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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. In spite of my scepticism on Mackenzie's ability I think the side looks better than last week. Playing a second ruckman like Gawn is effectively making the forward line one player short at this point he is a reasonable ruck man full stop. Dees to lose by 5 points the Bombers will have a little too much ability and will be fired up after the last couple of days.
  2. In spite of your dislike his comment is 100% accurate
  3. That leaves the bombers 10 - 20 % chance, not bad from where they started.I still think the wet tram ticket will be the final out come
  4. I hope people can now move on, it is now the best part of six months since it became glaringly obvious that Mitch Clark was finished as a player for the MFC. Good luck with your life in the future Mitch I hope it improves if that means you play football again at some point in the future then I for one will be happy for you. Now lets put or efforts into his replacement.
  5. I see Hird is taking separate legal action against ASADA. Oh Jimmy can you look any worse?
  6. I agree with your premise. The jury is still out for me on one of the four.
  7. All that is true jw But we all have to get our minds around free agency it is only going to get bigger. The Players union want total free agency, the length of service requirement will drop over the next couple of agreements. It is sad but this is the way of the future. It is 2014 not 1970 Just remember hate destroys the hater not the hated
  8. All of these plus the over riding pressure of St James
  9. Guys you all have to get your minds around Free agency. There is in the future going to be plenty of player movement from one club to another in the future. You simply cannot get your knickers in a knot every time a player from the MFC leaves. On the other hand we are happy for a player to do exactly the same thing to join us. Are you going to have the same feeling to that player?
  10. I think you need to adjust your thinking to the 21st century AFL
  11. I noticed that yesterday WJ I also noticed a Tigers jumper but could not see who it was. Jake perhaps!
  12. No that is Essendon players you are thinking about!
  13. I don't blame him I like them myself I wish I could get someone to pay me a million to sit in France and eat croissant
  14. Not sure why everyone has such hate for Sylvia. Yes he never achieved his potential but gee the hate some people are expressing here amazes me. His case is free agency in motion. We need to all get used to free agency players swapping clubs it will be an every increasing phenomena in the future. Are we all going to show the same hate if Frawley leaves this year?
  15. I am actually going to try adding a small amount of MS to that combination tomorrow. I have a feeling that MS is something that works best on bland tasting food items like pancakes etc. I had this combination on a Pan Am flight years ago ( yes I know that is a long time ago ) Pancakes, sausages and Maple Syrup. Yes I know it sounds revolting but was actually ok.
  16. RtG the less I hear from him the better. With a small amount of luck he will stay in France for the next decade. I would donate $20 in a fund to keep him there.
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