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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. The beginning of the end or the start of the future? I hope the second.
  2. Tonight I am at Rod Laver to see Disney on ice with my GD,s. And this reminds me of how stupid outdoor night sporting events in Winter melb. are. No harder to get here than the footy and it is pleasant inside and not an umpire in sight.
  3. Wow in the space of 2 matches the Weid has gone from not in the side to No.1 ruckman!
  4. Obviously what is stopping Jackson and Brayshaw.
  5. 5 minutes I figure. Who will be the first to say. Come on Jackson sign up now?
  6. I wonder what the figure is? Anyway some good news.
  7. Second and your guess is as good as mine that was the point of my comment.
  8. It will be announced after the new home announcment.
  9. Looks like " Do Better" is dead and buried.
  10. Well that cements the Weeds position as a backup ruckman. I saw Majak play some very good games at Casey. Sorry to see him go.
  11. I was been smart George, I reckon 2025 at the very earliest. Agree George I hope I can still walk in by then!
  12. Just put it in my dairy. Grand final celebrating after the 2023 GF at the new club rooms. How early do we need to book?
  13. I don't care we have them all covered.
  14. But who wants to go to Tassie? Sure as hell not me.
  15. Not sure an 11 goal win against the second team keeps you under the radar.
  16. He is a relief ruckman not a KPF. His only hope of playing in a GF at the MFC is through injury. Sad but IMO true. On Thursdays play he stays in till Max returns. How come we are playing on the weekend next week? Must be an error!
  17. Not sure what all the discussion is about. We will win them all!
  18. I would rather be head quartered at Casey. Never make a threat you are not prepared to carry out!
  19. Ha Ha DC I am. Words we have heard before.
  20. Been watching saints and swans. And they wonder why people are not going to games.
  21. Until the end of 2019 I did not like watching a game on TV versus going to the ground. Then 2 years of enforced tv watching and a constant stream of night games has resulted in me enjoying the tv game a lot more. Now at the end of June I am satisfied with watching the game on TV. I may not go to another game until the the finals arrive as the last 2 home games are night matches. I never thought this would happen to me but there you are.
  22. Fairly confident we can handle the crows without him but its gets more difficult after that.
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