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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. They could play with masks, gowns and gloves. You know it makes sense.
  2. Cost saver: MFC players make a stand and take a pay cut of up to 80% (sliding scale) until October. Those earning the most cut the most. The benefit to players could be possible contract extensions, backending a limited % of contract, or increased PR/media opportunities next season, etc
  3. If you have the time (hahaha!) this is interesting listening from a doctor on the front line in one of NYC's best hospitals
  4. 2020 branded merch will become collectors items, albeit of little financial value
  5. No love for Crackers Keenan? He both started with us and was picked up again by us. And Big Carl Ditterich, who was picked up by us twice!
  6. I noticed in R1 (fwiw) that our forwards regularly led up, only for the kick coming in to go over their head and into the arms of an Eagles defended. Even the TV commentators were onto it. Surely it can't be rocket surgery to practice leading patterns at training over and over and over and over with kicks coming in that hit them flush? Footy is a pretty simple game, when it's all boiled down. We overcomplicate it and then panic when going i50, have been for the last few years
  7. Yes, but the 50% pay cut so far is only for a few months, so his $1mill becomes about $850k. Poor guy... thoughts and prayers
  8. Just saw a very sweet slice of quarantine life. Two young lovers in jogging gear in Royal Park, clearly pretending to be doing their exercise for the day so they could steal a moment together. Not ashamed to say I had a slight catch in my throat as I called the police.
  9. The old die (redistributing wealth), universal basic wage of $1500 fortnightly, nationalisation of the private hospitals and now free child care! As I've said before: coronavirus has managed to do what Bernie Sanders could not!!! (albeit in Australia)
  10. Bit rough having ads for 'lady friends' when they know we can't go out and use those services...
  11. Never thought I'd say this in public, but what I will probably miss most about the footy is not having the chance to regularly catch up with demonland's very own royalty: @Bitter but optimistic. His odd dress sense, whole body fungal infestation and severe halitosis give him a certain charming appeal. Not to mention there's always plenty of spare seats around us. I will open a cheap bottle of shiraz tonight to toast our good health and friendship.
  12. Perhaps one of the stupidest things I've read on this site. I paid for 2 memberships. Mine alone is about $700. For the first time in my adult life I will have no work after Easter, my missus' job the same. No income for my family for about 4 months. My employer has said to expect it to be up to 6 months, and they do not qualify for jobkeeper, according to the % drop in turnover rule. While there are plenty of others doing it harder than us, that membership money would keep us going for a few weeks. I will not be asking for a return, however I absolutely understand any member who does due to sudden hardship. Cheap stereotyping from club 'supporters' is the last thing anyone who is doing it tough needs atm
  13. Will his kids also ask him why he left North Melbourne to play for Adelaide? Not sure I'd be listening to Wayne Carey if I were Gil.
  14. Americans every weekend: "I just wanna watch Netflix and chill. Lol!" The weekend every American needs to stay inside: "It's my god-given right to go outside and lick whatever I want!!!"
  15. Well the media (and politicians) are the last people to give us that! ?
  16. And yet some in the media believed it was all an overreaction and just a flu, e.g. Jones and Bolt. Not defending the media at all (they are vultures), but the numbers coming out of Europe and the disaster currently unfolding in USA, particulary NYC, would indicate it is way too early for us to believe a couple of flattening days are an indicator that we are exempt from the worst of it. Not that I'm saying you necessarily believe this
  17. In an unsettling reversal of my teenager years, I'm now yelling at my parents for going out...
  18. Wimbledon gone, think the TDF will go too. Interesting to see what happens with Melb Cup.
  19. Looks like GA senior in that pic
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