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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I knew someone would raise that pair CBDees however they don't fare large in my expectations for this year. My point was the dogs squad is missing more of their best players then the dees.
  2. The Dogs have some seriously good players out and we have theoretically improved and with the exception of Howe have what is probably as good as the squad gets this year. IMO anything less than a win in this game shows we have come very little distance since this time last year.
  3. I could equally say those who expect more than 8 are unsound in the reasoning powers your Sir ship.
  4. On the 12th March 2015 that is akin to throwing your money in the Yarra CBDees. Win the first match and you might have a chance.
  5. Or it may just be he had a poor game and they want to try someone else in his spot. Sometimes the answer is the most obvious. If it walks like a duck etc.
  6. I don't disagree with your sentiment Bossdog but he has 2 practise matches in one+ year.He only became elligible at the start of 2014.
  7. Simple fact there is no connection, different name, different colours. Little connection to the past. As you suggest for every new supporter they picked up there was another like me who dropped off. I feel no connection to United. Interesting that over the last decade as the Dees spiralled to irrelevancy I have got a lot more enjoyment watching second and third tier sport. There is no TV so you have to go. Perhaps I just hunger for a simpler time but I really enjoy being close to the action something that is totally missing in AFL
  8. Great days R and b at the time I was enjoying it as much as the great MFC days.Instead of going with my father I had my daughter along. I know I am a one team person the Dees and the Tigers . I will be off to a few games this winter to see the Tigers in the Big V.
  9. I really look that silly? Don't answer that.
  10. No matter how much I squinted dc I would know that I was amongst the frightful supporter group any interest in basketball?
  11. Is the NBL dead it has been on life support for a few years now but the end may have arrived? I wrote the following elsewhere but thought I would start a thread here. Unlike most others I am a fan of Basketball and used to be a member of the Tigers. I quit when they became "united" . I still like basketball and this year will follow the Tigers in the "Big V' league. There was a time when the NBL was threatening to take on the AFL. I remember in the 90's going to Full houses at the Tennis centre on Friday nights. In my opinion it got a little ahead of itself and spent more than it could afford then moved to Summer and IMO lost its way. seems doomed now with two clubs in receivership another close and three being held up by wealth benefactors. It is said that the owners of Melbourne United have put in $7million over the last three years. It is gone I think and I as a force of one am disappointed. The up side is I can support the Tigers again. I wonder if I would do the same if the dees ended up in the Amos? I think maybe yes.
  12. I know this is occasional a thread about Aussie rules but i have to make a comment about the impending doom of the NBL. Unlike most others I am a fan of Basketball and used to be a member of the Tigers. I quit when they became "united" . I still like basketball and this year will follow the Tigers in the "Big V' league. There was a time when the NBL was threatening to take on the AFL. I remember going to Full houses at the Tennis centre on Friday nights. In my opinion it got a little ahead of itself and spent more than it could afford then moved to Summer and IMO lost its way. seems doomed now with two clubs in receivership another close and three being held up by wealth benefactors. It is said that the owners of Melbourne United have put in $7million over the last three years. It is gone I think and I as a force of one am disappointed. The up side is I can support the Tigers again. I wonder if I would do the same if the dees ended up in the Amos? I think maybe yes.
  13. Agree now if it takes 5 years to end do I write the bet into my will?
  14. I will take your bet but first we have to agree on what "more pain for the EFC" is? I mean that the AFL will not impose more penalties on the EFC as such. Player penalties do not count. neither do penalties by work safe. Agree?
  15. bb we are never going to agree on this subject so I will make this last comment ( well for today ) I don't see any clamour from people both football followers and others for the EFC to be further sanctioned. My experience is most people's eyes glace over when I raise the subject. Most people will be happy with the players being given some sort of sanction. They just want it over so the teams can get back to playing. IMO there is very little support for the EFC to be thrown out and the AFL knows it.
  16. That is the nub of the problem ManDee you cannot be.
  17. Oh Please bb you know that is never going to happen. The AFL have issued their sanctions against the EFC. You know that is the end for the EFC as far as the AFL is concerned. Rhetoric is one thing reality is another
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