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Everything posted by binman

  1. This is the photo you are using for evidence? I hope you are not representing May at the tribunal. By the by you listed 3 options and he didn't take any of them. The closest of your option was option 3 but he added some mayo. The mayo being he moved his body towards Berry. That's to say he took option 4 - bumping Berry. It is why he got reported.
  2. Of course they will deal with things sensibly and calmly. They are professionals. So is May for that matter.Thankfully they will have more discipline than May. They will still be fuming. But because they are professionals they will have the skills to deal with it properly and not allow their anger to dictate their response. As i said its not 1974.
  3. Simple. Brace a for contact (and perhaps turn his body a bit) to protect himself. Don't bump. As soon as you choose to bump you risk a report - and if you accidentally make even slight contact to the head you are sure to be reported. If you make heavy contact you get weeks.
  4. The club will be absolutely furious. As they should be. If you don't think so i respectfully suggest you may not have a sense of how a fully professional, elite football club operates. Its not 1974 and big carl getting pats on the back for giving someone a shirtfront. It is instructive the club isn't appealing on the grounds he is innocent but is instead are arguing to downgrade the impact of the bump so he doesn't get a week. Why? Because May deliberately bumped him. And as such accepted the risk he might hit him high. Which is what happened. The club will be fuming he made that decision. Because it was stupid. And completely avoidable. If we lose next week because their tall forwards towel us up you might reconsider your opinion. Who knows such a loss to Port might cost us a top 4 position. Might be the difference between a flag and no flag. Of course it may not but we wouldn't be having this discussion if May, a player with a shocking tribunal record (something the club would have discussed with him prior to signing no doubt) had engaged his brain in what was a meaningless practice game.
  5. And you manage a spelling mistake in a sentence containing 11 words? Standards at Mensa Oz must have slipped since i left.
  6. Nup. He didn't set out to 'maim' him. he did try to hurt him. And succeeded. He is very lucky he didn't get him more on the head, say flush on the nose, which easily could have happened if Berry had dropped even a couple of centimeters more. Something that is completely out of May's control.Then we would be talking high contact and 5-6 weeks. All for what? What did he achieve by bumping him?
  7. For Pete's sake am I watching the same footage as others. Or is there two versions. May dropped his shoulder and moved into him deliberately to drop him. Which he succeeded in doing. Which is why he got reported. Stupid Yes he could have moved out the way. But that is not really an option. So instead he could have achieved the aim of blocking him by simply bracing and protecting himself. And he would not have been reported. Instead he made the decision to bump (A much smaller player) and therefore put himself in a situation where a report becomes possible. Stupid. And what did he gain? Nothing. So now we face the chance of meeting a side loaded with tall forwards without our biggest and best kpd. Great. Good on him. Smart. Not. Even if gets off the appeal is s palaver we don't need ahead of round one. The club will say the right things but internally they will be fuming.
  8. Leaving aside the suspension, it was plain stupid from may. Supposed to be leader. Risks a suspension before he plays his first game for a new club. For what. Nada. Stupid
  9. Sorry. Avilius is flem race 8 no 7
  10. I'm going with avilius as my best again. Is miles ahead of those he regularly races against. Trap for fools will put some pace into the race, ensuring there is plenty of space and avilius will roll over the top of him and win by a couple (Not necessarily from trap for fools). Even at 1.70 is good value. In terms of of how i select my best bet, ive said before but just for transpareny i choose horses that i think are close to rhe best chance of winning on the day. So often it is pretty short. But still needs to be some value. So no winx for example. It is always the horse i have my biggest bet on for the day. For me best value is a different concept. That is purely the horse i consider most overs. Can still be short(ish) but generally longer. Today my best value bet is i am a star (race 9 no 1 flemington)
  11. But don't. Small forwards start in the forward line and whilst they may push up sometimes stay in the forward line by in large. Hence the name. Small forward. Like Jeff. Like spargo. Like betts. That is the position you said he was going to play. All players - even defenders push into to the forward line at some point. Players who do so from the wing (and start on the wing) are called wingman. The position jkh played in the seniors last year and in the two trial games this year. I am not suggesting he did not tell you he was being trained to play as small forward (though what you say above is different to your initial post on this topic). But that is not the role he has played thus far in two trial games.
  12. Maybe. Or maybe he was humouring you. Or maybe the club realised he is no small forward. Whatever the case in both the practice game against the pies and the jlt game he played on the wing. Do you not think - notwthstanding your one on one chats - that if they were considering him for a small forward role this season they would trial him in that role. At least once? Particularly after Jeff went down? Do you have a logical reason why they didn't do so? Perhaps they will do so this weekend. Perh asps not. If tbey don't I'm sure you will tell us you chatted to him (or a coach, or a trainer or a water boy) and they have landed on a new role.
  13. Well at the first two opportuniies to trial him in that position they instead played him on the wing. Both times.
  14. i doubt he is a contender for a small forward role. It's wing or bust for JKH
  15. Fourth means nothing to dees.... This means nothing to dees... Sung to the tune of
  16. Agree with bolded bit. We looked awesome in that first quarter once we ramped up our contests. I think two factors played a part in our drop off in that game. The first is that after half time we had 4 or 5 different players come on the ground, most of whom were young or inexperienced. This impacted on our synergy and quality, whereas the tigers pretty much kept the same team on the park (you could see how well they knew each others game by the way they moved the ball from defence). The other factor was we decided to do hard training session in mid 30s temperature only a few days beforehand (something we wouldn't have done if the game was for premiership points) which must have taken a fair bit out of the players - particularly the bigs (who all struggled).
  17. Disagree with much of this. JKH was dead unlucky to get dropped late last year. Runs and works hard. Is a neat kick and stays in the contest. I actually thought he was one of our better players against the tigers in the JLT game. Most on DL seem to agree that our recruiting team and football department get most things right these days. A view i certainly share. So it is safe to assume the club rate JKH as they saw fit to offer him a one year extension at the end of last year, on the back of what this article notes was a 'strong end to the 2018 season', something they simply would not have done if they 'saw little upside'. https://www.afl.com.au/news/2018-09-28/dee-kennedy-harris-earns-new-deal-after-strong-end-to-year
  18. Fair dinkum where the [censored] are young men's' heads at? How immature do you have to be share videos of your 'conquests' - not to mention being a complete disrespectful [censored] to do so without consent. Happy International Women's Day indeed.
  19. Great, now you can seriously get on it for a few weeks.
  20. Effectively a social club. Great atmosphere. Build us one dees!
  21. I was there. The room was buzzing. If i recall correctly players were there too. We all premiership cups twinkling in our eyes. Talk about counting you chickens......
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