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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. It’s a Essendrug home game I hope it’s less.
  2. This must be the strangest thread for at least 2021. Much to do about nothing.
  3. Be a bit more generous doc. A month might be more appropriate.
  4. I heard the Weid kicked six goals in two quarters he played against May. Well I did have a nanny nap this afternoon!
  5. That's not the way I read it bing but I will bow to your superior knowledge. I have had Astra and waiting impatiently for second one. It seems to me that what the experts don't know is in front of what they do know.
  6. I will be astounded if I have to eat h pie in this case Mr. Leg. What do you see that I don’t?
  7. Just I case I had any confidence left in government advice it was destroyed this morning by two items in the media. one study from the UK says that you are better off having a second dose of the Astra vaccine than having a second of the Pfizer vaccine. And a study from Germany which says the reverse. Now I know that this is all very new and they are only doing their studies on the run but who do you believe? It might be just easier to hibernate somewhere for the next two years till we know.
  8. Adelaide passed their latest one on to us DJ.
  9. I just want to get the population vaccinated to the point where we can travel around the country without having to worry about being locked out of home. Feel that if a do contract the virus I have a good chance of survival and have something approaching a new" normal" life. But I feel the government on all levels has failed me.
  10. tu you are obviously onto this in a bigger than normal way. Are you involved in the medical industry ? Can you see why the vaccination effort is faltering? As normal suspicion is more believable than science fact.
  11. Just did ManDee, however my scepticism only grows by the day. I was a big promoter amongst my friends and family based on what the advise given by some pollies and health experts. That advise is now looking a little less than sound. I will keep my mouth shut from now on.
  12. No. 5 does not worry me but 1-4 are taking there toll.
  13. Have you noticed how few pollies are making comments about getting vaccinated! It is mainly the medico chiefs. Perhaps the pollies don’t want to be accused of recommending suspect vaccines in the future. The day is not too far away till the Astra vaccine is removed from use. What do then I start again?
  14. Neither of us in the discussion are in RACF super. We are luck to be in our 70’s who can still cut it in the real world. The over arching feeling amongst my friends is we did as told and got the Astra vaccine. Since then it has slid down the confidence scale. Most of my friends now believe we were sold a pup.
  15. Sorry for my stupidity but what is RACF?
  16. And they wonder why people are reluctant.
  17. What if we moved there ? Is that 8,8 million for 11 games? Let’s move to Alice Springs.
  18. I agree with the majority of the above tu. But there is one problem and that is the changing recommendations. A few short weeks ago the Astra vaccine was fine, then people under 40 should not have it, then under 50 now over 60 it is ok. It is not hard to see why people are suspicious, their attitude is what next no one should have it? Now I have had the first dose and will have the second ASAP. But i now don’t blame people for being extra cautious. This whole thing has been rushed for good reason but we are seeing some of the “benefits “ of that rush. PS. Am friend said to me this morning looks like all us oldies are getting the second grade one, I guess we don’t matter, the nursing home residents all over again.
  19. So you don't want to win the next game?
  20. There is no one in the league that would pay him 650 or anything close. If there is then they would on that basis be prepared to cough up a decent draft pick for him. Take it and run is my hope.
  21. Probably there now just not saying to keep people signing up.
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