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Posts posted by Grapeviney

  1. Grapeviney... the plaudits aren't all about Jetta's undisciplined act, many are about what he brings to the table. I objected to cheerleading regarding his imminent ban and a slur on his character. Clark also cost us a goal with an 'undisciplined' act. Are you suggesting that we drop Clark (if he is fit) because of a lack of discipline? If the umpire had protected Jetta from having his head ripped from his shoulders a little earlier he might not have thought he had to take matters into his own hands.

    Wayne - I'm a fan of Jetta's and what he brings to the table, and controlled aggression is important. We need more of it.

    But his 'bump' put us three goals down on the cusp of 3/4 time.. it was inexcusable, even taking into account the umpire's failure to protect him from the earlier head high tackle.

    As for the Clark reference - I wasn't suggesting Jetta should be punished at the selection table, rather that he will be at the tribunal.

  2. so you have no source and you avoid point b]

    and you miss my point re blurring opinion with fact

    I told you the source was media speculation - make of that what you will.

    I didn't present my opinion as fact, so I'm not sure why that's an issue.

    And I 'avoided' point b because I don't have any information on it.

  3. what is your source that

    a] AFL appointed Jackson

    b] AFL have asked him to perform a thorough review

    I heard it suggested from two different media outlets in the week before the appointment that the AFL were pushing for Jackson to go in.

    Now that doesn't make it necessarily so, but IIRC Demetriou, when asked about it, all but confirmed it by re-stating that he had told MFC that AFL were only a phonecall away. ie nudge nudge wink wink

    The club would have been silly not to consult the league on Schwab's replacement.

    The fact that Jackson has been appointed at all is also telling - we already had an interim replacement in Spargo. Why swap Spargo for Jackson unless it was at the behest of the AFL?

    • Like 2
  4. AFL have just confirmed that the MFC provided a statement to the league about involvement with Dank when it all began but they are now seeking more information as they were unaware of what was alleged tonight.

    Basically, we are back under investigation again.

    Just reported by Barrett on TFS

  5. This at least explains why our players have been so completely unmotivated in their performance, in our first 3 games. I think we have all been frustrated by the inability to understand WHY, at the beginning of a new season, after such a good pre season, the players clearly arent trying. Not chasing, no second attempts, no tackling, slow, appearing unfit. It hasn't made sense.

    But now it does.

    The text messages abruptly stop at the time of essendon's press conference. Can you imagine the sh@t that would have hit the fan, at that point, in our footy department. As yet, unidentified decision makers, (Schwab?), decided rather than go to the afl as essdon did, we would keep it in house, and hope it doesn't get out.

    Players are panicking, reassured by neeld, mission, Craig et al, but as the full catastrophe of essendon, is revealed, players aren't buying it. They, mistrust their coaching/ fitness team, they put in performances, that we have all witnessed.

    I feel so sorry for them. I am furious at the incapable management of the football department and of the club itself, who are responsible for the complete embarrassment our club is becoming.

    Get rid of them all.

    Peter Jackson is coming in. Good.

    replace the entire coaching team, the players will never play for them. They mistrust them.

    Bring in intim team of coaches for rest of the year, with the aim of getting EXPEPERIENCED coach with proven ability. Headhunt, be proactive, think outside the square! Be brave.

    Our family will still go to the game on Sunday, even though hopes for a win have gone. We are not at the bottom yet, the players will be more shattered than before, if possible. But we must support them.

    This is our club! And we need to stay strong. Don't let the supporters add to the problems of our club, by giving up!

    Lets continue the fantastic enthusiasm of last weeks training turn out.

    Go Dees!

    Interesting hypothesis. We can't be sure, but as Fifty-5 just said, it can't be dismissed.

  6. Bates to Dank:

    "Sorry you still up? Trengove is not going to Darwin so I don't need the thymomodulin for tomorrow."

    Wait if we were communicating with Dank through the preseason - wasn't Essendon already under investigation.

    No, the Essendon stuff came out Feb 5 - our dealings were prior to that.

    • Like 1
  7. There would seem to be two major differences between us and the Bombers.

    (1) MFC was done under the supervision of the MFC doctor (there were also references to Neil Craig and "Dave", which must surely be Misson).

    (2) None of our substances are or were on the banned list, at least according to the ABC Report. (We don't know yet whether the Bombers took banned substances).

    What does look shifty is the MFC statement at the time of the Bombers' expose that players had no direct contact with Dank. That may be so (someone else may have given the injections) but the club was clearly using weasel words in issuing that statement. Presumably the club decided that with the tanking fiasco still hanging over their heads, they couldn't afford to have more bad press on the eve of the new season.

    Interesting footnote that the last club contact with Dank was on the day of the Essendon presser..

    As for the source of this info, it's clearly Dank, and I agree with the earlier poster who said he's obviously decided that if he's going down, he'll try and take down as many as he can with him.

    • Like 4
  8. No one will have a go at the AFL pin up boy.

    Footy Classified did a pretty good job of it last night.

    He's averaging 15 possessions a game, one-third of which are clangers (2nd or 3rd highest total in league), and has given away the 2nd or 3rd highest number of free kicks in the league.

    So he's barely doing anything, and what he does do is generally to the detriment of his team.

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