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Everything posted by demon3165

  1. You believe your right and thats your right, on the other hand I believe your completely wrong and I know i'm right so lets leave it at that eh!! over and out.
  2. Not qualified eh and you are? best you contact Jeff Kennett, he might be able to get in touch with someone so they can help you.......
  3. Glad you cannot count........drama. drama, drama.
  4. Gee let me think Melbourne has a deal with the MCG. Where are the Afl going to fixture Melbourne home games ,we don't have a deal with Etihad Stadium for Home Games, so the AFL cannot force it. So what if Carlton want to play at the G it's the AFL problem with the fixture not ours. What people seem to forget when the club starts to play consistent and finals football long term then these sort of panicking posts go away. But I am curious where do propose the Afl would make us play our games.......
  5. I believe that a lot of supporters overrate our list and football department and it shows. Some believe that we should make the eight and some think we should win eight to ten games for Neeld and co to keep their jobs. So lets have a look at where we were, a club that was in basic term broke an underfunded football club, poor culture over many years, no structures within the club of what is needed to be a successful club, a board that leaked like a sieve and if reports are true the players had a lot to say to what went on. So Neeld is appointed and he fully changes the way the football department is set up, not only is there assistant coaches we now have line coaches to help with the players development, we also got in Dave Misson and he is one of the best in the business and then Neil Craig who also knows how a successful football department runs. So Misson’s first pre-season and the man is staggered at the fitness of the players with all his data from the swans and the saints he rated us at about sixty percent compared to those two teams, then again he was still flogging them during the season. Then we come to this year and I believe he has ramped it up another twenty percent so that leaves us another twenty percent left for next year, you cannot get to an elite level like all the top sides in a short time, Misson is building the body to match the fitness base then we will be able to compete with the top sides. So now we come to Neeld’s second season and he has cleaned out the playing list and brought in some expiernced players as well as some youth and yet people still complained and only wanted youth, I believe they do not understand what Neeld’s so called money ball is all about, first and foremost bring in expiernced players bides him time to develop the younger players by taking the pressure of them so instead of getting the best player on them (instead of two players on Clarke they now have to look after Dawes, Pederson, Byrnes or even Howe) they might get the second and third player so that in effect helps them with confidence and that will help fast track their development. Neeld knows that he has only a couple of years at most with Rodan, Byrnes etc so this is where top clubs have it over us, when they have a player out with injuries someone from the second tier stands up and that is where we need to get. So lets remember before we put time limits on Neeld and co just remember get the foundation right before the building can be built, what I hope to see (wins would be nice) but the group continue to bridge the gap between us and the top sides so we can have continued success. P.S If you don’t think Neeld, Misson and Craig don’t know what is needed to get to the top then your dreaming!!
  6. Thanks for stating the bloody obvious other wise I would not have known.
  7. WYL I suppose its best described like this, have you ever worked for a company that lacks leadership from the top, the workers get lazy and the care factor will always be low, mistakes get passed over, excuses become the norm, then a new leadership comes in with a different direction, but the workers still think that the old way is best, there will always be hesitance from the workers not believing that what the leadership team are doing will lead to better work ethics, higher output etc. When they realise that the new team care about what they are doing how there going about it and then giving them the tools to improve themselves that is when the company takes itself to another level and gives itself a real chance to compete with the big boys. This is now happening Neeld and co are doing this but again don't reach for the stars only for them to burn out, l want to see as many wins as every supporter does, but remember every other club is trying to do the same, but we came from a long way back, but by hell Neeld and co won't die wondering. GO DEES!!!!
  8. I understand where you come from and your right Neeld does not want to live in the past but set it up for a long reign at the top 4 year after year, but lets realise we have gone from crawling to walking and the next step is running, but he will get there.
  9. I have been reading these posts with great interest, and to WYL with due respect you seem to have have huge expectations and some lack of understanding where this club and side has come from, so I go back to when Misson first started and the fitness was way behind the data that he had, he has also stated (correct me if i'm wrong that this year has been ramped up around another 30%) so we are still behind the two sides that he has been in control of. Neeld and co have now set the club up after his first year the way a football club is supposed to be (i.e. the pies, geelong etc) and it will take a little more time before they become a constant football club but the building blocks are there, remember how long the cats took and the pies to reach it. The game plan will will incorporate run and carry tight defence and hard running but until the elite fitness kicks in core strengths become stronger and strong work ethics become the norm we will still have moments of going uhhhhhhhh but they will become less and less. We are on the right track and for the first time in a long time and you can smell it so be patient grasshopper.
  10. Absolutely a brilliant home page, well done!!!!
  11. He seems to have slimed down in the leg area or is that just me?
  12. Wish you would take the same advise.
  13. Whoops should have realised that analogy might have gone over one's head RR but do you really need it to be explained? god I hope not.
  14. Well RR, JC panics at the drop of the hat, as for you only so much red one can drink before people say!!!!
  15. I see some things have not changed, would hate to be in a bar fight with some of our supporters they would be under the table before you could count to one!!
  16. In your opinion they have, but I don't think they have, we will all have to wait and see won't we
  17. Gys to Bummers for 2nd round pick used for Pedersen, Martin to the Lions for 2nd round pick used for Ray.
  18. In who's opinion yours, MN has targeted players he wants not what supporters want and thank christ for that.
  19. So it's ok for Sydney and co to target players who they want to fill a need and have succeeded but we cannot think I will leave it up to the club!!
  20. If only the media could have understood that, but that does not sell papers.........you are spot on with your post.
  21. What it does show that a lot of our supporters know nothing about setting up a club properly for sustain success, or know anything about football for that matter but they are entitled to have an opinion.
  22. picket, just ask some of the players that played under Ronald Dale and his five year plan, some thought he was a [censored]!!!! and he was known for the fire and brimstone type talks.
  23. If anyone wants to watch or tape the game it is on ABC Tuesday morning at 2am or there abouts.
  24. Does anyone think Watts might be doing a pre-season very early?
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