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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I am in the kill zone 58er. The games will be a tv events for me till at least July. I would rather be alive. Happy for you to push the envelope. My membership is paid so the club will get the money wether I go or not.
  2. I think we should immediately get on the phone to Tom Brady. He has got a perenial loser into the Super Bowl. We need him desperately.
  3. WA election is the week before so he will carry on being the tough guy till then.
  4. I would not worry DS. There will be lots of oldies like me that won't be tempting fate and not going. You will get in no trouble. You can have my spot for starters.
  5. Hi pates agree para 1 and 3. Yes that was said last year they are just saying it again so it looks like something has happened. We should locate to Casey full time this year. As for getting the Pies to Vic Park it will never happen. If you where the Pies would you? On top of that the council does not want them back. They would lose the public space. That is the problem for us with at Goschs. IMO if it was not public park land it would be built by now.
  6. Hi pates agree para 1 and 3. Yes that was said last year they are just saying it again so it looks like something has happened. We should locate to Casey full time this year. As for getting the Pies to Vic Park it will never happen. If you where the Pies would you? On top of that the council does not want them back. They would lose the public space. That is the problem for us with at Goschs. IMO if it was not public park land it would be built by now.
  7. Interesting that since we moved to Casey we have had little comment in the Hun. Dogs and Saints seems to getting all the attention. Too far for reporters to travel and no reports on here for them to pinch. Not sure if that is good or bad!
  8. It did have a smile face on it . Oh well you cannot win them all.
  9. Randolf Hearst once said " news is something that someone does not want read the rest is unpaid advertising."
  10. I thought someone would miss the humour Rif.
  11. I see the ladies are copying the men's team! Giving sides a first quarter start . Amazes me how often both teams don't seem switched on from the start.
  12. I think the option list Is 1 SWYL
  13. I received voting forms etc yesterday via post. It has a brief summery about each candidate. Mailed it back this morning.
  14. I voted for new guy but I doubt he will get in. MFC member are a fairly conservative lot.
  15. Jeff Kennet. Agree LH I am giving them the chance to show that they can walk the walk as they have done plenty of talking over the years.
  16. This is a test for both LH. Until proven otherwise I have faith in JK and the Hawks. Let’s see how it pans out. Anything less than a big suspension will leave the “family club”moto in ruins.
  17. You are not alone Bbo. Especially when the players are all warned on numerous occasions. As I have often said being able to play football well does not make a rocket scientist.
  18. Correct but they fill a gap and I used to enjoy going to them a couple of times myself. But alas none this year.
  19. Me too Kent however this year I opted out. The ones I wea around 2005 - 8 as they are much bigger than recent ones and I like the colours better than recent years were the red looked maroon for some years. Will be just my luck that the win the flag this year and I won't have a scarf. Still it would be a easy problem to bear.
  20. Not sure if that is aimed at me dd.but I never said anything about him.
  21. I don't think we have done it as long as the Tigers which does not look good.
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