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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. How? They have a team of good players that's what wins games not Wether you have a base near the MCG. They had that base for the previous 20 years and were cellar dwellers.
  2. The problem is Bowls clubs are dying by the month in Australia. Some of them sit on very valuable plots of land. I can see the time not too far into future were there will be not a need for the Essendon Bowls club. To fund these projects you need Government help either State and or Federal. That I believe will be very difficult this decade after the Covid effects. Unfortunately we are seen as silver tails so getting a labour government already with problems up to their eye balls to make payments to the MFC looks very unlikely to me. It is not helped of course by our set in concrete desire to have the facility near the MCG. Any project in that area is a big money item due to the complexity and cost of it. I believe we are just going to have to suck it up with what we have at present and just concentrate on winning games. In the end winning games fixes most problems.
  3. In this covivd year of 2020 there is no government money for a silver tail club when we cannot even get the city working again. Imagine the wails of complaint if the government suddenly came with $10mill. For the MFC. Won't happen for another few years.
  4. There was if the bowls club had given up there site and moved else where but they refused. So the FC moved out. Have been there for Casey games over the last few years I can easily see why they moved.
  5. We have survived without one for half a century. That is not the reason we will rise or disappear. It is the lack of wins pure and simple. All clubs went to QLD this year without a home as such. But still the teams with good player stocks are in the last 4. That is no accident.
  6. I doubt we are any worse off than we have been for the last 5 decades . We are definately better off than we were 6 years ago. But for the small clubs the difference between survival and disaster may now only be one bad season.
  7. I thought I was the only one Dr. jury is still for me too. First year and in a normal year he may have played a couple less games and a number of Casey games. Like everyone this year if you weren’t in the senior side you were not playing at all. Most first year players in all teams did not get the normal games of development.
  8. I posted this on another but for those interested it is below. Three weeks after sending a message to Mr. Bartlett I received the below reply. It would seem that there has been a lot of comments from members. “Thank you for your email, which has been forwarded to Glen Bartlett for you. Given the amount of correspondence Glen has received, it may not be possible for him to reply personally to each and every message. We thank you for your ongoing support, we truly appreciate it.“
  9. Three weeks after sending a message to Mr. Bartlett I received the below reply. It would seem that there has been a lot of comments from members. “Thank you for your email, which has been forwarded to Glen Bartlett for you. Given the amount of correspondence Glen has received, it may not be possible for him to reply personally to each and every message. We thank you for your ongoing support, we truly appreciate it.“
  10. All of that costs a lot extra, the MFC is a small club by AFL standards. We just have to accept until we are power on the field resources in all areas will be less than most clubs. Win games it fixes everything.
  11. Spot on Steve was he supposed to stay while the club was run by idiots and end up with nil success. He has what no other Melbourne player of that era has a premiership medal.
  12. I wondered if anyone would notice but of course that is fake news. Actually I was thinking the longer term like the last half century. Now don’t produce the stats that say it is only 80%. Two fake news items in the one day will be too much for me!!!! PS there is no chance Goodwin will get 8 years without a flag.
  13. I reckon the odds are better than that CF, more like 70/30 in their favour.
  14. Strange how we all think Binman, I will hate Essendrug until the day I die but I don't hate Hawthorn. I admire them. Since the merge time they have pulled up their socks and won flags and have their club in a sound financial position. On the other hand we have the MFC who can barely beat time with a stick. I live for the day the MFC are hated like Hawthorn.
  15. It's not the external review I was hoping for Df. But better than nothing, we wait with baited breath for the results.
  16. They play finals 90% of the time that makes them a power house in my world LDC. We should be so poor.
  17. Contrary to most on here I don’t mind the Blues. I grew up in Bendigo which was there zone. The teams I dislike the most are Adelaide and then Essendon. If you had been to a windy hill game when they played there you would hate them. Feral supporters that make the Pies look good. I see Robo in the Hun this morning suggesting it might be time for Hird to return. How can anyone suggest that the drug cheat coach should ever be back at a club. It beggars belief.
  18. Thanks dd. I did get the email but had not been on here Since, believe it or not PM yesterday was a busy time. Have a great day.
  19. With the reduction in staff numbers and people working less than 5 days a week I have cut them a little slack this year DJ. They will have had plenty of time to think about season 2021. Let's see how they perform next season.
  20. Sorry to here HB. In those circumstances when there may be games you cannot go to I understand completely. I hope your situation improves soon.
  21. I know 2 supporters who had memberships this year. If they cannot go to games this year they won't be buying a membership. Well one has said he will buy a 3 game membership or similar. I suspect there are thousands out there with this attitude.
  22. Funny because we are both doing the same thing. But sadly all members or more importantly future members for 2021 do not think this way. A large number have the attitude of what's in it for me.
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