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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Maybe that is because like me dc you come a long gone era.
  2. If Whateley was doing the interview it would not be happening M9 He is doing it with her because it will full easy questions.
  3. He has lots of experience at playing with poor teams that should hold him good stead.
  4. They were being told to look at the wrong wall binman and from 2012 we know they are easily guided.
  5. Given they are both fit I would chose Ped every time. He marks 90% of the times he gets his hands to the ball and his kicking is way better than old iron hands.
  6. I heard yesterday they wont pay out at all rules are once the decision is made and all settled it ends there. PS Rams back to LA Gorgoroth.
  7. This is unbelievable. I wrote elsewhere that Finnis is the x chief of the players union how come he does not know this is forbidden ?
  8. No one it appears bb. We will be one short but did you expect any more from the Pie Man
  9. As the former head of the Players Union you would think he would know the WADA code inside out. What did he do at the union all those years. Our game is being run by idiots
  10. This from "News" website today " St Kilda CEO yesterday seemed unaware that Jake Carlisle could not train with or have any contact with the ST Kilda club" This is the CEO and Former chief of the Players union and he knows this little. Any wonder the Players are in this hole.
  11. Read today that the AFL and Essendon seem to be unsure wether the players can be paid or not. Hello after years of this being a possibility no body thought to ask the question. No one on Tueswday rang WADA? We are being led by some people of poor quality
  12. My father used to tell me. Never ask a question that you don't want to hear the answer to. Seems relevent here.
  13. Exactly mono it is all about the potential loss of the Essendrug supporter base. drug cheating is a minor consequence. the AFL are showing us they are every bit as bad as the East Germans, Russians and Chinese.
  14. IMO this is really simple. he is a convicted drug cheat. he therefore loses the medal. End of story.
  15. That is IMO not going to happen with the Federal government breathing down their necks. $millions of concessions would not be past on. If they think they are in a bad spot with the EFC now it would produce ten time the crap and loss of money. Won't happen. There is a lot of posturing going on at present. By the end of February sanity will have returned.
  16. Not hot on elevating Michie for Milkshake. Michie is bog ordinary or he would not have been dropped to the rookie list.
  17. I wonder by the end of 2016 how many of the current suspended EFC Players will still be at the club? If they sue the EFC how could they possibly stay. Over the next few months I wonder how many will come to the decision the EFC is not for me any longer. These and other questions will be answered soon I expect.
  18. As a commentator Lloyd is hopeless he has never been able to change from an EFC player to a commentator. His comments are always tainted by his obvious bias. I never listen to him.
  19. Oh thank God I opened this expecting to see he was secretly at the EFC in 2012 or had broken his toe when he tripped at the airport going to QLD
  20. Finding it hard to disagree with your maths C and B
  21. Have you considered that during the last three years there has been next to no alternatives?
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