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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I have fairly similar feelings. It could be my last game today Unless we win this I doubt I will venture to the Dome of death in the last round.
  2. That is about the max. I see as well bb.
  3. Pity they did not play this way two tests back.Marvellous what happens when we add a VIC bowler
  4. My single malt stock would suffer a serious reduction.
  5. I would be surprised if his severance deal did not include a "no Criticism clause"
  6. Bossdog I was trying to stay off this thread but cannot help myself. I will be in a group of one but I prefer the white jumper to the red. But then I don't really care at present what we wear just bloody win.
  7. They do not have to comment Reverand. We all know without further comment. Also this is a TV program they are all probably very happy that he makes goose statements. Ratings start up. That is all that matters.
  8. They were your words just drawing attention to them.Do you want to retract?
  9. Great Idea SPR she is way more deserving than a couple who are in there at present.
  10. Agree rpfc the point I was making is that simple getting a big TV return in it,s self will not change anything.
  11. Every time a new TV rights deal is announced the chorus goes up " that will mean all clubs will survive and prosper" Then a couple of years later we see a large number of clubs with big debts and struggling to survive. Excuse my scepticism but I will wait and see.
  12. No idea I was refering to people who do me wrong / effect me.e.g. I will never forgive the Group that ran the Dees 2008 - 2013. they will be forever a bunch of nitwits. Well meaning perhaps but they produced the crap we now sit in.
  13. I don't think so Mr Leg but that is probably better judged by others .Mrs OD says I am a very calm person and it takes a lot to make me angry. I will say I have very long memory.
  14. I won't. If I never see his face again it will be too soon. However I have ever expectation that in a couple of years time we will see him surface in the media. A bit like the rehabilitation of Wayne Carey
  15. There is no need to down grade bloggers like that Pipefitter!!
  16. Saw him on 360 last night he said much the same as that article. At times he was almost incoherent. My impression ( hardly new ) is that he is hopelessly conflicted on the subject of Hird. He is simply a fan boy who cannot see the forest for the trees. Whatever credit I thought he may have left disappeared for me. MM treated him with disdain years ago. He was correct.
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