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Everything posted by binman

  1. I can't say I thought we’d roll with no ruck, but 100% see the logic. Disco took as many centre bounces as roo last week, so as you say those two and Petty can share ruck duties. It's going to be a bit slippery, so that negates draper a bit. But also means less scoring and therefore less centre square bounces. We can go to work on sharking draper exactly the same way opponents do to maxy. And most of all, neither verell or the fella whose name I know will misspell and face the wrath of the pedants deserve a call up on form. Fullers has been underwhelming and if he was selected would likely offer not much more than running with petts, roo and disco. And verell, who I have a lot of time for and think will make it, is not ready yet. Picking him won't give us much and might be unhelpful for his development. And if either verell or fullers was picked disco probably comes out. There is an opportunity cost factor there, and goody has said he wants the three amigos in the team.
  2. I guess selection this week shuts down the goody is too predictable thread
  3. A genuine question. WCW's posts appear to really trigger and/or upset you. Why don't you put HER on ignore.?
  4. God our club is hopeless.
  5. I think the nibbla decision was right. And to be honest I wish more umpires had the fortitude to make decisions at such a critical moments. The umpires job is to pay frees that are there regardless of the ramifications or point in the match Too many umpires take the easy way out and avoid making a decision at all near the end of close games. The whole 'they've put the whistle away' palaver is a joke. So the media should be pumping him up. But my frustration is how inconsistent the umpiring is from game to game and within matches. On the former, tracc getting basically dragged to the ground in the dying seconds in the game against the blues is an example that comes to mind. Crystal clear free completey let go. And on the latter, in the lions game there were several non decisions we should have got in the last quarter that cost us dearly as the free paid against nibbla. The AFL is treating fans as a joke. We deserve more. Stop wasting money on stupid things like tracking micro chips in footies and pour it into improving the standard of umpiring.
  6. I'll never understand what motivates someone to go to the bother of trolling people on a footy forum. Most aberrant behaviour serves some sort of self protective purpose, so i hope you are ok. Be that as it may, better for my wellbeing if I put you ignore. See ya.
  7. Agree. But he didn't have his best day yesterday in the centre square contests.
  8. 70% is impressive. Interesting that both models are so close.
  9. Is this a genuine question froggy? I ask because it feels a bit like a gotcha, set up question.
  10. He said what? Was it the first of April?
  11. Yep. I have seen some posts calling for Sparrow to be dropped. I think what his critics perhaps don't factor in is that he is given specific roles. And far from goody playing favourites he's a best 22 lock because he does the jobs goody asks him to do.
  12. Brilliant, thanks wheelo. My interest in stats and data is really about the story they tell, particularly when triangulated. I'm a Luddite when it comes to the mathematical aspect, but if you don't understand how they are calculated it's impossible to know what story they tell. What does the data say about your strike rate for accurately predicting results? Another q - am I right to assume the player ratings you use are the champion data ratings (I might have asked you that before, apologies if I have). And how do determine the predicted ratings?
  13. There are some very curious stats this week, but one in particular stands out. We had more 1.1 km metres gained than the Eagles. Which is incredible. In previous seasons, with our forward half game that would not be that remarkable - but it is this year. I suspect it might be our biggest diff for metres gained all season. Normally such a differential, for any club, but in seasons past particularly us, would correlate with smashing the oppo for inside 50 and time in forward half. But we were dead even for inside 50s and 49% to their 51% for time in forward half. @Binmans PA, I wondered if one factor for these seemingly contradictory numbers might be related to the point you have made a few times about how deep our defence often sits this season - ie we often win the ball back deep in our defence, effectively lengthening the ground. Thoughts? Amy other theories?
  14. Thanks wheelo. Coincidentally, I'm on the train to work and just downloaded the wheelo app. Brilliant product. Great navigation. Easy to use. Visually works really well. Kudos. A question, how are team ratings calculated (I know it's a combo of attack and defence, but how are the scores for each determined)?
  15. Spot on - on all counts. He's the love child of jackovich and Brett Lovett. i had checked the tracker and was surprised how quick he is (note: average speed in attack is running when we have the ball). And clearly a super hard worker, as evidenced by topping average speed in defence (note: running when the opponents have the ball - the best indicator of work rate and spread).
  16. I can take that one. Have already run the numbers on one young gun.
  17. If AMW can take the quality small forwards like Cody weightman and Bobby Hill, Mcvee is freed up to play higher up the ground, where his beautiful kicking and elite decision making can be even more damaging.
  18. I would not be surprised if AMW keeps his spot in the team going forward. He's been terrific. Strong in the contest, and a good user. And he has something that all teams want - genuine leg speed. Could he be the small defender we've missed since jetts in 2018?
  19. Who do you reckon they barrack for? I'm tipping the pies.
  20. Mark Murphy's votes on abc radio were 3 Rivers 2 JVR 1 Windsor The kids are alright
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