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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I gave up trying to work out the AFL a decade ago.
  2. If he only plays 5 games this season we can assume we bought a pig in a poke.
  3. As soon as they say 426 you know it is double that.
  4. I would stay well clear. Ring the club and check.
  5. I was going to flout it in my lounge room. Take that AFL!
  6. I doubt you are alone Soidee, if we lose the first three I will be close to the same.
  7. So no improvement on 2020. That would be the end of Goodwin and Bartlett. Did Simon make it to the end of the season?
  8. And moves to the MFC after they finish 9th again. Bartlett says we must get the best.
  9. Very good binman, best of luck I think us oldies are doomed. The Virus has been sent to rid the world of us.
  10. They have put us oldies in the bin OD.
  11. I am clinging to the hope that adding two good assistants will improve the overall coaching result. But I have zero confidence.
  12. If you were a neutral supporter DJ would you go to game of none finalists from the previous year? Is there anyone out there that is that desperate to go to a game? I will be surprised if there are more than 25k at this game. It will make a good case for those who were crying out for it to be moved to The dome. If you take the emotion out of where games are played we should play most of games at the dome.
  13. Well pf I agree with all items from 1-5 especially no. 5.
  14. Nice of you to say Dr. But everyone reaches a point where time catches up with you. 2021 had better be a good year.
  15. Most of that may be true Praha and like you I don't share the government's Rosie forecast on when the vaccinations will be completed. However I am in kill zone and while there is any chance I am not taking it. TV for me in 2021.
  16. That is the funniest line I have seen this month!
  17. Don’t take that as 100% LH. Just what I have heard.
  18. I don’t think it is possible LH. My friends at Richmond have been told me if you order together you will get seats together full stop.
  19. Dr I don’t think any of the regular 30k+ members or people on here pay their membership because of the benefits of getting into games being their major reason. I have paid my membership year in year out no matter what. I have paid it when I was unable to attend more than a few games. I paid it this year when I doubt I will go to a game this year. I don’t buy my membership on the basis of what I get. If that were the case I would have stopped paying 25 years ago. As my age mounts there will be a point where I will lose interest. When the membership get regularly above 50k I figure I will not be needed any longer.
  20. While Max gets large numbers of hit outs not a lot of them are well directed. You seldom see him hit one of our players and some teams rove his hit out very well.
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