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Everything posted by DemonWA

  1. 100% chad haircut. Tan. [censored] personality. Total Chad haha
  2. Yeah I find this to be a really interesting consideration/decision. In my mind, and having played sport at a reasonably high level, there's no doubt that fitness can be a deciding factor in matches where teams are equally skilled. However when all AFL sides are fit to such a high degree I find it difficult to grasp how significant the idea of loading/Tapering is especially when we're looking at teams who are in and around the top 4 - crazy to think sides would prefer to be at their fittest/freshest on GF day but finish outside the 4, rather than finish in the 4 and without the ideal loading/tapering preparation. Surely minimising the number of games in a finals series is a better idea - all it takes is an injury to a key player or a mason cox cameo (ala Tigers) and the fitness aspect will mean very little. Chad Scott's comments were much easier to say after they still banked 4 points imo.
  3. I respect your detailed analysis and passion, but the whole concept of looking for patterns in seasons stats (W/L etc) is almost exactly my issue with discussion about loading. As a mug footy watcher and just reviewing the way the games look and feel, I don't feel like our season feels much at all like last year, regardless of the coincidental parallels in the mid season stats. Last year I felt like we won the tight matches against the good sides when challenged, and importantly our 'bottom 4- 6' played out of their skins almost all year - almost coming of age from fringe players to best 22. This year the bottom 6 are a clear bottom 4-6 again IMO, and we've lost to all of the real contenders (Sydney, Freo and Cats). We have a player or 2 on every line who you'd argue about whether they are best 22. No doubt injury and suspension hasn't helped this. I'm also convinced there is an element of complacency at play too, coupled with other teams approaching our matches as mini finals / acid tests. Regardless of the debate about the magnitude of impact that training loads has on performance, I think finishing Top 4 is vital to making the GF. The elephant in the room is that our run home is much tougher this year and the season is far more even generally. Does finishing top 4 get priority over being absolutely cherry ripe on GF day (but having to play off from outside the 4)?
  4. This thread is hilarious. Never seen so many people trying to wish away poor form in one place.
  5. Anyone know the blonde bloke in the 'knock off RMs' meme that's been doing the rounds? Seen him at plenty of WA games over the years despite clearly not being from WA. The most loyal supporter imaginable.
  6. Perhaps it's as simple as that the coaches back our method to win. Until half way through the last quarter the approach had some merit too.
  7. If you take the time to see my posts after the game I say we were beaten by the better team on the night. Hardly hand wringing. I'll cut you some slack for the Electric Wizard avatar
  8. Not at all, and I don't truly 'care' about the narrative but I worry that it fuels the group think that we'll win the flag again, almost as a formality. Clearly this isn't the case.
  9. My issue is that discussion about loading (which happens) trivialises far more obvious issues with our game this year. Additionally I believe people are taking the results and using loading as a convenient way to build the narrative that our losses are all part of the grand plan. As I say, if that helps people sleep at night, all power to you. No doubt it has some effect, but we've lost to other top 4 contenders who would also be loading, so at what point do you just conceed the lads aren't playing the best footy and are perhaps a touch complacent?
  10. Not at all. I was responding to a post that wanted to make the proposition that we deliberately didn't change any of our method during the match, as if it's some master plan to save our tricks for the finals. Ie. We lost last night almost by choice. I disagree and I made a general comment that that sort of 'make the facts suit the logic' reverse engineered theory is similar to talking about training loads when we loose. I wasn't asking to debate loading theory. You tell me to put up or shut up. I think it's more than reasonable to say you're triggered - judging by your essays on the loading thread and the discussion on the podcast I get the impression that hanging onto the loading theory helps you to sleep at night. all power to you
  11. I don't see a substantial difference between using it as a sole excuse and using it as the predominant excuse. It's semantics. Try not to get so triggered.
  12. Lol. This is up there with the people who use loading as an excuse for every loss and every game that we're not at our best. Just accept that the Cats will be in the mix again this year and that were not a sure thing to go back to back. The end
  13. Lol talk about double standards. No club owns a player. If he's desperate to leave as it is looking could be the case, we shake hands and wish him the best and look at getting maximum compensation.
  14. Anyone got the footage of the incident?
  15. Yeah I'm not a fan of the design but I'm a massive fan of the club choosing to wear it again in NAIDOC week.
  16. As he is a forward I don't have a problem with him backing himself to kick that goal. He was on his left. In more recent times we butcher chances trying to be unselfish too.
  17. Viney Lever Trac Oliver Harmes Brayshaw
  18. Lol we lost tonight because we weren't as good as Geelong, who are also loading btw.
  19. I would make 2 changes- in a tall at the expense of Bedford (Weideman, MBrown or JVR) and I'd give Chandler a game, with Spargo due for a spell. No need for wholesale changes - just go back to the Tmac structure and get some fresh, keen legs in the F50
  20. James Harmes appreciation post.
  21. Geelong were the better side tonight. They'll be right up there this season so I don't think the sky is falling. Anyone still blaming training loads for that one?!
  22. Less than a kick in it. Was never going to be easy on their home deck. Few tweaks to make at half time and then come home with a wet sail ⛵ go dees
  23. I had the pleasure of attending both the prelim and the GF and the feeling at the prelim was like nothing else I've ever experienced- I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Incredible performance
  24. You forgot the 2022 rule; BBBB does anything other than clunk everything and kick a bag and you must abuse him for being old, past it, not tough enough, weak, soft and vegan (in no particular order)
  25. Wow some names in there that my mind had erased - getting PTSD reading about Terlich and Georguou haha
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