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Everything posted by Demon17

  1. I agree he was a class player all over. But.... more consistent in a better team maybe. The AFL drug code/results are confidenetial nationwide between player and Doctor. Not even club are allowed to know unless its strike 3. As I said , so much for that process and Lethal's view of Diretcor Code of Conduct anyway. An interesting story .
  2. No need for the exclamation marks 58er. I was just querying this massive breach of trust and/or the AFL rules governing the drug testing protocol. But like everything else, nothing is confidential unless no-one else knows the info. Once another party knows anyhting its in serious risk of making it intothe public domain one way or another if its juicy enough. And this from an AFL Club Director. So much for Board confidentiallity at the Lions.
  3. Are we meant to believe that Lethal told a complete stranger of an AFL players 'confidential' drug test status???????
  4. Great comments on these two - Salem and Robbo. I loved Robbo but gee was always calling out 'keep your feet'. Salem never falls over. Salem cements his status with a killer final series last season. One player most oppo coaches go to work on. Never succeed. reverse the order on these two IMO
  5. Thanks for the fantastic work on this Deespicable. I would just like to acknowledge that No 26 , - Jacko -, I think also holds the all-time AFl/VFL record for the quickest first 50 career goals which he did in hist inaugural season with us.. Done in his first 9 games, of which one game (his first was goaless) . At 71 Goals 57 behinds for the season, imagine what might have been with better accuracy, or was this a sign of trying the impossible shot too many times.
  6. Your post demonstrates how far the club - and supporters - have come in 2021. The above statement would seem ridiculous several years ago, and maybe even in 2020. But now a perfectly reasonable ambition, and a good chance of occurring. Maybe the Dees are the only club currently placed to hold such a possible target. A huge swathe of the 2021 GF team will still be only half to 3/4 the way through their careers, and Trac, Oliver, Petty, Fritsch, Spargo, Jackson, Lever , Langdon, Sparrow and Jordan (50% of the Premiership players) will be hardened 25 to 30 year olds. Max will be the newly appointed and recently retired great and Ruck coach in 2027. Remind the site of this post Durango around late August I'd say with confidence.
  7. Lyon has said it wasn't widely used. His father Peter won the Soccer pools and Garry's teammates asumed he was getting a cut which he says didn't come his way. I stood next to his dad at the 88 Gf. Lovely person and very proud of his then 21 yearold son. Wore a demons scarf depsite being an ex-hawk player. On an earleir comment on Danny Huges in the 88 GF - he actually took the opening centre bounce, and generally was ineffective. He sure was in thta opneing contest, trying to run through Dear. against Greg Dear. Jimmy was clear BOG for the Dees that day.
  8. Thanks for the pick up. My point still stands on a Cats fan view of the Dees v Cats success rates from 2012 onwards
  9. At the suggestion of a comment on here I read the cats Bigfooty GF feed. One common theme was that during the Dees display cats fans were saying just how far off the pace they now are. And how come the dees make 2 prelims and 1 GF for 1 flag , whilst the cats have made 7 prelims for zip since 2021. Envy abounded on the site with more than a few comments on recruiting and coaching.
  10. His good era finished in 91 and I reckon this result the following season contributed to both parties seeing the time was up and ready for change.
  11. Thanks for that insight I wasn't aware of. What a pick up Bowey is.
  12. Spot on Wells on this issue. My view of the Northey years was that the team played right up to the final bell and were never beaten until the end, such was the way Swooper had the team playing from 87 to 91. You always knew the contest was on till the end. (except the 88 GF of course) That's now obsolete and I believe the team, and the opposition, will think it's always winnable/or loseable (from the oppo's viewpoint) with any deficit up to 40 points. The Max gawn Line as you say. In fact Goodwin talked about how the team constantly talked about their Lions comeback game earlier in the year from which thay took self - belief to get them over the line in later games in 2021.
  13. Youv'e summaried well Taylor's stated reasons for selecting Bowey - cleanliness' kicking skills, and decision-making. Imagine him in a few years after working alongside the master - Salem.
  14. Watched the same bit ysterday also. I noticed that for Sparrow to be in the clear to kick his 3rd 1/4 goal his opponent left him to attack the ball carrier Oliver coming out of the center. Caleb Daniel.
  15. Well said. Tmac's career highlight - delivering the coup de Grace in a highly intelligent peice of shepherding.
  16. Hamish is a lightweight in this area, but I give him credit for this one. It was excellent for the event that had just unfolded
  17. I think it was pre-planned . JB knew he needed a key phrase for posterity. Note that after Trac kicked the first goal in the first 1/4 - JB yells"...Petracca goes BANG..." He was warming up and the phrase was already in the back of his mind. Still it was a top call by him after oliver's goal.
  18. Good point Durango. he also has soft hands - watch him Mark the ball on that lead to James Harmes. He caresses the ball into his palms. A beautiful thing to watch. If in doubt - watch a replay of any mark by Chris Dawes.
  19. Fritta has always impressed me the way he took being omitted for the 2018 Prelim. When I look at the Hawks final the previous week I can see why he was dropped , but still it must have been hard. He could have dropped his bundle as a 21 year old, etc..., but didn't and stuck with the club for whatever reason. He was the player I was most pleased for because of that hardship and his ultimate 6 goal GF performance. he's now one of 23 Dees Immortal from 2021.
  20. Dunstall was a champion footballer - That's all. Doesn't make him a rocket scientist of insight into the modern game. He may not be a fan of the Dees, but I detest his club for surviving on the backs of problem gamblers down waverely way.
  21. As a Geelong resident I am yet to meet a local cats supporter who welcomes Scott's re appointment. But I dont hear steven wells copping it for woeful recruiting and list management over the past 6 or so years. Resting on his laurels from the excellent list build of 16 years ago. I suspect the cats hierarchy see change is needed and moved him sideways and installed andrew mackie now in the key role.
  22. No need to apologise to anyone, esp CF, DeeZone. Your'e spot on IMO. 8 years on the Board means she was involved in all key issues of the re-build, Roos, Pert, Marketing, Goodwin extension, stability and cohesion, financil position after selling gaming venue ....etc. What on earth was easy in 2021?
  23. She admitted in an earleir interview that after Bailey Fritsch's goal in the 3rd roved off the back of the pack, putting us 1 goal down, she leaned across the Gary Lyon who was siiitng close to her and said "... Gary, wev'e got this..." Was super confident at the time.
  24. Some say public speaking is feared second only to dying. Then daylight. Why should Clarry be any different to most. Check out his one-on-one interview with Dylan Buckley mentioned on here recently. Its about an hour, and Clarry is insightful, articulate and showed great self-awareness. Just not in front of 1500 people - that will terrify most. On the big stage though he just lets his play do the speaking. We are blessed to be seeing this young man in red and blue and wathcing his progress at this time.
  25. Agreed and then when you take Langdon with those to, to me it shows how valued by the match cttee is work ethic. Not saying the total top 10 don't work hard , they do, but Nibbler and Langdon , and now Tmac are just gut runners extraordinary for the team and would have contrinuted to their finishes in the B and F.
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