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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Ch 9 tonight had vision of Jetta and Salem training together
  2. Tacky, you'll feel much better if you put him on ignore. When you do, it's like the first sip of a refreshing beer on a hot day. Ahhhh!!!
  3. Agree. Also not writing Weid off. Would prefer what we have, than take a punt on a fragile Paddy. Highly doubt he is over his concussion issues, though I'm not a doctor.
  4. Is this the Binman Model???
  5. Is that Mr Whiteboard Wednesday himself in the black jumper?
  6. I had forgotten how the umpires were always escorted off the ground at full time by cops on horses.
  7. I slept 14 hours last night. Absolutely locked and f'ing loaded for a big day of hand washing and looking out the front window.....
  8. Yes, but will Harley improve our inside 50 connection? ?
  9. Both ironic and oblivious of you. Think you'll find you're the one needing to use the ignore function, partic given you cannot articulate a counter. Whatever, it's boring, so try and let it go if you can. Happy Easter.
  10. Breaking news: here's the COVID-19 chart as it stands now
  11. Mate, you should stop shouting down posters and offering absolutely sfa as a counterpoint. Let it go, it's tiresome
  12. Slimmed down Goody??? You know there's nadda to do when the coach's weight gets a comment
  13. Don't know which game you were watching, but Kennedy and Darling were well held. Easily their two most damaging forwards were very much accounted for. As I saw it, the main problem was (as usual) our terrible inside 50 connection.
  14. It appeared to me to be close to an exhibition game in terms of player effort from both sides. Given they knew the season was suspended, and quite possibly over, it was effectively a dead rubber. Whilst I agree about our i50, I doubt (*hope) this is the standard they will continue with.
  15. Lockdown dobbing-in has become the new national sport, it would appear.
  16. Some countries might consider kangaroo, crocodile or camel meat exotic. Yet I can get all three from the Vic Market most weeks! They aren't butchered in front of me, but I believe a virus in animals are often difficult to spot throughout the meat supply chain. An avian virus may not present symptoms in the bird, but can make a human sick. Does the animal have to be eaten to transfer a virus? Could it be feacal contact (hendra from bat s**t)? Yesterday I heard an interview with a imunologist where he expressed surprise that a major pandemic of this scale hadn't happened sooner. After SARS and MEARS a broadbased vaccine should've been a priority years ago for world leaders and WHO.
  17. In breaking news: children have been ordered to stay at least 1.5m away from George Pell
  18. Especially if they trade out future 1st rounders for injury prone 'stars' like they have with Wingard and Omeara
  19. That is one very passionate supporter. Good on him! We'll done Andy, too.
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