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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. No it will be wrapped in plastic film.
  2. Nice idea but there is as much chance as me being 21 again.
  3. There is no doubt the Richmond station is badly in need of redevelopment. I had not been through it for years until last year. It is like a remnant from the 60's. The problem is the government is sinking billions into the underground. I don't see Richmond getting more than bandaids for this decade.
  4. Sadly I think the MFC have moved on. I would be astounded if he returned to the MFC.
  5. Nothing wrong with that rjay. The world could do with a few more romantics.
  6. Rance has broken the contract why do they have to pay $1?
  7. Anything for the almighty dollar, and anyway they will need it to help fund Sheedy's crazy ideas.
  8. Right now I don't think carrots will work. It would appear he is just in a bad space. Rational thought is simply not there. He needs professional help, I hope he is getting it.
  9. I read it as their way of stopping any new development into or on public land. This is just the excuse they are using. Seems the AFL and Richmond are very concerned. Would stop any new work at the RFC ground and or the MCG.
  10. You are not alone binman, all just part of the 21st century we live in.
  11. There is a story in today's HUN about the melbourne council putting a ban on buildings that create shadow into public parks and how the AFL and numerous others ( including The RFC ) are concerned about this plan. It would appear to put serious restrictions if not a complete stop on any ideas we might have for Goschs paddock. I have a horrible feeling that any plan we have for the area is about to be "planned " out of existence.
  12. Isn't this the same plan Eddie put up a year or two ago?
  13. How dare Missouri steal Kansas City. Throw them out of the Union.
  14. Oh god I hope it turns out better than Templeton. He was a broken down crock when got to us. One the worst trades ever.
  15. Tend to agree with you BB, always thought it would be well into the season before he played an actual game. If he holds up I reckon July might see him at Casey
  16. I was on KC but have to say their uniforms just don't seem to work for me. Agree re half time I went outside and did a bit of work half way through.
  17. Correct LDC. I got my stations mixed up it was 3XY that I was thinking about.
  18. It is hard to imagine us not improving in the forward line. After the exhibition put on last season.
  19. They were having trouble protecting the quarter back for the first three quarters and could not get going. A bit better protection in the last quarter and WHAM.
  20. When Bennell plays his first game at senior level will we be saying the greatest MFC coup of all time?
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