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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Well guys i had a good weekend up in Bendigo. Five mates and I got together and chewed the fat about our long gone youth. Visited a few old Haunts, we had one wife chauffeur us around to a few pubs we used to frequent. Not to many beers and we all retired around mid night after a night cap single malt. All up for brunch with wives, some of the children and grand children. Almost a great weekend. The downer was our old team Eaglehawk who were on top of the ladder got done by 11 goals. It must be me!!!! Home yesterday afternoon. Then the crap sets is Dees are officially the worst team in the competition and Casey could not beat time with a stick. I learn't a couple of thinks over the weekend. - My old cronies team is suffering the passing of time, we drank a quarter of what we would have 45 years ago - there is way more to life than the MFC.
  2. I don't agree WJ IMO the water has stopped flowing.
  3. Remember it well jrHave had a lot of holdens over the years, started with a 48-215 Then a HD, followed by a HQ then a HZ ( probably the worst car I have ever owned ) Had a couple of Valiants and a falcon in there as well. God I am old at last count I have owned 15 different cars. Back to the thread, Quiche, chips and salad with my Grand Daughter tonight. Washed down with a cheap red. She said it was a poor year and stayed with cordial.
  4. There is no football team on earth that would get done that route hardtack
  5. You know what a HK is hardtack
  6. It is amazing that Opel came to Aus in the first place. It is the European division of GM. GMH sold a few of their brands for years as holdens. I have a few friends in the Auto industry and every one said this will not work. Australia is one of the toughest car markets in the work and they came with one modern model (Astra ) and a couple of others that were average cars. All sold at higher prices to the competitors. Perhaps we could suck back up to Volvo?
  7. Don't worry there is a Chinese sponsor in the wings we just need a couple of weeks to get him over the line!!!!!!
  8. time to change biggestred I have been praying for them every time they play Adelaide for years
  9. Sounds a very interesting project jr.Going up the country for get together with some old mates one has an original XU1 torana. Cannot wait to go for spin. I think the HK is going to be way more fun than the Dees for the next couple of years.
  10. Sorry Choko I don't agree.His stated message was to guage what members want. If you then limit what you want from them it is not guaging the desire of the membership. It is asking for the answer to suit your position. He could say look 5000 people want me to stand for the Presidency. When in actually fact 20000 might be trying to say "no Thanks Alan we do not want you." But their desires are not allowed to be given. Typical Political speak as far as I am concerned.
  11. I have thought for a very long time that the majority of footballers are not rocket scientists.Dustin being a case in point. However I think he fits into that select small group that would struggle to get fed if they were not good players. Having said that he can play for the MFC any day in my book. He is not paid to be a rocket scientist just a footballer. At that he is way better than half our team. Please come to the MFC Sir Dustin.
  12. Don't think my brain has stopped working yet LDC.Although there was a few seconds on Tuesday when I thought shut down was imminent.
  13. Any opinion you like as long it is yes Alan!
  14. It may be his way keeping life in perspective P_Man.The Way Mitch appears to me is someone who is very serious about football and wants success. Being constantly injured unable to doing anything would be hard for him to take. If photography keeps him calm it is fine with me. Whatever gets you through the night
  15. Just back from another look rjYes you are correct.
  16. Thanks Cudi. Please keep us informed as you go along. I am fascinated to see what thoughts are in future months.
  17. The biggest problem with Pedersen is we have to endure him for another two years .I would love to know who thought it was necessary to offer him a three year deal.
  18. Only had a brief look but i agree with you H&SI cannot see where you can say No Thank you Alan. All of the options suggest support in one form or another. Makes me even less supportive than ever.
  19. I heard on SEN this morning that AS is opening a web site today for people to communicate with him on the MFC Presidency. I cannot wait, he will not like my comments but Politicians have the skin of a Rhino so probably won't worry him. What they do respond to is large numbers of people disagreeing with them. So if you don't want him tell him so The alternative is wake up one morning with him as the President of the MFC.
  20. The EFC's attitude has changed dramatically since the departure of Evans.Since Little has taken over it is the opposite, attack everyone, defend at all costs. It is an everything or nothing approach, it must be worrying the AFL. The EFC is now pushing the AFL into a position of making it difficult for the AFL to defend them. From the small amount I know about Little it is not unexpected. He is someone who takes no prisoners, is used to getting his way and sees the world as you are either with us or against us. Interesting couple of weeks ahead.
  21. Me too The guy has taken the fall for numerous MFC people.Ok It may not be a good look for him to return but does he have to be crucified a second time?
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