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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Yes it is not as though the games are next weekend.
  2. They are a toothless tiger in this area. Never forget who provides their funding. The only time they buck the AFL is at salary time.
  3. If it doesn't crash history will be created! Hmm somehow I did that twice. Not a good omen for this morning.
  4. If it doesn't crash history will be created!
  5. No not a VIP layzie just a long time supporter / Member.
  6. I will this week be attempting to conquer the on line ticket system and get to the first game. Only thing that will prevent me is level 4.
  7. It has been a very good year when you finish second on the ladder. We line up for finals at the G for the first time since 2018. The major negative for me was the lack of day games. Now I know it is all about ratings for the club sponsors and our finances however on a purely personal level it is very difficult for me to get to night games now. So I have been relegated to the box.
  8. It would appear that no one else is really interested in paying the price needed to move it away from them Dr. Or am I miss reading the situation. I cannot see any future broadcaster having anything but the ratings as their first, second and last consideration. Sadly we have sold our souls to the media.
  9. And never will in the future Dr.
  10. Oh hell another bloody night game!
  11. Oh the thought fills me with dread.
  12. Sydney struggled with the saints today we can beat them. Have faith.
  13. Will that be at Geelong if so no pie fans there
  14. Now that maybe a weight that is too heavy for him the carry BBO!
  15. Nope! They on the Messiah chase.
  16. It's just sad, from his first few games I did not think he had what it takes to make it at senior level. However he seems like a nice guy and I feel his pain. Good luck Sam try to remember there is more to life than football.
  17. Yep! But I seriously doubt it will be before 2023.
  18. Just poor DD! I think he is done mentally.
  19. Well girls and boys the " News" story is still up. I am not surprised in their error as it is a site that is controlled from Sydney. Usually features way more NRL than AFL. I doubt the writer even knows what the VFL is. The joy of news gathering from a distant source. And we wonder why Trump got elected!
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