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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Don't read too much into today. The bull ants are last in the comp. A bit like a few weeks ago against North.
  2. Who would want him CBF? Honestly he is not an AFL player.
  3. I think you might have been able to blame that in the past but not during Sam's time.
  4. You are firmly in the .0001 camp!
  5. I think you are spot on there PSD. Any local footy watching today?
  6. I think the money is one thing but I think the going home is bigger.
  7. The danger in that is the big money may not be available.
  8. Almost perfect Joeboy. I love reading your work. First thread I go to after a game.
  9. If we needed any further proof that Angus is the one we needed to get signed up it was last night. I was smiling all night.
  10. Obviously you have stolen Mr. Leg's password. Who are you?
  11. From a couple I see them As a medal of honour Dr.
  12. I often wonder if they think there is one person out there that believes these type of team placements.
  13. Straight wholemeal bread and Banana Mr Leg. Lunch of champions.
  14. Even when we struggle to beat time with a stick it is a lot better than when this thread came into existence.
  15. A banana sandwich for lunch today Mr. Leg. A fabulous way to start the afternoon.
  16. If they are not going to trade a player then draft picks is what they have left. I would start at 2 first rounders.
  17. Excellent news, now if Jackson wants to go home so be it. IMO we have kept the best one.
  18. He is an old has been who would not know modern football if it bit him on the butt. His actions shows he should stay quiet and not make a bigger fool of himself.
  19. Don't agree LN. A winning score is the one that has you in front at the end. Everything else is a loss.
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