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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Funny I was thinking of arriving just before half time DJ. My grand daughters are dropping hints about going with me but the little one is too young she will be bored in about 15 mins. From what I read on the email the program looks a little sketchy. Not sure what to expect besides a replay of the game and presentation of players afterwards.
  2. Perhaps Jeep want to get on board after being given the cold shoulder by the tigers. Colours might be a bit of a problem. To be honest I think we need a higher volume car company, you would think they have a bigger promotional budget than Jag.
  3. I try to stay positive but is a longer running saga than Blue Hills. ( A long running soap opera on radio before most of you were born. )
  4. Still have it delivered everyday DD. You get the digital version as well.
  5. Just goes to show if the product is not right ( Jeep have poor reputation for quality and service) no amount of sponsorship will make the product sell.
  6. I see a story in today's hun about Richmond going green. It seems Jeep is no longer a sponsor. From the article it is not certain who flung who. With going green does that mean Richmond has requested no night games? Because think of all coal produced electricity that is used on night games. Surely they could not be party to that!
  7. I would not be surprised if they pulled out rpfc. Jaguar / Land Rover have been doing poorly in the market. Could be the next to leave the Australian market. They could hardly blame the MFC for poor coverage.
  8. Genuine question how do you know that is where you will be sitting?
  9. Seems a profit opportunity to good to miss.
  10. Basically says Gawn was a tigers supporter as a kid and Dimma keep seeing him at McKinnon secondary college and Ormand Amos. They tried to get him to the tigers via his agent but Max had signed on for melb. Then Roos came on board. To be honest I think it is a bit of a nothing story. I don't believe Max ever seriously considered it.
  11. That requires a subscription fee! Fairly small $1/ person.
  12. While I am still going I must admit that as the time increases since GF day My enthusiasm is waning. I suspect there while be a number of members who will not turn up due to the weather, family activities before Christmas etc. I wonder if the catering will be open 30k plus is a lot of hungry people at that time of the day after watching a full replay of the game.
  13. Hmm I think the 40K is a number the club has considered to cover most Vic members. We have quite a few members interstate and some Victorians wont go because it is the busy period before Christmas. I will be surprised if any Victorian members who want to go miss out.
  14. Spot on LDC. We live in times not seen since WW11.
  15. It would appear she is just the sort of bean counter we need.
  16. You are expecting sound logic DD fairly confident that does not always apply.
  17. I spent yesterday with a group of Richmond supporting friends. I wore my premiers hat all day yesterday not a lot was said but I know they were not enjoying it. Ha ha they are on the downward trip and they know it.
  18. I don’t have problems, I was just commenting on people who are from the older group who are not as tech savvy as others. Just part of life in the 21st century. If you don’t have a smart phone life can be difficult.
  19. And yet we won the flag!!!
  20. In my case you could be 100% correct BDA.
  21. Of course, your faith is waning already rjay?
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