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Posts posted by Mad_Melbourne

  1. difference between pace and acceleration, or turn of pace is really important, so it is hard to classify.

    for example bennell, has a quick change of pace, which gets him a few metres of room, but maybe his top speed isnt as quick, if you get me?

    but bennell, davey, scully, sylvia, bartram, bail, jurrah, all have a really good burst of pace,

    watts runs 20m quickest at the club, and addam maric runs the hundred m in around 11 seconds so he is quick too, they just look slower in matches.

    oh and jetta is quick, looks slow due to his running style but he gets a few ks going when he is at top speed i think

  2. to be honest somewhat ridiculous to suggest no room for our best small defender in the side. mckenzie, scully, wona, morton all who you mentioned do not play his role.

    i am a big fan of bartram despite his poor disposal, even still i think his disposal has improved, and although it is still not his weapon, his strength for his size, speed and endurance are all weapons.

    if he wasnt playing this week who would you put on cyril?

  3. the main reason they got away from us last year was the weather turned and it started raining, and thus their bigger bodies pushed us off the ball, if it doesnt rain and the weather stays good, ill back us in, i think our fitness is exceptional and our ability to run out the match could put us in good stead

  4. couldn't really be happier with a debut than that, Watts has played 19 and none as good as that

    i think watts had a good game last year, 27 or 28 disposals against the lions, but this isnt a watts thread

    tappy is going to be a gun, his kicking is lethal, and i feel much safer with him kicking out than most.

    and his rig is ridiculous, the kid is a monster, i cant wait to see him lay a full blown tackle!

  5. anyone questioning his discipline is well off the mark.

    his kicking is a slight issue, but i think its just he rushes himself, and leans away from the ball when he kicks it...

    having said that i think some posters here are a tad ridiculous, there is going to be flaws in every player, and especially a player who is below 30 games, its just whether the flaws outweigh the good and for jack they definately do not

  6. to be honest, getting games into dunn, jurrah, watts, take priority on bate.

    petterd is ahead of him

    and then really id rather see howe getting a gig than bate

    chalk him up as done and dusted id say, end of season see ya later, if only he could pack mark, and use his speed to chase opponents

  7. i like it, it is pretty similar to what dean bailey said on a whiteboard wednesday i think, but the idea is definately good

    1st edit

    oh and i agree, i can see us functioning and playing in a grandfinal without gysberts, i see dunn of more importance, hopefully he can kill it this season, as i reckon he is vital to our forward set up

    2nd edit

    its obviously different opinions have different views so im not to worried about the core player thing as people will argue different players will be core

    3rd edit

    this potential grandfinal core players would have to have either spencer, gawn or martin in it surely, as in 3-4 years jamar 31 or 32, spencer and/or gawn will need to stand up

  8. Why wait for the odds to shorten. If you think he can win then you must believe he will get a nomination. Take the speculative odds now!

    I think next week David Swallow will show what he's got and the whole thing will be over.

    that is true, but none the less if tappy continues with first up form then he is a good chance although i think josh toy will be the highlight for gold coast

  9. I'd want someone to stop him (Burgoyne), getting the ball and hurting us with his possesions. The turnover factor is after that fact.

    Grimes can kick, he just needs to settle and make better decisions with the ball.

    yeh i wasnt refering so much to grimes turning it over, but rather he is a lynch pin in our set up and attack and is not very accountable for his man, and as burgoyne needs close attention this would not be ideal, i would rather bail does a job much like he did on josh kennedy today, and follows him all over the field and runs hard to negate him.

    ohhhh tapscott, tappy on burgoyne!!!!

  10. Grimes for Burgoyne.

    hurts to look at, think that wouldnt be too gooder idea, possibly bail.. i would like to see grimes on the worst forward so that he can run off and not be as accountable, not someone who will punish us on the turn over or punish grimes if he was 2-3 m away from him!

  11. mainly to play through zones, need lots of options up the field so that there are options to play through, you couldnt bank on mids and defenders only to be enough players to push throug a zone and therefore you try to get as many players up the field to spread their zone as much as possible.

    another reason that it could be done is to do with confidence in our fitness, we would run the defenders up and down the field and in the last quarter they were nackered, and thus we got the run on.

  12. I'm in two minds about this. I do think there's some benefit in giving him a second chance to prove himself so long as the "it's not good enough" speech is delivered before hand. Then if he's arse again next week he's gone. At the same time, he really spudded it up and I'm not sure you're sending the greatest of messages to the players in the fringe if you retain him. Tough call but I think he'd be out.

    agreed, but i still dont think his game was that poor, davey, jones, rivers, macdonald, bartram, were all definately worse, none the less, i would say that he didnt have as much impact as he did in the pre season matches, he may come back as the sub, but i again dont think he had too badder game, one or two times he did butcher the ball, but grimes butchered it 7-8 times resulting in goals... this is somewhat comparable as the good things maric did gave us three goals, and the good things grimes did saved our defence several times.. i just think everyone is being harsh on his performance.

  13. positives today, watts made several good contests, 3 good spoils in the last half that were helpful and i think one or two resulted in us scoring a point or goal, he lead hard into space leaving space behind him which the balls was to be kicked into (obviously set leads), his kicking was pretty darn good aswell.

    negatuves today, didnt get enough of it, pushed off the pill abit too easy, and at times looked like he didnt want to be playing, didnt have that anger or want in his eyes.

    an okay performance, not too bad i dont think

  14. his disposal was appaling today, too often kicking it to the opposition, or a team mate in a worse position, it is not always like this and it is just more noticeable because he gets the ball so much.

    today he was defensively poor too with his opponents in the first half killing it.

    another problem today, was with him backing into the pack and leaving his opponent on the ground, he did this a few times spoiling rivers or macdonald and leading to his opponent getting the ball on the crumbs. but this is obviously due to his overhead marking being so good and more often than not he takes the grab, but when he doesnt it leads to a direct turnover and usually a scoring shot.

    having said that he is going to be a freak, and no doubting he will kill it, but today he was noticeably poor. i also think that as supporters we have a pretty high expectation of him and he still hasnt played 50 games so we have to expect a few not up to par performances.

  15. likely that there will be two of petterd, jetta and trengove,

    one of warnock or strauss

    and one of spencer and martin

    due to rotations etc, if we went in with a bench of petterd, jetta and trengove, with martin as the super sub, i think we would lose a bit of rotation through the backline, although bail could play down there.

    but i think it will line up with the bench of

    petterd, jetta, strauss and martin as i dont see a match up for warnock

    and i think we will implement the idea that trengove is a bit sore, so survive w.o him for week one and have him fully fit for the rest of the year

    other possibility, petterd or jetta, strauss, martin and trengove as the super sub, this would be as it is seen that trengove is unable to run out a full match, but to get game time into him so play him for a quarter and a half to two quarters.

  16. keiran jack should not be tagged rather, hannebery or josh kennedy

    and garland should/will play on goodes, who is likely to start at centre half.

    would be silly to be experimenting with a forward player as a defender in round one, although learning about goodes work ethic, they would just throw him deep into the forwardline which is where watts would be destroyed.

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