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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Spot on but it would appear that in 2018 it had little effect mauriesy. IMO it is a dud brand in Australia that has little chance of emulating Toyota's success with Lexus. Over the years numerous brands have tried to sell up market brands in Australia with little success. Mazda tried at the same time as Toyota launched Lexus with their Eunos. That was a fail and no one else has succeeded in Australia. Hyundai tried in the last few years with the Genesis. They sold a few but are trying a new tactic of total different sales avenues to the traditional dealership. They will have one dealer in Sydney which will be a store front in the city. Established Japanese and Korean brands selling an up market brand is very hard work when everyone knows it is really a Hyundai or Nissan. Would you rather have a Merc or a Infiniti sitting in the drive ( there is not a lot of difference in price ). One has cachet and the other hardly anyone knows what it is and those that do know it is a Nissan. Now as you suggest using the MFC to get publicity for the brand is a start but IMO it is hard to see that being enough.
  2. Agree with 99% of what you have said on this subject over the last couple of days Wise. However the buck stops at the top. Let's hope they only promise to delivery to people before Christmas in 2019 who request it. Under promise and over deliver in 2019.
  3. Well it looks red just for a change. Thanks TA.
  4. Is it red Tony? They have had a habit over the years of giving us Maroon and a couple that looked pink in certain light conditions and even an orange.
  5. Quick answer is No Rob Mac. I guess it is a matter of personal taste between US buyers and Australian buyers. Nissan had only sold 554 vechicles of all models of Infiniti to the end of Oct 2018. For what ever reason Aussies don't like Nissan cars. Their Suv's and trucks sell well. Nissan withdrew the Altima from sale in Australia because the sales were very poor. This is a model that is a big seller in the USA. Aussie reviews give them average reports and they are not cheap. Aussies seem to like Bmw's and Merc's. Which gives the best look in your drive clearly it ain't an Infiniti.
  6. Correct. It was every bit as bad as Gaff but without the obvious outward signs of blood etc.
  7. How many do you think are true?
  8. Funny I never knew it existed!
  9. I think your memory is failing on this one. He was front on and it was no back hander. Punched him smack on the chin. The only difference was he did not break teeth or jaw.
  10. They have been off since Friday 21st till Monday 7th which might account for no reply. If you have been a member for the last 35 years then I am sure you have endured far worse than a delayed delivery. A good year is ahead stay calm.
  11. He was dead in the water the moment the punch connected! Only an existing contract saved him for 2018.
  12. Infinity is a poor selling brand. They are making very little head way in the Australian market. Nissan is trying to do the same as Toyota has done with Lexus. However the product is not a patch on the Lexus brand. Well Nissan don't seem to be able to sell the idea in Australia. Motoring writers are giving them ordinary reviews. High priced tarted up Nissans IMO. Don't be surprised if they disappear as a sponsor sooner rather than later.
  13. I know we are all not the same bb however unless the pack is for a Christmas present does it matter when it arrives? Would it not be better to say all requested ones for presents will be delivered before Christmas? That way the system would only have to worry about a small percentage of the memberships before Christmas and the balance in January when the pressure is off. If mine arrived in Feb it would fine, to be honest as long it arrives prior to the first game I would be happy it is not as though it is full of Goodies that can be used before the first game. With the exception of a couple of bumper stickers what use is it on 30th December?
  14. Mine arrived on Friday 28th. So only took 11 days to from Australia Post central to the suburbs. As I said earlier I did not care when it arrived but you have to wonder about that time frame and the club's promise they will be delivered before Christmas.
  15. Lets say it is easily our best chance in the last 15 years.
  16. I will be very excited in May when we have won eight straight dc.
  17. I don't think that will work SWYL. Best hope is win the first eight games
  18. Took them ten days to deliver a Chrissy card between here and Brisbane and they wonder why their business is declining.
  19. Still no delivery or email Clint. I would be more than a little annoyed if it was a present for someone. With me it is just an interest example of over promise and under deliver when it should be the reverse.
  20. I got a SMS on Monday 17th saying it was with Aust post. Still nothing on 26th. Not the slightest problem to me I don't need it till March. However it does show the stupidity of promising delivery before Christmas.
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