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stephen247 last won the day on May 9 2015

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About stephen247

  • Birthday July 24

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Demon (2/10)



  1. I was lucky enough to win one of the 57 they were giving away on FB 😁
  2. I love football. Finally after 57 days and 57 years I see my team win the ultimate prize! Go Dees😈 ❤️💙 I say I broke the Curse!!!
  3. I was 57 days old when we won the premiership in '64
  4. Just worked it out after years of wondering... 57 days old for me!
  5. Great article and a bit more of an insight about Georgia choosing MFC over the Doggies - not just because she didn't want to drive out West. Apparently the club put in a bit of time and effort which resonated with her. How learner permit troubles made historic father-daughter selection a Demon (theinnersanctum.com.au)
  6. Thanks DV! Finally had a good year at SC - but more pleased by the double up win of the Bluey and Dive one GF!! I send you my bank details to deposit the winnings...? Thanks again for organising. I'll be back next year to defend my title - whatever the season throws up at us!
  7. All the info is in their own forum https://demonland.com/forums/forum/34-fantasy-footy/ @DeeVoted has been fantastically organising the comps for Supercoach
  8. Hi DV, Thanks for starting this up again. Was GAWN off TRACC! last year (which mirrored my SC and the MFC season) so will be changing it when I can think of something witty, positive and unique (so it may be a while...). Team currently "Not Sure Yet" Cheers, Stephen
  9. I'm just back from holidays and just started looking at SC - so yes - I am in again. Still working on my Team name (it's harder than deciding my forwards...!). I've made a habit of being Captain something - I think it was Captain Chunky last year - but looking for something witty, but with a MFC touch. So for now it is just "Something Witty" but will change!
  10. And will be playing (those close to him have been told to get tickets to the match)
  11. Hi all, Just like last year I have another league to join if you want some good competition. SCS Demons - 695271 This is a league I have started up within the Supercoach Scores Forum for all Demons fans. Supercoach Scores is a great source of info for Supercoach. While not compulsory, I encourage you to sign up to SCS and join in conversations if you do join the league. www.supercoachscores.com Have a great comp everyone and - GO DEES!!! Cheers, Stephen.
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