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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Well it looks very much like another year to wait for a flag if nothing changes.
  2. Rubbish the majority were free kicks to the dogs. Blaming the umpires is a poor excuse. The umpire was not kicking for goal. The simple fact is the Dogs played better and they have match winners on the day, we did not. Remember that old one. When the going gets tough the tough get going.
  3. Can I borrow that one chook?
  4. I never understand when you lose games to lowly teams then lose to a grand finalist that things are ok! They are clearly not or we would have won.
  5. Well it ain't the brand that is going to win a flag Max!
  6. " Which we will" that's confidence Praha. I think the Sun's have as good a team as Hawthorn and we could not beat them. If we don't win you can put down your glasses for 2021.
  7. Seriously from the way the world is going I don't want to come back even for a Dee's flag.
  8. Sadly in winter that is usually the case.
  9. No he would complain 4 games a year are played in the wet and the dome of death home teams have an advantage.
  10. Why? I would rather play it in WA, SA or QLD than at the G with no one there.
  11. I am hoping to go to both the last two, fingers crossed.
  12. Does it matter pf? We can't go so I don't care where it is played. It is not as though the G is a good place for us to play. Without crowds we have IMO no better chance of winning there versus anywhere else.
  13. Spot on the dogs know what they can do and use it. We are too nice in this area and play by the rules. Our coaching leaves a bit to be desired on this area. I don't believe it cost us the game just made the dogs score a a goal or two higher.
  14. Well the Dees are doing one thing well. No whinging about fixture changes Inspite of the large financial losses. We are just get on with it. We are now living in an era never seen in modern times. The likes of Scott make me anger.
  15. The simple answer I think was they were both too good for our players LH.
  16. Fatigue, we have been trying red hot since March and the biscuit supply is running low. That and again a crap reserves season where players have to be chosen without much form if you replace a senior player. E.G. if you rest Jackson who do you pick from a reserves squad that has not played for three weeks. While we all enjoyed the long no loss stretch it is biting us now.
  17. I think that is behind the AFL talking to WA. They have the info that there will not be spectators at Victorian games any time soon. Games at the G and across the tracks for Rugby were the big spreader events in this last wave. Sad for the Dees but the finances will take further hits every week before the season ends in 6 weeks time.
  18. They look like something the cat dragged in. Based on the last 6 weeks they will struggle with GCS. A number look tired to me.
  19. Sound of a gunshot shortly afterwards....
  20. What I was meaning was with no crowds in Vic and unlikely to be in the next couple of weeks does it matter where we play?
  21. He was a month ago. I have not seen any comment about him since. Of course Casey are not playing so who knows. Still out with injured heel 2-3 weeks so I guess BB stays in as no alternative.
  22. To the average person this looks like they are guessing.
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