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Everything posted by demon3165

  1. You play with what given to you, being full time would not have helped with the players touching the ball around the ground. But I believe they should be full time.
  2. If the umpire didn't hear so be it he only gives decisions on what they see or hear or do we now just say that if a player says he touched it it must be so. Stop blaming umpires for everything it's a damm hard job, players make more mistakes than umpires during the game yet all supporters can say it's the umpires fault we lost the game. No game with officiating officials is not perfect.
  3. Commentators are like the weather changes every minute each one has a different perspective on the game and quite frankly who cares, if people get upset over their calling I suggest they take a Bex and a good lie down because next week they say the opposite the following week.
  4. As I said he won't play midfield all season even when Bowey comes back.
  5. Not saying he doesn't dribble on I tend to listen when he explains a play or the position players should be that's all I do and forget the noise.
  6. Salem will not play midfield all year does not have the tank for that he would blow out just like Kossie, Salem is only good for short bursts he foes not get involved enough for midfield.
  7. Depends on how you view it so who goes out for Bowey, Howes has been excellent and not put a foot wrong, Mc Donald, River's who?
  8. Still doesn't change the fact that his football knowledge is1st class maybe people could and learn something instead of just dismissing him because they think he's a [censored].
  9. Take away the dribble talk and listen to Derm when he explains a play and what they should have done etc he is generally spot on with his comments.
  10. The rules of the game are generally the same it's the interpretation that has changed, but it's a hard game to umpire, Generally they don’t do a bad job but the way the game is played and manufactured with 36 players at one end of the ground it would be hard to see any frees that would be. The worst rule that has changed is the ruck rule how can 2 guys grapple each other around the shoulders every time I think it's time for no contact until the ball is in the air just like the old days I'm afraid for all ball ups and boundary throw ins. To blame umpires for losses is a cop out for why teams in my opinion is easy to blame someone else instead of why it happened. But I agree with the poster about having an ex umpire in the box to explain some interpretations but to do that would incorporate higher costs and I don't think it would happen.
  11. Maybe he needs to stop flopping in marking contest first it embarrassing for a senior play with a side full of young kids.
  12. Why pidgen hole players if we take your thinking Neita and McDonald would never have played forward, Flower played HB and there is more of them, I would sooner a class finisher in the midfield because we have a lack of class there. ANB, Sparrow and Rivers lack football awareness and tend to panic when they try to think things through they did it again last night, they are good when they take the first option and that's their strength.
  13. Simple, he has ball skills, awareness, foot skills and is a thinking footballer exactly what we need in the midfield to have a bit of polish to finish of the work.
  14. Should be now, but could be when Bowey comes back.
  15. Those pesky umpires caused Billings to miss 3 goals why didn't they just let him have them again I say....
  16. And a majority of supporters from every club don't know the rules so there's that...
  17. Easy on that one but another pre season or two wellllllllll...
  18. For christ sake stop blaming umpires they are not at fault for crows player being free in numbers.
  19. You do realise that umpires talk to players...
  20. And I don't blame him, Brown wasn't even attempting to mark got away with that one.
  21. Problem is most supporters don't know the rules and it's it easy to pot an umpire, umpires don't miss goals 20m out, umpires don't handball to players standing still surrounded by opposition players umpires don't miss 20m passes umpires don't have 30 odd more entries into the forward line and don't kick enough goals to win a game, but yes they miss miss frees it's pretty damm hard when you have 36 players around the ball, try seeing anything through that. In a game of football that has different variations of rules generally they do a great job but supporters like to blame them in a game played over 120 minutes. Well go try doing it yourself and see how you go......
  22. Langdon wasn't heavily tagged the last 2 years he mainly ran boundary side all day and the opposition knew that, now he is running more corridor like he did in 21, so maybe game style for has changed for him.
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