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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Talk Talk Talk. Action please!
  2. Appears injury prone as well TPF39
  3. You are correct. I just see nothing that suggests he is an AFL level talent. I just think we are better playing him out this season at Casey then see what he can do senior level in 2019 after another pre season.
  4. Trade now while there is still some value
  5. And if my Aunty had balls she would be my uncle. Sorry doctor but that just screams not good enough to me. Why is it we all like to find reasons why we did not win when the obvious one is staring us in face. Players not good enough to win the games and coaching that is less than wonderful are the reasons
  6. TPF39 has my vote. Perth is a nice place for a visit lots good attractions including the WAFL bound to be a good game on.
  7. In every senior game he has played like he has had no preserence whatsoever . Just look at his stats he has rarely been above double figures. At VFL he has struggled to produce 10 good games and everyone of them is against the low lights of the competition. IMO he is either a very slow developer or just not a good VFL player. I think he should play out the season at Casey and then see what another pre season produces. But right now IMO he is not a senior level player, Hannan will be much more use. While Hannan is shorter he has shown at times he can take the big mark and make the big play at senior level.
  8. Weids ? Jaded. So you have backed the Weagles right?
  9. So that is the problem a tually thought my Nokia would get it done
  10. I have been having trouble with the site the last two days on both my phone and iPad and in different locations is it just me?
  11. Ahh censorship is a wonderful thing
  12. As you notice I am a bit touchy on the subject.
  13. In 20 years time you might understand the world.
  14. I simply don't listen to them Dr. After 54 years in the wilderness all I want to hear is that we won because...... I have heard ever other bit of coach speak more than I need.
  15. Well there is always the trading period to look forward to Mr. Leg.
  16. My first reaction CS is back in town. Perhaps we could give away a free Blazer with every one?
  17. 12 good years in 160 not exactly a great ratio SWYL.
  18. Imagine how horrible that would have been!
  19. So after 20 games of football this year the FD must have collected such a list of stats that they will know exactly what to do to win the last two games correct? wow that makes me feel better the next two games are in the bag Mr Leg and I can relax.
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