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Posts posted by Mad_Melbourne

  1. What I like about those photos is that Scully, Trengove and even Bail are leading the packs. Also Maric is always up near the front in the photos (I know, they are only photos) but it looks like he is working hard to earn his spot. Even having Sylvia there up and going is great to see.

    in regards to maric, i know that he has just recovered from the minor stages of op, so he is probably relishing the running, hopefully a full pre season can put him in contention for a spot in our forward line.

    bail and trengove both look massive, and newton does look a bit bigger, but probably a changed diet by the demons staff to try and get him to put on a few extra kilos over summer

    fitzpatrick still looks 3 years off an afl game, looks like he would be snapped in half by a defender, ruckman, or a mid fielder..

    wonna and jones also look in top notch condition.

    jurrah looks to be struggling, hopefully his cardio can improve so he can give a really good four quarter effort, i remember last year, in his pre season games before he did his shoulder he was cramping up so hopefully he can get his cardio up

  2. http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/104934/default.aspx

    Ugh! Not what we need... I hope it's not because we've lost Bruce and Junior in one swift hit that we've decided to go after someone for the hell of it.

    i dont think that would be the way of thinking, but rather, could a mature forward, who has had a few seasons in him, relish a start at a new club, mind you personally i think that john anthony would benefit from our quick moving, pin point style of kicking and would at least be a good back up forward if we lose players like jurrah, dunn or green to injury.

    it is whether dean bailey thinks mitch thorp or john nathony would be the better player as i can see us definately making a play for one of them

  3. Jim Stynes front and centre

    green to his right, beamer to greens right, grimes to his right

    davey to his left, frawley to his left, jurrah to his left.


    green im guessing will be captain to the centre

    beamer to his right, grimes to his right, scully/watts to his right

    davey to his left, frawley to his left, jurrah to his left

  4. Jim Stynes front and centre

    green to his right, beamer to greens right, grimes to his right

    davey to his left, frawley to his left, jurrah to his left.


    green im guessing will be captain to the centre

    beamer to his right, grimes to his right, scully/watts to his right

    davey to his left, frawley to his left, jurrah to his left

  5. i think this would be similar to most people looking to get taken in the draft, trying to train at another club where they are likely to get taken, many players train and dont get picked up, but i think its a sure thing that miller will be in the yellow and black next season.

  6. ill give credit where credit is due, gooood effort, i mean picking the draft is somewhat similar to reading a persons thoughts haha, so its a good effort, would love to see how the real draft pans out, but good crack its definately a tough thing to do, and your is pretty much as good as any, other than i think darling may slip lower, and we could be lucky enough to grab him.

  7. to be honest, if he doesnt want to take a one year contract at the club, for the price we offer, we dont want him anyway, i would rather have a player who wants to be there, than a player who wants money

  8. 1) how many rookie listing spots do we have?

    2) with melbourne dropping paul johnson, has anyone heard if our intention is similar to what we did with newton and meeson?

    3) is this new interchange rule, 100% for next afl season?

    4) if paul johnson isnt dropped, in peoples opinions who will be getting the game, as ruck relief, spencer, fitzpatrick, gawn, newton or other?

    sorry if i seem a bit clueless, i was just looking for a bit of clarifications on these 4 questions

  9. also as we are sitting in a bit of a better position than last season, i seem to recall october 13th being a really early pre season start. so it is just the coaching staff thinking that we are in a better position than the last few seasons, isnt it?

  10. one of my pet hates is how some people spell moloney with an A, maloney, its MOLONEY!, jst spell it correctly, thank you.

    agreed, especially when putting him as your favourite player

  11. 1) jordie mckenzie: just love how he plays his footy, definately a real find this season

    2) rohan bail: love his speed, and i think we are a better team with him running out of the backline, of the wing or into our forward line.

    3) colin sylvia: finally starting to prove his worth, and an absolute matchwinner

    4) clint bartram: tough as nails, and really nailed down his spot in defence rarely got beaten

    5) james frawley: amazing player, going to improve and will be the top full back in the league, if he isnt already

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