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Posts posted by Grapeviney

  1. Not sure if it's been mentioned already but I've started making my through ESPN's 30 for 30 series on DVD and it's sensational.

    Have only seen 3 so far - Run Ricky Run, Without Bias, and the Tale of 2 Escobars - but all were top-notch docos.

    Watching the Ricky Williams one, I couldn't help wondering how good it would be to have a player like that bursting out of the centre of the 'G with ball in hand heading towards goal. What a jet.

    Len Bias also had all the hallmarks of a champion in the making.

    Looking forward to the rest of the series.

  2. They all show his talents... What's Up Tiger Lilly (his first?) - he acquired the rights to a Japanese gangster flick and dubbed his own dialogue over it. Sleeper is a great film with a screamingly funny Jewish tailor robot. Bananas, Love and Death, Annie Hall, Small Time Crooks, Manhattan etc etc... they are all good and each quite different. One of my favourites though, a black and white mystery with Mia Farrow and John Malkovich, Shadows and Fog... great.

    Annie Hall takes the cake for me, although I also have a soft spot for Take the Money and Run.

    I'm currently re-reading The Complete Prose of Woody Allen, which takes in Without Feathers, Getting Even and Side Effects.

    If you're a Woody Allen fan, it's well worth a read. I actually find his writing funnier than his movies - as one reviewer notes on the blurb of this collection: "No 500-page book ever contained a laugh a line, but this one goes pretty close."

    • Like 1
  3. RobbieF is that you mate?

    OMG ! How did you guess?

    You see, there's only one conservative on this site, so I had to register twice to bump up the numbers. I mean, that's how we won the election; I got to vote twice - once as RobbieF, and once as Grapeviney.

    By the way, if you think it's possible to obtain a Rhodes Scholarship by "retaining enough information to pass an exam or two", you need to do a bit more research yourself. Try asking your mate Turnbull - he was one.

  4. My cat has more brain cells then that lemon.

    In that case, your cat would know he has more brain cells than that lemon.

    But really, Abbott is a Rhodes Scholar. There are many legitimate criticisms you can make of the new PM, but being stupid isn't one of them.

    • Like 1
  5. I know of one particular legend who driving when drunk lost control and ran over a 5 year old boy playing on the footpath in the early 60's. The boy died recently after lingering in an institution for over 50 years. He ended up a profoundly retarded quadriplegic with half his head missing . The issue was covered up and no meaningful action was taken by the authorities, VFL or his club. The player was a club captain, B&F winner and member of their team of the century. I only know this because I was told the story by the boys mother whom I know well.

    If this is true, and you're annoyed that it's been covered up, why don't you name the player.

    • Like 1
  6. My concern about Martin is the amount of internal resources used up to keep him on the straight and narrow. That would diminish development of other players. And how would the other players feel if they saw the mount of effort being put into him while they are (relatively) ignored?

    He's a great on-field talent but I question whether the amount of ongoing effort which seems likely to be consumed would be worth it, particularly as he's not the only player who could be recruited.

    Is it any different to the resources deployed to support Liam Jurrah?

    Obviously, their circumstances aren't comparable, but the time / effort / energy / money invested in their welfare is probably not dissimilar.

  7. Hi all,

    I'm extremely excited with the past weeks progress like all the rest of you. Cant wait for the upcoming seasons being a demons member.

    I'm a bit of a rookie to be honest. Last year was my first full year being a member with the club. I only moved to Australia 2 years ago. The problem for me is that the friends I have at work and also out of work all go for other clubs. Im the only demons supporter that I know. Its hard to get people to come to the matches with me as they all think Melbourne is the laughing stock, so quite often I have to go on my own which is kinda boring to be honest. I dont want to give up my membership as the demons are my team! Im not going to change teams like all my friends try and get me to do. I even bought a premium membership so that I could purchase guest passes to try and convince people to come along.... without much luck at all (got one friend to go on 3 seperate occasions).

    Id like to try and find a group who go along to the footy to sit with and get amongst. Yes yes I get it sounds desperate but I really dont want to give up my membership or go to the footy on my own so im kinda out of options. Any ideas or help would be appreciated.


    Oh by the way I should probably say im a bloke and 31.

    Go DEMONS!

    G'day Burf!

    I've got my own crew already (family) but there are two ways you could go about joining up with fellow Demons at the footy.

    One is to make friends with the supporters sitting around you - what type of premium member are you? Redlegs? Trident etc..

    Also, late last year, there was a group of Demons who organised pre-game get-togethers and then sat with each other at matches, I think wearing red hats or red shirts or similar. They organised this through this message board - I'm not great with the search engine on here but maybe someone from that group will see your post and point you in the right direction.

    Dare I ask how you came to be a Demon in the midst of what will go down as one of the club's most disastrous eras?

    Regardless of the answer, good to hear you're still on board and have resisted the temptation to switch teams - hopefully your decision will pay dividends soon with some success!

    • Like 1
  8. Edited. I've been using that word in the wrong context for too long it seems.

    One of the most commonly misused words in the dictionary. I used to use it to describe Garry Lyon's effortless play.

  9. Lets see.

    $1.6m in 2014

    Less $400k for Craig who may get Lions job. That's $1.2m balance.

    Conservatively lets say an extra 6000 members x$200 =$1.2m.

    He is now at zero having paid for himself.

    Hang on I forgot, extra sponsors, more foundation members and old ones topping up, that could be considerable amounts of money coming into the club.

    Makes sense on a purely commercial basis anyway you look at it.

    Hang on I forgot that maybe the team improves under him and then all those income streams keep increasing.

    Seems pretty sound to me.

    Hang on, we're still going to get crucified by the umpires ..

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