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Posts posted by Mad_Melbourne

  1. an injury free colin sylvia, with a full pre season, is going to be a major worry for any team that faces the mighty demons.

    i can see col having a massive season over this year, and i wouldnt be suprised if we have around 12 wins, looking at a place in the 8, that it would be colin sylvia with a chance at the brownlow.

    his speed and disposal is amazing, and his body strength is top notch, if he can have a consistent offensive and defensive season then i think he will play a significant role in an improving melbourne team.

  2. afl site seems to suggest kieran harper, which wouldnt be a bad pick could add to our midfield, as a goal kicker in our midfield, but i think we will take ben jacobs, a more versatile forward or back, whose disposal will be perfect for our game style, whether its coming out from the backline, or hitting up watts, but again a tall pick wouldnt be too suprising but i seem to think we will go for the versatile player, who will add a bit of extra class to the disposal of the team.

  3. wellll, i think it will be green, then our next captain will be a longer term captain, i would love moloney, bleeds red and blue, i just doubt whethere in 4 years time he will keep his spot, so maybe short term captain.

    whose going to captain our squad for the brisbane match in china?

  4. Who do you think could fill that role? I can't think of anyone, unfortunately (it's why I'd like us to look at a small defender somewhere in the draft).

    EDIT: Just read above - some of these guys have been a bit harsh on you E25! ;)

    what about, grimes, bartram, strauss, cheney, garland and frawley can both play on a smaller forward and, bail and bennell can both play small defender, cameron bruce has been playing in the backline?

    i think that is an area we have covered

  5. Someone else already in the team could perform the same role, but he could play in a BP.

    I'm just saying it's possible.

    so could paul johnson, as seen melb vs richmond 2009, its just not going to help you win games

  6. just to stir things up a little bit, but i heard from a person who is quite reliable when it comes to essendon, knew about hirdy well before he opted for an interviem, none the less, he reckons essendon are extremely keen on hale, and are likely to be playing a big move to get him in the next couple days.

  7. But I didn't ask him to play on those blokes.

    I mean, imagine Jamar trying to play on those guys.

    Just as pointless.

    but you are saying that tapscott would take bartrams place? therefore they are his opponents?

  8. I'm not willing to risk giving him a new Club just to hopefulyl change his attitude. Pretty hard thing to change is the attitude.

    In response to your points;

    * He rarely had a lot of attention. Yeah sure, he had an opponent, but never a hard tag. I don't like using the avg disposal card in an arguement, not in todays footy.

    * Do you want our key forward to have on/off disposal? I don't. Afterall, that's what we are chasing, a Key Forward that can play 2nd ruck. I want my forward to have great disposal when kicking for goal. If they don't, I'd want Jarrod Roughead who is proven at kicking big bags of goals to go with his big bags of points.

    We have that game breaker, actually in 3 years we will have a few. Jurrah is it at the moment, but Scully and Trangove will join him (if they haven't already). Problem with Brennan's 10 minutes bursts is just that, they go for 10 minutes, and while he may have an impact, they are to infrequent.

    Sorry Mad, you have given me nothing to even remotely resemble considering Brennan. It will take a lot of work to convince me, but I'm open, just give me something!!! So far you've agfreed on most things that should mean we don't take him!

    i got nothing, i agree with all your points.

    im more on the opposed to hale side so i figured this was a viable option, i wouldnt be disappointed to see brennan in the red and blue next season, and if he did i hope his attitude would change.

    agreed on the disposal, as it is a big part of our game plan, but i think that it is all a concentration issue, it is not like he cant kick, coz when he is on he kicks well, he just needs that concentration, but agreed 75goals - 74 points isnt good enough.

    i just dont like hale, and was looking for another option, as you stated earlier, jesse white would be awesome. i just cant see hale being as important to us as a more athletic player, thats just me.

  9. my main annoyance with bate, is what i used to be annoyed at with sylvia, and annoys me about maric, he is so damn quick, but you only see his speed when running towards goal, now sylvia breaks packs, and chases to tackle, if bate can add the defensive pressure side to his football, then there will be more in contention for a spot in our team, if he doesnt pressure defenders, then he will sit in the magoos all season.

  10. -? You don't think he'd be as fast as Josh Hunt?

    Wait and see...

    i didnt say he would not be as fast as josh hunt, but josh hunt doesnt take the smallest forward, enright, mackie or david wojcinski would.

    imagine him playing on, hayden ballantyne, cyril rioli, travis varcoe, alwyn davey or leroy jetta, chris yarran or jeff gartlett, lewis jetta, etc

    the small forwards are who i think would have the acceleration on him.

  11. * He's one of the most inconsistent playing for Brisbane.

    * He needs to get this obsession of holding the ball with his one hand out of his game. He tries to do it almost everytime he gets the ball, which in turn means he is not always taking the first/best option.

    * His work ethic when playing up forward is appalling. He may offer one lead, but very rarely will he offer that 2nd or 3rd lead that is often required.

    * When he's not "on", his body language is terrible.

    * His disposal is woeful, especially by foot.

    i agree with these points, but a new club will offer him a new surroundings, and hopefully more discipline.

    - although he is inconsistent still averaged about 18 disposals a game, usually having alot of attention

    -agreed first option is something that needs to be worked on


    -didnt watch enough to know

    -disposal is on/off, no worse than cameron bruce or nathan jones,

    the point is like all players he has problems, so i can see why you dont like him, but he has a massive upside aswell, he can tear a game apart in a matter of 10 minutes, which i think would be a handy asset, especially with the new interchange rules.

    throw him on the field midway 3rd quarter losing by 20 points and see if he can make some magic, id much prefer that to hale sitting in the goal square.

  12. i guess, but hale will mean we have to drop one of, dunn, watts, jurrah, i dont know i personally dont like the idea of hale so i was looking at another option haha

    brennan 195, 96 kilos isnt too badder option as an athletic stay at home forward or flanker to mix up around there?

  13. i dont see why melbourne wouldnt be chasing jared brennan harder than hale, if gold coast are only offereing pick 15, although brisbane are not budging on pick in top 10, do you think we will be able to convince them that 12 and 32 for their later round pick is worth it.

    i would personally be not too upset to see this kind of trade happen, as he can play ruck, good athleticism and can sit in our forward line?

    i dont know if a post like this had been started but i just figure david hale is no where near as good, or wouldnt help our development as much as brennan could?

  14. TBH, I didn't see much defining of our gameplan in the OP.

    And your post is basically listing the 'requirements' of the gameplan rather than the strategy itself.

    I could dig up a thread from many months (years, probably, we are wasting are lives...) ago, but a few regulars would call me self-indulgent and full of myself.

    Who am i kidding? They think that anyway. I might search for it later.

    okay maybe my post is more game style... sorry

  15. melbournes game plan is

    - defensively based, which i think is the key to granfinal success. (frawley, rivers, garland, grimes, bartram)

    - not based upon one goal kicker, which is also key to grandfinal succes (future, jurrah, dunn, watts, aussie, bennell, and midfielders, even garland, morton and grimes sneak a cheeky goal)

    - based on hard running, (bail, tom scully, trengove, will be important links)

    - accurate disposal, but i think it is based more upon kicking accuracy than handball running,(which is why grimes and garland will play a massive role coming out of our backline, same with morton possibly)

    your write up was pretty accurate :D

  16. Tapscott as our Josh Hunt type.

    Pushing out Bartram eventually.

    i disagree.... i think tapscott will be a midfield forward, not a small quick running defender?

    edit: didnt read the rest of the posts, as i was amused by this one, i can see where you are coming from, but it will not happen, strauss, maybe able to eventually force bartram to a midfield tagger, but i do not think tapscott has the speed that is recquired to match up on the small forwards nowdys.

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