Sam Murray
  10. I got M4 I assume that’s right near the cheer squad
  11. I used the app got straight in and out in a few minutes
  12. Oliver can play more time forward, he will make [censored] happen
  13. Gawn and Oliver are the only players we couldn’t replace, I think gawn is the MVP Of the whole comp and I think he will win it on Thursday night
  14. Same reason lever left, got offered way unders
  15. Anyone with half a brain would have seen this coming, my wife asked me last night about buying a ticket I told her it was today but the site will probably crash as all games get released at the same time, absolutely laughable that they didn’t see this coming
  16. She’s Right ticketek I ain’t got [censored] to do today happy to sit in from of a computer screen for 3 hours you incompetent morons
  17. Yep same here just keeps crashing
  18. Still trying which sucks as I work night shift so pretty hard to stay awake right now
  19. No weideman was in same draft as Oliver we traded pick 6,29 and future 1st for 3,10,43 we then traded 10,43,63 to GWS For 7 and bugg so we ended up with Oliver, weed and bugg
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