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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Spot on Mr. Leg this about money sure as God made bananas.
  2. Four days to go before Christmas. What are the chances of a decision by Thursday?
  3. I was making the observation that this was not a reason to withhold life membership. I did not say you did not like them. Put simply Both qualify so they are now Life members whether I think they are worthy or not makes no difference.
  4. So then it becomes a value judgement made at the time by someone. Does not work like that you do the time you get the award it is that simple unless of course there were serious problems with you at the club and then it might be withheld. Simply not liking someone ain't grounds to withhold the award. In all honest how do you know what sort of "clubman" either player was at the time they played for the MFC? From the outside they appeared fine to me.
  5. I was there WJ and no limitations. They asked for questions and only three were asked. Have no idea what that was about.
  6. Agree Bossdog a little gracefulness by some people would not go astray.
  7. Yes WJ it has become the AWAY strip not the clash strip. But it is all about TV and the money they pay. So enjoy the white jumper at most away games.
  8. and dc thinks the EFC is not liked by the AFL!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Why on earth do you think the EFC have a lowly status at the AFL? seems to me Gil and company love them. He has been defending them for the best part of two year. Add to that Our current jumper alternatives are fine. So suck it up.
  10. Yes dc sadly a long time ago. I fear he may want me back though and I am not going till we win another flag. So I may yet live forever.
  11. Oh no not another bloody jumper thread. God deliver me.
  12. I doubt it Earl the LNP would have nothing to do with those commos and they will not hear of us importing bananas. The last great tariff protection
  13. Just making a banana sandwich for lunch and my banana is definitely bent to the left.
  14. I think Cards meant that the EFC were trying trying get as much positive news as possible out to their fans before the axe falls. That was my impression.
  15. They are related to the AFL so as long as you are not a women that might work.
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