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Posts posted by Grapeviney

  1. And the clubs don't like it because who wants their best players being injured in a game that's meaningless with respect to the Premiership?

    Yep. Remember Andy Collins tackling Hawthorn team-mate Tony Hall in the 1989 State of Origin, resulting in a serious knee injury to Hall which required a total knee reconstruction?

    It didn't cost them the flag, but Hall was never the same player after that.

  2. Caught behind all day, forward and back, absolutely unforgivable in wet conditions.

    Lost count of the number of times a quick kick fell short into a Geelong player's arms, standing 5 + metres in front of their Melbourne opponents.

    • Like 2
  3. Cough Gysberts cough. Cough Scully cough. Cough Tapscott cough. Cough Maric cough. Cough Strauss cough. Cough Bennell cough. Cough Jetta cough.

    Careful. Go through the entire litany and you'll end up with pneumonia.

  4. So many possessions.

    So much of the play.

    So many inside 50s.

    So many goals to jump and down about.

    Haven't enjoyed a game like that for ages!

    Go Dees!

    Ps. I don't think we ran out of legs - I think we thought it was all over and basically came to a standstill.

    Thank god they hung on.. it was so good to sing the song again...

    • Like 1
  5. Watts at the moment is a leading forward not a forward who can smash open packs like Clark or maybe a fit Dawes? but he did OK today. What would you expect from a leading forward at MFC today? You just get burnt time and time again. The kicking to a target is Shyte! The kicking to your advantage as the top sides do to make Buddy and co look so good is non existent. In the end Jack got 2, missed a couple but set up a couple so booke even. And there was no help really from Dawes who must have been injured when you compare his lack of run today compared to last time he played.

    Cool story bro.

    But I was talking about Pederson and Dunn :)

    • Like 1
  6. Tells me as much the fight in many is gone.

    It's been replaced by the fear that if we try to do it ourselves again we'll f#$k it up and wipe the club out of existence before the decade is out.

    • Like 1
  7. If you or other posters can't see Garland has taken another step, including into leadership, well who am I to argue, let's get back to trashing everything about the last 2 years..........Neil Craig is right, that's what happens now

    As others have said, there's such a thing as natural progression.

    If you open the thread to which I linked, you will see posters anticipated that not only would he get better, but he would be elevated to the leadership group.

    Not rocket science.

    Perhaps we should applaud the fact that he hasn't stalled like most of the rest of the list.

    • Like 3
  8. Sorry, I can't help myself on this point. I've heard 'Neeld is responsible for Garland's development' a couple of times now and I simply don't subscribe to the notion. Bailey and Wellman are responsible for his development. During Neeld's first season, Garland's output dropped off. It is only this year that it has returned. Considering Neeld couldn't get him playing in his first season, I'd give more credit to Garland for his own return to form.

    Part of the problem with Col's season last year was that he had to play forward after Clarke's injury. It worked in the win over Essendon but he struggled otherwise.

    But you're right - it's a nonsense to suggest Neeld is responsible for his good form.

    He was v. good in 2010, and backed it up in 2011.


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