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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Yes probably is Ernie but we have been so bad I find it difficulty to see any players other than a handful that have been AFL standard. A large number of MFC players got games during 2011 - 2013 because they were the best of a very bad lot.
  2. Being runner up in a MFC B and F over the last few years would not be a major achievement on a AFL level players CV.
  3. I think they have been playing in that most of the last eight years Hardtack
  4. Knowing your searching reviews of player performance I doubt it.
  5. I will expect a thorough report R and B 500 words will be fine.
  6. Spot on dc Was it significant yesterday the the Freo President said Crowley is using his own lawyers?
  7. They were suggestion this as the reason he may have pushed the envelope but were not using it as a reason to feel sorry for him. They were quite critical in their comments.
  8. Sadly the time rules me out Mr. Leg and as I have no Foxtel I am destined to accept the wisdom of those on Demonland re our performance.
  9. Heard on SEN this morning the comment that he was suffering a back complaint for a fair bit of last season.
  10. Not sure I agree with point (b) mikeod. He will be well away of our financial position and the need to boost membership. I doubt he is immune to that.
  11. That covers it nutbean the dumbest player in the AFL in 2014. I wonder how often he has rolled the dice before and got away with it?
  12. He has been in that position for the best part of six months. How come it is taking so long Gil.
  13. Has AFL made a comment on this or are they struck dumb again. Gil in will not go away mate by ignoring it!
  14. That is the whole point RM they are giving the treatment the EFC should get not the "wet Tram Ticket"
  15. At the risk of offending you LDC Yes you are. The guy is 31 and if he does not have enough brains after the last two years with the EFC to not take chances then he is the dumbest guy running around in the AFL. On top of that right now we have no idea what he took. After Hird and the EFC's statements over the last two years I do not believe one word until they are proven correct.
  16. Constipated I would think with all that paper.
  17. So they are due to get one right?
  18. Then we are not winning one anytime soon jr. But that is hardly news I guess. Not hard to pick our top 6 but picking the bottom six is another matter. A big selection list to chose from.
  19. I see the "Fan Boys" are running with a back page story today saying hird and little think they will be cleared i.e.. the players. That would make an interesting result. Not even wet tram tickets would apply.
  20. So he has the next decade to watch the Dees dc?
  21. To anyone who was there or watched on line ( I did neither ) how was Gawn? It seems from comments or the lack of them that he was in the bottom 25%. Appreciate your thoughts.
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