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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. If it takes another four or five years 30% of MFC members will be in the ground me included. No loss you say and you maybe right however I would prefer him performing well soon as I would like to enjoy my last few watching years.
  2. He has played 17 games in his first three years, IMO irrespective of his age that is not a good tally for a number 9 KPF draft pick. What is clear to me is that unless we change our bomb it high into the forward line game plan he will never be successful. He is just not that sort of player. He appears to be a more lead up player and then mark a well direct kick. If we are not going to deliver the ball that way to him we might as well clear him now as he will definitely not succeed at the MFC if we continue the bomb it in method. You will not believe me but I actually feel sorry for him, whatever his talent level the MFC is crucifying him at present.
  3. That was the high spot last week bb. By Saturday morning I was into all things non football.
  4. The big difference Mr Shadow is May and TMac have proved they can preform at a high level over a number of years. May will get healthy and have a good 2020. Tmac's form will come good. It too maybe in 2020. We can forget this year for a variety of reasons not the least being long term injuries. My mind has switched to next year, 2019 is now a sorting out year. The FD will realise at some point this year that the 2018 plan is now history and it will be changed to take into account the 666 changes and hopefully we will recruit with it in mind. I feel confident about 2020.
  5. Yep buddy will kick that on his own. This is a grave yard for us like Geelong. Our high injury list will be added to by the loss of TMac ( not that he has done anything this year ). our confidence is zero and we are saddled with two who are now past it, six who have lost their way in 2019 and are playing poorly, a significant number who are vfl talents and if that is not enough we are using a game plan that is pre 666.
  6. I think sides have woken up to that, our bomb it in does not suit him. One of two things has to change, change the game plan or change the Weid IMO the two are not compatible.
  7. Me too, we have been doing this for three years now and just a few weeks ago the coach said no need to change much from 2018. If they don't change the weid will be gone.
  8. You have to be on the park Mr Leg or your contribution is as big as yours and mine.
  9. That error has been already been pointed out.
  10. It would appear we replaced him with a full back who cannot stay on the park.
  11. There were off field issues! Did Tmac kick 50. Then my error however we have not replaced Hogan's 50. We have different different views on Weid, if he cannot show more than he has in the first 3 games this year then IMO in ain't t there to show
  12. We will have a good early pick this year let's see if we can snag another like Oliver.
  13. That is what seperates those that win flags from the MFC. We never seem to see the obvious. The Weid will never be a 50 goal a year KPF and TMac has never looked like being one either. We deleted Hogan with the hope both would make significant improvement. Hope seldom gets the result as we are seeing.
  14. You have my vote Mr. Leg, add we deleted a 50 goal KPF with no replacement in sight.
  15. Correct 2020. I have the same problem as you but the stark reality is 2019 is already spent. Until we get a few of the injured back we will not win games against most of the competition. The sad reality is even with those back it is not a GF winning squad. Like you and many others a flag will not happen until we are in the ground.
  16. Agree R N. So there are two of us who think we need a KPF. We cleared a good one and have no replacement.
  17. Only twice in the last thirty years has the side that lost the first three games played finals. Ominous record to break when we have such poor form and a long injury list that will not improve much in the next month. I looked at the fixture today and the only game I have any confidence we will win before the break is the GCS game. Start thinking 2010 for finals and hope like hell when we get those injured back we can have a more pleasurable second half with a few wins.
  18. You don't need to to have killed someone to know how to commit murder ADD. Practise matches show form is important as it shows up the same problem as the last three matches. What they show is we have been doing the same things for 5 games in a row. If we keep doing it next Thursday that will be four games and two practise matches before that. Surely that shows you there is a theme to be very concerned about. As for the wonder coach the buck stops at his desk. The problem with taking the ups and downs is it has been 95% downs for the last half a century, it is almost like the way we are performing this year is in our DNA, a little success one year then crap the following year.
  19. Imo it largely won't matter who we pick as they will not increase the skill level above Friday night. We will only show better results when the likes of VDB and Lever return. Until then we will get more of the last five games. However I would try Keilty and / or Preuss, we need someone in the forward line who can stand their ground and take a grab.
  20. But you have to get the ball first. He will be played a lot this year no matter what his form. They are trying to see if he is worth a spot beyond 2019.
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