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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. You are jesting right?
  2. Very nice to have the problem!
  3. Umm let me see they are making a loss?
  4. Spot on Macca. But they got the price of pies down for 5 minutes!
  5. You may never speak words more accurate than those dc.
  6. Not sure I agree with your last line Mr. leg. He did not show that in 2017. Also in today's AFL I am not sure a Ruckman can be that sort of player. I think T Mac has the potential. He did it in that game in WA against the Eagles.
  7. There was a story doing the rounds a year or so back that when the Cricket people leave the G there would be plenty of room however that still leaves the training venue problem. Don't know much about artificial turf is it possible inside ten years?
  8. It is amazing how power and money changes the way people look ET.
  9. Well I see Barnaby has finally been pushed kicking and screaming form his spot. There is usually an up side to every situation, it should be good practise for him in a few months time he will know how is new child feels.
  10. I would agree with you dc but the mere fact the MFC is looking at alternatives suggests that the MCG for whatever reasons is not on!
  11. It is located well but honestly it is small, I understand your frustration but Albert is not an alternative.
  12. I don't live at Brighton coach but I can guarantee you from the northern suburbs it is a three day route march. Not a chance in hell I would go there ever.
  13. Willmoy have you been there recently? It is a postage stamp with no parking and no room for development. It is not an option!
  14. But is in the boonies RN. I hated going there when we played games there. No chance I would go there for a "club house" feel.
  15. Oh cheer up Cassiew you are a member of the greatest team in the competition when we beat the Cats in the first game you won't remember the letter. A small item in our 2018 year.
  16. That last line probably covers the feeling of 40 000 others RB
  17. Hell no and at Waverly how does that help us?
  18. You have describe me to a tee M9.
  19. I think at the time Barnaby he was absorbed by one item dc. i reckon he is now hearing the echo loud and clear.
  20. E No big deal as it is still on TV.
  21. Some good points RN and a question when you went to the Hawks, Bulldogs & Cats facilities how many people were there? I understand that it is better to have a facility than not have one but is the expense of creating one from scratch worth the benefit? Personal needs I guess, in the 80's I was a Redleg member and there used to be a facility in the old northern stand for Redlegs members after the game which I did enjoy but that was 35 years ago and I was 35 years younger I have no desire/ need any longer. I am not saying that club should not have one it just holds no big desire for me. And thank you Carn the Dees.
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