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Everything posted by binman

  1. Unless his classmates are Demonland posters for whom a win is still a loss.
  2. Apply Occam's razor. Why would so many players have such low TOG post bye? Why would we stop to a walk in the last quarter (and struggle in the 2nd quarter) after a bye? Why have we generally struggled around the bye period and post bye since burgess became high performance manager (with Selwyn following a similar model)? Why are there so many strange results around this period every year? (eg lions flogging port by 80 points at AO, dogs flogging freo by 70 points - after having beem flogged by the lions the previous week - roos going down to the pies by a point, the suns only managing 48 points against the saints under the docklands roof, the blues flogging the cats etc etc) Why did we look so flat and have such poor skills in our win over the tigers after our first bye this season? Now, there is likely to be multiple factors. But a key one is almost certainly that clubs, and in particular rhe dees, use byes to increase the intensity of their anaerobic and aerobic training. Which impacts their post bye performance because they are fatigued. It is worth noting that after the pies game the players got their break straight after the game and then came back and trained for the roos game. If they wanted to maximise freshness for this game they would have trained and then rested. They took the same approach in our first bye period. And came out flat against the tigers. It's also worth noting that arguably our best performance of the year came in the second game after a bye - our win over the cats. A six day break into Friday night's game against the lions means they are likely to have a light week on the track. And so will be fresh and ready to roll. Winning will be a tall order (when was the last time we were $4.55 to win a game?) but I suspect the dees will surprise a few people next Friday night.
  3. Personally, I find it ironic. I think it was after the hawks win, my first post game post praised the team, but also referenced the haters on this site. @Moonshadow was quick to call me out and give me some advice to just enjoy the win, allow others to do so too and not create bad vibes. Plenty liked the advice. Well, we won last night. I might have missed it, but I don't recall reading a post from @Moonshadow imploring the many haters pouring scorn on us post game to enjoy this win and not create bad vibes.
  4. I met a mate and his young son after the game and walked into town with them. The young fella, decked out in his signed Steve May jumper, was [censored] a hoop. Loving life, kicking his footy, talking about the game and loving his team. Wise beyond his years, he knows you celebrate and enjoy the wins when they come.
  5. This x 1000. Bank the four points and get set for the lions. Go redlegs.
  6. A good reminder of one thing we call agree on - the ladder doesn't lie.
  7. Which is why I don't bet on dees games.
  8. 'Tis the season for funky results.
  9. The roos' pressure and contest has been good, but they lack the fitness to maintain it for four quarters. I doubt we'll be fully wound up, but the roos are coming of a six day break and we're coming off a bye. I think the roos will either come out flat, or come up out with good intensity but fade. Dees by 43 points.
  10. Roll up, Roll up to the Can't Win Demonland Cup. Lose and all the doom spiral predictions are proven correct. Win by anything less than 124 points and all the doom spiral predictions are proven correct.
  11. With his selection decisions, Goody's a maverick.
  12. That's better. $50 - the 2021 didn't actually happen; like the moon landing it was staged
  13. Very brave punting right there - a thousand hypothetical dollars. Why not a million! Which, by the by, is why the betting market is a more reliable measure of probable outcomes than tips and predictions by media or fans. Punyers putting their hard earned money where their mouth is. Real money. We are currently $1.17 to beat the roos. Of course those odds do not imply a 100% probability of winning ($1.00 = 100% probability). And of course, we might lose. We were a similar price against the Eagles for example. But the bookies, who are not keen on losing money and minimise the risk of doing so by being good at pricing probability, set a very short opening price and the market (ie punters) agree with that assessment, hence the current price (by the by I expect that price to drift to something like 1.25 or 1.30, so roos are pretty good value atm. The 32 point line is even better value).
  14. As a keen punter, I offer the following market: $1.22 - Goody's future $1.80 - hopeless list $2.00 - hopeless recruiting team $2.20 - Kate Roffey $2.50 - kulture $2.80 - midfield $3.00 - Maxy: does his brilliance actually hurt us. $3.20 - loading: should we do more? $3.50 - Pert $4.00 - time to trade tracc, maxy and Oliver for picks and go full rebuild mode
  15. INCORRECT, we are the oldest professional football club in the world. 168 years old. And we'll be around for another 168 years - long after we are all forgotten. A proud club, with a proud history, with players who have given their all, even in the many barren years. A proud club that deserves respect- least of all from supposed supporters. I've had it up to here with posters on this forum taking every opportunity to slag off the mighty dees.
  16. And I'd add, why should she say anything? Presidents make statements when there is a crisis. However much the handwringers and media flunkeys would like us to think, a stretch of poor form does not equate to a crisis. I don't hear any noise about the cats wretched form. I'd prefer the president not buy into the fugazi
  17. It may not be a perfect solution WCW but I have found it to be a pretty effective one. I have been kicking around DL for ages. For a big chunk of that time I got in any number of back and forths with people who views really got me wound up (as opposed to posters who i disagreed with on many things but who I enjoyed the banter - Pro dee for example). But I realised it was a dead end, so put them on ignore. I don't have many people on ignore, but it works. There are also posters who views i diametrically disagree with, which is fine, but I feel like they post to get people riled up. I have got better at just skimming and only occasionally responding, so no need to put on ignore. The key for me is not biting when someone posts something provocative. Well, not biting all the time to be more accurate. And then there are posters who I just disagree with about specific footy stuff but we both end up repeating the same arguments, which becomes tiresome for other posters. And I now do my best to stay clear of non footy stuff. I've found the combination of the strategies above have worked well for me and improved my demonland experience (that and avoiding the game day thread during games!).
  18. Yep. Unfortunately same goes for petty, McAdam, BBB and possibly tmac (I say possibly because tmac has looked in remarkably good nick given he had an interrupted preseason).
  19. People talk about the power of AI, but it has a long way to go.
  20. Ok. A serous question. If we win next will you give us credit for the victory. Or will you downplay the win because 'it's only the roos'?
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